KWPT Commission To Host Virtual Meeting on April 23


PRATT – Due to concerns related to COVID-19, the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission will conduct its next public meeting through a Zoom video conference on April 23, 2020. In addition to new business, items originally scheduled for the cancelled March 26, 2020 meeting will be discussed. The public is invited to participate in the meeting, which will begin at 1:30 p.m., recess at 5 p.m., and reconvene at 6:30 p.m. for a public hearing. Time will be set aside for public comment on non-agenda items at the beginning of both sessions, and members of the public will have opportunities to provide comment on agenda items throughout the meeting.

Interested parties may participate in the April 23 meeting through one of three following methods:

A) Log Into Zoom

  1. Visit
  2. Register by entering your first and last name, and email address.
  3. Once registered, you will be provided a link to “join the meeting.”
  4. Visitors will be muted upon entering the meeting. To comment or ask a question, type into the chat area.

B) Call In

  1. Call: 1-877-853-5257
  2. When a meeting ID is requested, enter: 600702380#
  3. When a participant ID is requested, enter: #
  4. For comments or questions, email: [email protected]

C) Watch Live Video/Audio Stream

  1. Individuals may watch a live video/audio stream of the meeting on

The afternoon session will begin with an agency and state status report, as well as a 2020 legislative session update. Then, a general discussion will take place on electronic records for fur dealers and falconry regulations.

Workshop topics – items that may be voted on at a future commission meeting – will follow, with furbearer regulations and deer seasons on Fort Riley being presented.

Commissioners will then recess by 5 p.m. and reconvene at 6:30 p.m. to vote on the following:

  • Sandhill crane season dates and management unit boundaries
  • 2020-2021 Waterfowl season dates
  • Duck hunting zones
  • Antelope season
  • Elk season
  • Quartering of big game carcasses
  • The use of lock-draw devices during the archery season
  • Deer season

To see recommendations for regulations that will be voted on, including waterfowl season dates, visit

If necessary, the Commission will reconvene at 9 a.m. on April 24 through the same Zoom link to complete any unfinished business. Should this occur, time will again be set aside for public comment on both non-agenda and agenda items.

Information about the Commission, including the April 23 meeting agenda and briefing book, can be downloaded at

If notified in advance, the Commission will have an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request an interpreter, call the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may request other accommodations by contacting the Commission secretary at (620) 672-5911.

The next KWPT Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 2020 at the New Strawn Community Center in Burlington.



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