PRATT – Once common across the Kansas prairies, antelope, or pronghorn, now only inhabit the far western third of the state with a few remnant populations in the Flint Hills and the Red Hills. In the western counties, the population is healthy where suitable shortgrass prairie is found and numbers support limited hunting seasons. It is a popular and unique big game hunting experience for Kansas hunters, who must enter a lottery drawing for firearm and muzzleloader permits. The online application deadline is June 9, 2017.
Three management units are open to antelope hunting, Units 2, 17 and 18 with 180 firearm permits and 50 muzzleloader permits available to Kansas residents and nonresident tenants only. Demand is high and preference points, which are awarded to unsuccessful applicants, are required to draw general resident permits.
Applications can be made online by visiting or by calling 620-672-0728. Hunters may apply for either a general resident permit, a landowner/tenant permit, a youth permit, or purchase a preference point.
Firearm and muzzleloader permit prices (including application and online convenience fees) are as follows: General Resident Application – $62.50, Resident Landowner/Tenant Application – $37.50, Resident Youth Application (age 15 and under) – $22.50, Nonresident Tenant Application – $97.50, Preference Point only –$11.50.
Antelope archery permits are sold over the counter and are available to residents and nonresidents: General Resident – $52.50, Resident Landowner/Tenant – $27.50, Resident Youth (age 15 and under) – $12.50, Nonresident Tenant – $87.50, Nonresident – $302.50, Nonresident Youth (age 15 and under) – $102.50.
The 2017 Archery Season is Sept. 23-Oct. 1 and Oct. 14-31. Muzzleloader Season is Oct. 2-9, and the Firearm Season is Oct. 6-9.