You Just Shot What?


Steve GillilandI figure I’ve written this outdoor column long enough by now that I’ve earned license to ramble a little, so here goes. Most of you have heard by now, whether you’re outdoor enthusiasts or not, that a bald eagle was found shot to death this week near Marion Reservoir. Each winter several hundred bald eagles migrate through Kansas. They like our big reservoirs and rivers and they like to roost in the trees that line the north branch of the Cottonwood River where it flows into Marion Reservoir. It is a federal offence to kill any eagle or other raptor or to possess their parts, nor can you capture one without a special permit, so killing this eagle could earn the simpleton who did this upwards of a five thousand dollar fine and a year in the slammer. Although I have no idea why someone would shoot an eagle of any variety, I can picture a couple scenarios.
I work at a local nursing / retirement home and occasionally arrange programs for the residents. A few years ago I persuaded some friends from the Kansas Hawking Club to come and bring a few of their hawks for show and tell. As I was advertising the event I talked to an old farmer I’ll call Kurt who lived in one of the apartments there. When I told him about the hawks, he replied “They just all need shootin’!” Evidently he’d lost a chicken or two over the years to marauding hawks or owls, which happens occasionally, but is by no means the norm. Bald eagles follow migrating geese and eat mostly wounded or dying waterfowl and fish, not chickens, dogs or cats. But I can picture some farmer who had lost poultry over the years to hawks or owls spotting a bald eagle perched in a tree near his farm and deciding it looked mighty nice in the crosshairs of a rifle scope.
Another scenario I picture simply involves guys hangin’ out, maybe enjoying a little liquid refreshment and deciding someone should shoot an eagle just to see if they could get away with it. Lots of stupid deeds by groups of people begin with the four little words “Here, hold my beer!” Bald eagles, as protected and regal as they are, would make pretty easy targets to the many unethical and unprofessional slob hunters that seem to roam the woods anymore.
I know from working in the prison for ten years that many prison inmates are animal lovers, so if they catch the guy who shot this eagle I guess we can always hope he becomes a popular guy in the pokey, if you know what I mean Anyway, I guess I’ve ranted enough, so If this old man can get down off his soapbox without fallin’ on his head, I’ll help you again next week Explore Kansas Outdoors.
Steve can be contacted by email at [email protected].


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