A New and Improved Kids’ Fishing Day scheduled for Quivira June 2


Enjoy the outdoors with the whole family with a fishing trip to Quivira National Wildlife Refuge during the annual Kids’ Fishing Day on Saturday, June 2.

This year’s event will offer games and activities to run concurrently with fishing, beginning at 9:30 am.  This is a free event for children 14 years of age and younger and their families.

Participants need to arrive to register at the Kids’ Fishing Pond, just west of the Visitor Center, between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m.  After a brief welcome by staff, the anglers will try their luck fishing at Quivira’s Kids’ Fishing Pond.  Fishing poles, bait and guidance are provided on loan at no charge.  All children who catch a fish will receive a photo card with their picture, along with the weight and length of their catch.

The Friends of Quivira will provide a hot dog lunch, followed by drawings for door prizes.  The event concludes just after noon.

Advance registration is required.  For more information or to register, contact the refuge at 620-486-2393.


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