Learn to fish for bass in Montrose


MONTROSE, Colo. – Learn to fish for smallmouth bass from the experts at a free evening seminar, 6:30-8:30 p.m., May 20, at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife office in Montrose, 2300 S. Townsend Ave.

From CPW staff, anglers will learn about bass biology and behavior, and the best places to find bass in ponds and reservoirs. They’ll also talk about the type of equipment, lures and bait to use and the best techniques to land bass.

Bass fishing is popular at Ridgway Reservoir where there are no bag or possession limits on this species. Bass are delicious and nutritious, and CPW encourages anglers to keep the bass they catch.

For more information or to register for the seminar, contact: Dawn Bresett at 970-252-6000, or at [email protected].


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