January ideal time to view bald eagles


The nation’s symbol can be spotted in Kansas throughout winter

PRATT – Winter temperatures may have you hunkered down, but Kansas skies will soon give you a reason to look up. Throughout the months of December and January, the nation’s symbol, the bald eagle, can be viewed in Kansas, and with the right know-how, you might spot more than one. Because their diet consists primarily of waterfowl, fish, and carrion, bald eagles can commonly be seen along major river courses and reservoirs this time of year as severe weather pushes the large birds south. Look for them roosting in tall trees along the shoreline, especially near open water or large concentrations of waterfowl, or attend one of the organized eagle viewing events listed below.

2015 Eagle Day events:


The 27th annual Tuttle Creek Eagle Day will start at 9 a.m. at the Manhattan Fire Station, 2000 Denison Avenue, Manhattan, with a program about bald eagles nesting in Kansas. This will be followed by a live raptor program featuring hawks and owls and a mounted bald eagle. Free bus tours through areas near Tuttle Creek Lake will be given throughout the day. Knowledgeable bird watchers from the Northern Flint Hills Audubon Society will share information and assist with eagle viewing. Viewers should dress appropriately for the weather and bring binoculars and spotting scopes if they have them; however equipment will be available. There is no cost to attend. For more information, contact Steve Prockish at (785) 539-8511, ext. 3167.


Eagle Day at Milford Lake will begin at 9 a.m. at the Milford Nature Center, 3415 Hatchery Drive, Junction City. Programs featuring live raptors begin at 9:30 a.m. and will be repeated throughout the day. Bus tours will depart from the nature center parking lot beginning at 10 a.m., with the last tour departing at 3:30 p.m. Popcorn and hot chocolate will be available, as well as a kids’ tent with activities and crafts. There is no cost to attend. For more information call (785) 238-5323.


The Annual Kaw Valley Eagles Day will be hosted at Lawrence Free State High School, 4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Up to 20 exhibitors will provide hands-on activities for kids including dissecting owl pellets, making eagle head bands, exploring “what’s in it” boxes, checking out skins and skulls of prairie animals, and turning pennies into copper eagles. Presentations will also be given throughout the day. For more information and to view a list of presentations and times, visit www.kawvalleyeaglesday.com. There is no cost to attend.


Raptors Day will take place Saturday, Jan. 24 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., and Sunday Jan. 25 from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. at Schlagle Library, 4051 West Dr, Kansas City. Operation Wildlife volunteers will have live birds of prey on exhibit, including owls, hawks and falcons and will talk about the birds and their natural history. A craft area will also be available for children. Birdwatchers can enjoy viewing eagles and other water birds outside. For more information, please visit www.kckpl.org, or call (913) 299-2384.


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