Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show Schedule Adds Cruise, April 15th


Ag Heritage Park is making plans to host its 6th annual Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show, in Alta Vista, on Saturday, April 15th. The 2017 Show Day has a new schedule this year, including a tractor cruise to round out the day. The Parade of Power cranks up the day starting at 9:30 a.m.

Registration for the parade, show and cruise begins at 8:00 a.m., with no registration fees. The public is welcome to join in the Parade of Power gathering about 9:30 at the Ag Heritage Park parking lot. When the tractors return to the Park after the Parade of Power the tractors will be on display until 2:00 p.m. Immediately following the parade an introduction of the tractor owners is planned when the tractor owners will get a chance to tell the story of their tractor. A tractor cruise, new to the schedule, will begin at 2:00 p.m.

Ag Heritage Park and the visiting tractor owners enjoy showing their tractors to the public, young and old alike. A variety of tractors, equipment and garden tractors is expected for the Show, in addition to the 40 plus tractors on display in the Park, ranging in age from 1918 to 1960. The Show also typically includes several stationary engines displays that add to the days extraordinary exhibits.


A barn quilt block drawing will be held at 2:00 p.m., with tickets available in advance, and show day prior to 2:00 p.m. The 4’ x 4’ barn quilt ticket donations will benefit Ag Heritage Park, where the Park is home to four barn quilts, which are listed with the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail. Connie Larson painted and donated the block called “Lucky Phenomena.” The winner does not have to be present.


Lunch, snacks and drinks will be available all day on the grounds. Ag Heritage Park exhibits are handicap accessible and golf carts are available to tour the Park.


Ag Heritage Park will be open tractor show day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Besides viewing the tractors in the show, visitors may “step back in time” and tour the many exhibits of agricultural history in the Park. The Park features a large display of horse drawn equipment, as well as other farm equipment dated from the 1800’s through the mid-1960’s. Also on the grounds are an 1885 era one room school house, a two room farm house, and a log cabin, along with other farm outbuildings. Two museum buildings include a complete display of household items, miscellaneous farm memorabilia and machinery.


Admission to the Park, which is a 501c3 corporation, is by donation, used for park upkeep and maintenance. Along with gate donations Ag Heritage Park welcomes Corporate Sponsors who are vital to Ag Heritage Park remaining open to the public


For more information concerning the Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show on Saturday, April 15th, or to schedule individual visits or bus tours to Ag Heritage Park on future dates, please call Kirby Zimmerman, 620-767-2714 or Hazel Zimmerman, 785-482-3865. Visit www.AgHeritagePark.com and Facebook for the latest updates. Ag Heritage Park is located at 103 S. Main, the south edge of Alta Vista.



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