Commission Big Game Permits Raise Funds For Conservation


If you belong to a Kansas-based nonprofit organization that actively promotes wildlife conservation and the hunting and fishing heritage, the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission Big Game Permit is a fundraising opportunity you don’t want to miss. Applications are being accepted now for a total of seven premium hunting permits that could include one elk, one pronghorn antelope and up to seven deer permits, depending on choices made by the winning groups. The permits are valid statewide during any season with equipment legal for that season, and deer permits are valid for either white-tailed or mule deer.

Once drawn, vouchers can be sold to the highest bidder to raise money for the organization’s conservation efforts. Fifteen percent of the sale price goes directly to the chapter and 85 percent is remitted to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) to be spent on mutually agreed-upon conservation projects. If Kansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry (KSHFH) draws a permit, not less than 15 percent of the funds raised are remitted to KDWPT with 85 percent staying with KSHFH.

Once drawn, organizations first pay KDWPT the permit fee and then are issued a voucher. The final recipient of the voucher remits it to KDWPT and is issued a big game permit. Permits may be issued to resident and nonresident hunters.

Only one permit per organization will be awarded; however, individual chapters of the same organization may receive permits in the same year. A chapter or organization is eligible to receive only one Commission Big Game Permit in a three-year period.

In 2014, 99 applications were received, and the organizations raised a total of $57,515.

To apply, organizations must submit an application that includes a copy of their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, articles of incorporation, and mission statement, as well as the organization’s preference for an elk, antelope or deer permit. Applications can be downloaded from KDWPT’s website,; enter “2016 Commission Big Game Permit Application” in the search box. Mail applications to Sheila Kemmis, Commission Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, 512 SE 25 Ave., Pratt, KS 67124.


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