Let’s Camp Kansas!



Let’s Camp Kansas!PRATT – Kansas weather will get better, we promise. And after the past several months we’ve endured, we understand why those who crave outdoor experiences are more than ready to get out. It’s what our parents called “cabin fever.” Whatever you call it, there is one indubitable cure ­– camping at a Kansas state park.

Just in time to accommodate the masses suffering from cabin fever, Kansas’ 26 state parks will celebrate “Let’s Camp America!” with free park entrance on May 5, 2018. Sponsored by America’s State Parks, “Let’s Camp America!” is in its fourth year, and is designed to showcase the wide array of healthy activities available to campers in state parks with hopes of engaging new audiences, including youth, millennials, diverse communities and urban citizens.

On May 5, 2018, you can get into any Kansas state park for free (camping fees still apply). And you can enjoy an array of special events and activities planned, including OK Kids Day events at Meade, Webster, Cheney, Cross Timbers and Fall River state parks; and a Backyard Barbeque Competition at Elk City State Park. OK Kids Day events provide a host of outdoor activities for families and are designed to give youngsters hands-on experiences in outdoor recreation. Events are added daily, so be sure to check out the events calendar at ksoutdoors.com, or call your favorite state park office for up-to-date information.

Kansas state parks feature 10,000 campsites; more than 100 rental cabins; 500 miles of hiking, biking and horse trails; water access for boating and fishing; and the beauty of nature. Find your big fish story, paddle, hike, watch the sunrise, make s’mores and count stars. There are endless experiences waiting for you whether at a campsite, in a cabin or in your RV. To reserve a cabin or a campsite, and download maps and brochures featuring the state parks of your choice, visit ksoutdoors.com.

For more information about Let’s Camp America!, go to www.stateparks.org.


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