Dining with Diabetes Wednesday, November 8th, 15th, 29th & December 6th 10 a.m.-Noon


Sedgwick County Extension Education Center

7001 W 21st N, Wichita, KS

Sponsored by K-State Research & Extension – Sedgwick County


Have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes?  Are you a caregiver to someone living with diabetes?  Do you need help making healthy food choices, but don’t know where to start?  We can help!  Attend this series of two-hour classes held once a week for four weeks. Lessons focus on planning meals and snacks with delicious healthy recipes; cooking demonstrations and food sampling; motivation and support; ideas for low-impact physical activity; and an understanding of how diabetes affects your overall health.  Classes will be held at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center, Sunflower Room at 21st and Ridge Road in Wichita.


Cost of the class is $35. Register online at http://sedgwick.ksu.edu or call 316-660-0100.



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