Outdoor Extravaganza To Be Held At Lovewell


Lovewell State Park staff is sponsoring the Annual Lovewell Fun Day on Saturday, August 6. The day’s events begin with 5K and 10K Predict Walk and Run, with registration opening at 7 a.m. The co-ed mud and sand volleyball tournaments follow at 10 a.m. There is an eight-team limit for the double-elimination tournaments and a $20 entry fee per team is required. Pre-registration for the mud volleyball tournament can be completed at the park office by Thursday August 4. The sand volleyball tournament is new this year and will be conducted at the Pioneer Day Use Area. Teams should pre-register  for the sand volleyball tournament by August 4 through the tournament’s sponsor, the Lovewell Marina and Grill, (785) 753-4351.

Other events scheduled for Lovewell Fun Day include a sandpile treasure hunt at the Pioneer Day Use Area playground at 11 a.m., and a rock/paper/scissors tournament at the mud volleyball area at noon.

For more information, call the Lovewell State Park office at (785) 753-4971. A vehicle permit is required to enter Lovewell State Park. Daily permits can be purchased for $5.00 and annual permits for $25.00.


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