Beth Ireland, Greenwood County FCS Agent, presenting “Fixing Funky Foods” Class on April 12th


Have you ever tried to branch outside the box and try new and funky foods? Sometimes you get the food and you do not know how to cut or prepare it, other times you aren’t even sure how to cook it properly let alone to the right temperature when it comes to meats. If you have tried to fix these funky foods or you have been wanting to try new foods, then I have the class for you!

April 12th from noon-1 pm at the Courthouse Community room, I will have Beth Ireland, Greenwood County FCS Agent, presenting on “Fixing Funky Foods”. This lesson will be going over a variety foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins.

The word “Funky” has synonyms of curious, eccentric, out-of-the-way, and strange. The goal of this class is to help increase knowledge of a selection of foods and encourage trying a variety of foods.

Please RSVP by calling the office at 316-284-6930. It is over the noon hour, so please bring a sack lunch, water will be provided. Cost is $3, Walk Kansas Participants will get in free. Any questions let me know!


Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183


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