Commission Permits To Fund Conservation Projects


Seven lucky non-profit, conservation-based organizations will each receive a Kansas deer permit this year, courtesy of the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Commission Big Game Permit program. The organizations were drawn during KDWPT’s first public meeting of the year, held on Jan. 5 at the Flint Hills Technical College in Emporia. The permit program, which received 142 eligible applications in 2016, allows Kansas-based nonprofit organizations that actively promote wildlife conservation and the hunting and fishing heritage to apply for a permit. If drawn, the organizations can then use the permit to raise money for the organizations’ conservation efforts, with 15 percent of the sales going directly to the chapter and 85 percent going to KDWPT to be spent on mutually agreed-upon conservation projects. An organization is eligible to receive only one Commission big game permit in a three-year period.

The following organizations were drawn by the Commission to receive a 2017 Commission Big Game Permit:

National Wildlife Turkey Federation (NWTF) – Kansas City Spurs Chapter

NWTF – Decatur County Thunder Chickens Chapter

Ducks Unlimited – Maize Chapter #161

Pheasants Forever – Johnson County Chapter

Quail Forever – Lyon County Chapter #3224

Pheasants Forever – Ringneck Renegades Chapter #647

Quail Forever – Marion County Chapter #3064

Information on how and when each chapter plans to make their permit available to the public for purchase will be provided on at a later date.

For more information on the Commission Big Game Permit program, contact the Commission Secretary at (620) 672-5911 or visit


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