The Citizens’ Collective for Creative Placemaking


Hutchinson, Kan. (2-20-2015) – The Citizens’ Collective for Creative Placemaking will ask the

Hutchinson City Council to establish a public art program at the council’s upcoming meeting on

March 3rd, 2015.

The Citizens’ Collective for Creative Placemaking (CCFCP) was established in the fall of 2014 with

the intent to develop a strategy to gather support and create a proposal for the establishment of

a public art program in the city of Hutchinson.  CCFCP’s membership is composed of artists,

business owners, community leaders and other members of the arts community in Hutchinson.

The CCFCP is advised by Justin Combs, Meryl Dye, Jana McCarron and Jim Seitnater, all

employees of the City of Hutchinson.

The proposal before the city council will call for adoption of a percent-for-art ordinance

instituting the program.  Highlights of the proposal include the establishment of a seven-

member Public Art Design Council as well as a Public Art Trust Fund.  The fund, administered by

the council, will be supported by monies gathered from capital improvement projects involving

public buildings, parks and streetscapes which will set aside one percent of their budgets for

public art.

CCFCP defines public art as art that is in the public realm for the enjoyment and inspiration of

diverse populations.  Similar art programs around the region have contributed to the economic,

social and cultural vitality of communities through the enhancement of public spaces to build

awareness of community history, identity and geography.  Public art programs have been

attributed to building capacity for artists and art-related industries as well as fostering

cooperation between the public and private sectors.

CCFCP believes that the establishment of Public Art Trust Fund (and Public Art Design Council to

administer it) will create and integrate diverse artworks into Hutchinson’s landscape with

expectations that it will result in a vibrant visual environment that provides public places with

civic distinction as well as fostering meaningful connections between people and the places they


Artists and their supporters are encouraged to attend the 9:00 am City Council meeting at City Hall, located at Avenue B

between Poplar and Walnut Streets, on March 3rd, 2015 to provide the council to show their support of public art in Hutchinson.

Information about CCFCP’s proposal, public art in Hutchinson and or the potential impact of a public art program in

Hutchinson can be provided upon request or by visiting  To inquire about additional

information, schedule interviews with members of the CCFCP or voice your organization’s support, you may contact

Charles Johnston at [email protected].  He will forward your requests to the appropriate member of the

CCFCP for the most accurate information and perspectives possible.


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