Nursing students join honor society, prepare for Haiti trip


Bethel College

NORTH NEWTON, KAN. – Bethel College Director of Nursing Geraldine Tyrell was the keynote speaker for the annual induction ceremony for the student nurses’ honor society Sigma Theta Tau.

The induction took place Nov. 9 at Wichita State University. Nine Bethel seniors received their Sigma Theta Tau cords: Lani Astorga, Wichita, Kylie Blaylock, Towanda, Melissa Dodge, Wichita, Katrina Horner, La Junta, Colorado, Nichole Ilderton, Wichita, Jera Mason, Wichita, Jennifer Reed, Newton, Kelly Reimer, Hesston, and Asha Williams, Wichita.

Tyrell’s topic for her address was “Nursing Crosses Borders.”

Tyrell will be taking her sixth group of students to Haiti in December, as soon as final exams are over.

She’s excited, she says, to have 17 senior nursing students going this year, the largest group ever.

As usual, the students have been raising money this fall to buy infant formula to take along to Hôpital Ste. Therese in Hinche, Haiti, where they will have their cross-cultural exposure experience.

Although Haitian nurses and nurse-midwives strongly support and encourage breastfeeding, sometimes new mothers or babies are too ill (particularly if infants are born prematurely) for that.

This year’s Haitian meal – which will be Dec. 4 in the Fellowship Hall of Bethel College Mennonite Church in North Newton – will have a special guest present: Wildy Mulatre, a health-care administrator in Hinche and surrounding areas.

Mulatre is a Bethel graduate, honored this year as one of five outstanding alumni whose pictures and brief bios appear in a special area in Schultz Student Center. He and his family have hosted the groups of nursing students as well as other Bethel groups who have visited Haiti.

Reservations for the fundraising meal are due by Nov. 30 by calling Tyrell at 316-284-5340 or e-mailing [email protected].

There are 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. seatings for the meal, with a menu that includes Soup Joumou (squash soup), Boulette (Haitian meatballs), Red Pea Sauce and Rice and Haitian Cake, among other items.

Local caterer Pandea Smith is the chef. A $25 donation is suggested.



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