Kansas Native Plant Society to Host 2015 Annual Wildflower Weekend


LAWRENCE – Wildflower enthusiasts from across Kansas are encouraged to meet in Manhattan on September 25-27 for the Kansas Native Plant Society’s 37th Annual Wildflower Weekend (AWW). Those attending the three-day event will enjoy opportunities to explore and learn about the native plants in the northern Flint Hills.

Six unique sites will be visited, including the Konza Prairie and Tuttle Creek Lake, and attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers Kelly Roccaforte and Shelly Wiggam, doctoral candidates at Kansas State University, as they discuss their prairie pollinator research projects.

The annual meeting, speaker presentations, awards ceremony, and silent auction will take place Saturday evening.

For more details on this event, and to register, visit www.kansasnativeplantsociety.org/annual_event.php


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