Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center announces February graduates


YODER – Fifty-six new law enforcement officers were congratulated by Chief Richard Johnson of the University of Kansas Medical Center Police Department during their graduation from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on Feb. 6.

The new officers were members of the 232nd basic training class at the center. Located one mile west and one mile south of Yoder, near Hutchinson, the center is a division of University of Kansas Continuing Education.

The graduates, who began their training Oct. 13, 2014, represented 39 municipal, county and state law enforcement agencies from across Kansas.

Graduates receive certificates of course completion from KLETC and Kansas law enforcement certification from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority. The training course fulfills the state requirement for law enforcement training. Classroom lectures and hands-on applications help train officers to solve the increasingly complex problems they face in the line of duty.

Established by the Kansas Legislature in 1968, the center trains the majority of municipal, county and state law enforcement officers in Kansas and oversees the training of the remaining officers at seven authorized and certified academy programs operated by local law enforcement agencies and the Kansas Highway Patrol.

About 300 officers enroll annually in the 14-week basic training program. The center offered continuing education and specialized training to as many as 5,600 Kansas officers each year. Funding for the training center is generated from court docket fees from municipal and state courts. No funds from the state’s general revenue are used to operate the center.

Graduates who granted permission to release their names are listed below by agency.

Barton County
Great Bend Police Department; Jacob Williamson; patrol officer; Great Bend; Barton County


Bourbon County

Fort Scott Police Department; Drew Bryant; patrol officer; Fort Scott; Bourbon County

Fort Scott Police Department; Derick Burke; patrol officer; Fort Scott; Bourbon County


Butler County

Butler County Sheriff’s Office; Patrick Forman; deputy; El Dorado; Butler County

Andover Police Department; Donnell Hadley; patrol officer; Andover; Butler County

Butler County Sheriff’s Office; Timothy Harder; deputy; El Dorado; Butler County

Andover Police Department; Allison Rehak; patrol officer; Andover; Butler County


Cherokee County

Columbus Police Department; Corky Hicks; patrol officer; Columbus; Cherokee County
Cowley County

Cowley County Sheriff’s Department; Chad McGathy; deputy; Winfield; Cowley County


Douglas County

University of Kansas Police Department; Ridge Bunde; patrol officer; Lawrence; Douglas County

University of Kansas Police Department; Kendall Freeman; patrol officer; Lawrence; Douglas County


Edwards County

Edwards County Sheriff’s Department; Zane Martin; deputy; Kinsley; Edwards County


Ford County

Dodge City Police Department; Ashley Moyer; patrol officer; Dodge City; Ford County

Dodge City Police Department; Ruben Vela; patrol officer; Dodge City; Ford County


Geary County

Junction City Police Department; Rafael Marrero; patrol officer; Junction City; Geary County


Harvey County

Newton Police Department; Joshua Hulse; patrol officer; Newton; Harvey County

Newton Police Department; Travis Rindt; patrol officer; Newton; Harvey County


Jackson County

Jackson County Sheriff’s Department; Brittany Clarke; deputy; Holton; Jackson County


Kingman County

Kingman Police Department; George Ontiveros; patrol officer; Kingman; Kingman County


Leavenworth County

Tonganoxie Police Department; Christopher Haney; patrol officer; Tonganoxie; Leavenworth County

Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office; David Lathrop; deputy; Leavenworth; Leavenworth County

Lansing Police Department; Gregory Rader; patrol officer; Lansing; Leavenworth County

Leavenworth Police Department; Ward Richards; patrol officer; Leavenworth; Leavenworth County

Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office; Jonah Wise; deputy; Leavenworth; Leavenworth County


McPherson County

McPherson Police Department; Michael Fear; patrol officer; McPherson; McPherson County

McPherson Police Department; Kelsie Klotzbach; patrol officer; McPherson; McPherson County


Osage County

Burlingame Police Department; James Lovett; Assistant Chief; Burlingame; Osage County


Pottawatomie County

Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office; Crystian Torres; deputy; Westmoreland; Pottawatomie County


Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Kirk Andrews; Natural Resource Officer; Pratt; Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Clinton Johnson; Natural Resource Officer; Pratt; Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Eric Kilburg; Manager; Pratt; Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Cody Morris; Natural Resource Officer; Pratt; Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Angie Reisch; natural resource officer; Pratt; Pratt County

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism; Daniel Snyder; park ranger; Pratt; Pratt County

Reno County

Reno County Sheriff’s Office; David Dozier; deputy; Hutchinson; Reno County

Hutchinson Police Department; Robert Jarmer; patrol officer; Hutchinson; Reno County

Hutchinson Police Department; Jonathan Rosario; patrol officer; Hutchinson; Reno County


Republic County

Republic County Sheriff’s Department; Jerald Callahan; deputy; Belleville; Republic County


Saline County

Salina Police Department; Katelyn Conn; patrol officer; Salina; Saline County

Salina Police Department; Taylor Cook; patrol officer; Salina; Saline County


Scott County

Scott City Police Department; Jorden Funk; patrol officer; Scott City; Scott County


Sedgwick County

Derby Police Department; Kirk Brown; patrol officer; Derby; Sedgwick County

Derby Police Department; Rooshad Irani; patrol officer; Derby; Sedgwick County

Bel Aire Police Department; Bailey Menges; patrol officer; Bel Aire; Sedgwick County
Shawnee County

Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office; Tevyn Harmon; deputy; Topeka; Shawnee County

Kansas Attorney General; Tonya Richard-Hutchings; special agent; Topeka; Shawnee County


Sherman County

Goodland Police Department; Zachary Mader; patrol officer; Goodland; Sherman County


Sumner County

Conway Springs Police Department; Kelley Zellner; patrol officer; Conway Springs; Sumner County


Washington County

Washington County Sheriff’s Department; Grant Ottinger; deputy; Washington; Washington County


Wyandotte County

Kansas City Public Schools Police Department; Kala Corethers; patrol officer; Kansas City; Wyandotte County

Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department; Andrew O’Neal; deputy; Kansas City; Wyandotte County

Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department; Brett Stevens; deputy; Kansas City; Wyandotte County

Kansas City Public Schools Police Department; Sherri Wash; patrol officer; Kansas City; Wyandotte County.


Editors: Graduates represent Barton, Bourbon, Butler, Cherokee, Cowley, Douglas, Edwards, Ford, Geary, Harvey, Jackson, Kingman, Leavenworth, McPherson, Osage, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Reno, Republic, Saline, Scott, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Sherman, Sumner, Washington and Wyandotte counties.


Contact: Lisa Webster, Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, 620-694-1505, [email protected]


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