Outdoor News


Gov. Ricketts proclaims Nebraska top turkey hunting destination

Jared McJunkin, Gov. Ricketts, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Deputy Director Tim McCoy, and Micaela Rahe at the Capitol.

Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation on April 2 declaring Nebraska the Best Turkey Hunting Destination in the United States.

The governor signed the proclamation in a ceremony at the Nebraska Capitol and presented it to Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Deputy Director Tim McCoy, who was joined by Jared McJunkin and Micaela Rahe of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

“Hunting brings family and friends together in a way that encourages appreciation for our natural world,” Ricketts said. “Nebraska welcomes hunters from across the nation to our beautiful state, creating an $848 million annual economic impact in Nebraska, fueling the economy of towns large and small and supporting nearly 9,000 jobs.”

Several factors contribute to hunters’ fondness of turkey hunting in the Cornhusker State, including abundant turkey populations and long seasons. Read more.

Walleye egg collections begin April 2

Fisheries staff at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission again this spring will capture spawning walleyes to collect eggs to meet stocking requests.

Sherman Reservoir, Merritt Reservoir and Lake McConaughy have again been selected locations for this operation. The collection goal to meet 2018 walleye stocking requests is approximately 88 million eggs (700 quarts).

As of April 1, a designated area along the dam at Sherman is closed to bank anglers and boats following sunset. The collection at Sherman will begin the night of April 2. Anglers and boaters are asked to avoid Nebraska Game and Parks boats and nets. Read more.

Bighorn sheep lottery applications begin April 16

Bighorn sheep on a hillside

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will accept applications for a 2018 bighorn sheep lottery permit beginning April 16. Only Nebraska residents are eligible.

The application period ends Aug. 3, and the permit will be drawn Aug. 16. A $29 nonrefundable application fee must accompany each application.

Apply at a Nebraska Game and Parks office or at the Game and Parks website. The 2018 bighorn sheep season is Nov. 27-Dec. 22.

Take the 2017 fall turkey hunting survey

Attention turkey hunters: The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission would like to learn more about your hunting experiences during the 2017 fall turkey season.

Hunters who participated in the 2017 spring turkey season and who provided Game and Parks with an email address when they bought their permits were emailed a survey. Hunters who did not receive a survey via email are invited to spend a few minutes completing the survey. It is available online.

The information gathered during this survey will be used to estimate total harvest during the spring season and determine your satisfaction and opinions on aspects of your hunting experience. The results will then be used to inform turkey harvest management in the coming years. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission thanks you for your time and participation.

Learn traditional rifle marksmanship at Project Appleseed event

Learn traditional rifle marksmanship skills in a safe, family-friendly environment at the Project Appleseed clinic April 15 at Platte River State Park’s Roger G. Sykes Outdoor Heritage Complex.

Project Appleseed events teach traditional rifle marksmanship skills while reconnecting Americans of all ages and backgrounds to the people and events of our nation’s founding.

Only .22 rimfire rifles will be allowed at this daylong event (Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 rifles not allowed). Participants will learn the six steps to firing a shot, natural point of aim, steady hold factors, and much more. Participants must be at least 8 years of age.

The fee is $10. Register or get more information online. A park entry permit is required.


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