Applications for Youth Bonus Antlerless Deer Hunts due August 14


Beginner deer hunters have a unique opportunity to participate in one of four bonus antlerless deer hunts that will take place on private land in Osage County (Oct. 2-4, 2015), Ellis County (Oct. 23-24, 2015), Love County (Oct. 16, 2015, orientation on Oct. 15, 2015), and Carter County (Nov. 20-21, 2015).

This year, 49 youths will be selected to receive one of the bonus private lands antlerless deer gun permits. To be eligible, youths must have completed their hunter education requirements prior to applying and must be 12-17 years old at the time of their scheduled hunt.
“These hunts are on private property and should provide young hunters a great opportunity to see some deer as well as a chance to harvest a doe,” said Bill Dinkines, assistant chief of wildlife for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. “The Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission has endorsed the youth hunt program, and we are thankful for the landowners’ willingness to allow these kids the opportunity to hunt on their property.”
To apply for a hunt, applicants must submit an application online at or submit (mail or walk-in only) a 3-by-5-inch index card with the following information:

  • Hunter’s first and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Hunter education certification number
  • Lifetime license number, if applicable
  • Accompanying adult* first and last name
  • List of hunts by order of preference**

*Each child participating in this hunt must have an adult (licensed or unlicensed) who is at least 21 years of age accompany them on the hunt.

**List the hunt(s) you wish to apply for by order of preference (Please do not list any hunt that you are not interested in or know in advance you cannot attend.)

Envelope should be addressed to Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Attn.: Wildlife Division “Private Lands Youth Deer Hunts,” P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK 73152. Walk-in applications will be accepted at 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City. All applications must be received by Friday, Aug. 14, 2015.

Antlerless deer taken by selected applicants during these hunts will be considered a bonus deer and will not count toward the hunter’s statewide season limit.

Applicants who are successfully drawn will receive a notification letter in the mail that includes specific information about their hunt and the deadline for purchasing required license(s) as listed below:


Resident Options (Ages 12-15):

Lifetime Hunting or Lifetime Combination License


$10 Controlled Hunts Private Lands Youth Deer License***


Resident Options (Ages 16-17):

Lifetime Hunting or Lifetime Combination License


Resident Youth Annual Hunting + $10 Controlled Hunts Private Lands Youth Deer License***


Resident Youth Fiscal Year Hunting + $10 Controlled Hunts Private Lands Youth Deer License***


Nonresident Options (Ages 12-17):

Controlled Hunts Nonresident Private Lands Youth Deer License***
***NOTE: The $10 resident or the $201 nonresident Controlled Hunts Private Lands Youth Deer Hunt Licenses will be issued in lieu of the open season license and must be purchased through the Wildlife Department’s Central Office, 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City. No Apprentice Licenses will be allowed due to the Hunter Education requirement.

For more information, call Doug Schoeling at (405) 590-2584.


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