LINCOLN, Neb. – Spring turkey hunters are eager to get back in the woods each year. They should not be so eager they overlook safety, though.
“Hunting continues to be one of the safest recreational activities there is, but there are a few things to remember as you match wits with a smart tom turkey,” said Jackson Ellis, Nebraska Hunter Education coordinator.
Ellis has the following safety reminders for turkey hunters:
• Always keep the shotgun’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction with the safety on. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have positively identified your target and are ready to fire.
• Always identify your target before taking a shot and be sure to have a safe backdrop. Never shoot at sounds, movement, through thick brush or at sky-lined game.
• Avoid wearing white, blue or red while turkey hunting as those colors often are displayed by male turkeys in the spring.
• Be prepared for any condition, as weather can change quickly in the spring.
• Ticks can be prevalent as the weather warms. Check yourself for ticks after a day afield, especially along waistbands and hair. Products such as permethrin, when used correctly, can keep ticks at bay.
“Be sure to get out in the field and enjoy this special time of year in pursuit of some of my favorite wild game,” Ellis said. “When applicable, take someone hunting and introduce them to the thrill of gobbling spring turkeys.”
For more information on wild turkeys and hunting them in Nebraska, visit
Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at or 402-471-5008.