The Harvey County Extension Office will host the event “How to age gracefully” on Feb 23


Aging is an inevitable and unavoidable process that affects each and every one uniquely. Aging brings on many changes as a person develops throughout the lifespan. The way in which you take care of yourself through the years both physically and mentally will impact the way in which you age. Many of our lifestyle behaviors and choices are integrated, thus there is a strong association between healthy lifestyles, prevention, and longevity.

Want to learn about how to age gracefully? The Harvey County Extension Office is having an event on Thursday February 23rd at 7 pm in the Courthouse basement.

We will be talking about the 12 Keys to Embracing Aging. What are those keys? They are Positive Attitude, Eating Smart and Healthy, Physical Activity, Brain Activity, Social Activity, Tuning into the Times, Safety, Knowing Your Numbers, Stress Management, Financial Affairs, Sleep and Taking Time for Yourself.

Some of these you might have mastered, but if you don’t have all of them mastered, join us on February 23rd at 7 pm to learn how to age more gracefully and help prolong your life!


Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183

source: k-state research & extension


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