National 4-H Week Approaches


Nearly six million young people across the country will be celebrating National 4-H Week, which takes place annually during the first full week of October.


This National 4-H Week, Harvey County is proud to celebrate the #TrueLeaders that make our community great. Every child deserves to be recognized for the great things they are doing. So join us in celebrating them this October by shouting out the 4-H’ers who are #TrueLeaders in your community. 4-H’ers will be showing their pride by participating in contests and service events during National 4-H Week.


Harvey County 4-H will be hosting a poster, photo and window display contest for the week of October 1st through the 7th. Be sure to visit the Harvey County K-State Research and Extension Facebook page to vote for your favorite 4-H photo entry. Take a close look around the communities in Harvey County to see window displays and community service events happening this week.


The October, help us celebrate the 4-H program and positive impact that it has had on our communities. Our local 4-H program is a part of the nationwide 4-H program which is led by state land-grant universities in cooperation with local county/district extension councils. In Kansas, 4-H is the largest youth educational program, aside from public schools.


4-H is a community of young people, ages 5-18, across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults. 4-H provide youth education for life by implementing a learning by doing approach. 


National 4-H week also marks the start of a new 4-H year, which is a great time to get involved. Harvey County 4-H will host “4-H Sign-Up Day” on October 28th from 9am-noon at the Newton Rec Center. Anyone who would like more information about joining or volunteering with 4-H should stop by to learn more. Projects ranging from rabbits and goats to entomology and crafts will be on display, so come by and check out what our Harvey County 4-H members have been up to! Happy 4-H New Year!


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