Medicare Open Enrollment


Open Enrollment will officially start October 15 and will last through December 7 this year. All drug plans will then take effect January 1, 2018.


Some people think, “I do not need to review my options, I like my plan and I will stick with it.” What if I tell you that by making an appointment, starting in October, and reviewing your options you might be able to save anywhere from $25 to $130 dollars or more! (All savings depend on what plan you were on, what plan you switch to and what medication you are taking. Everyone’s savings are different.)


Also it is smart to review your drug plan because plans change from year to year and maybe this year the plan you are on doesn’t cover all your medication. If a plan doesn’t cover all your medication, then it costs you more out of pocket.


Now that I have you convinced to set up an appointment here are some of the locations and contact numbers for them. Please keep in mind, it is still September, but it is the perfect time to start planning. October 1 is the best time to start making those appointments:


K-State Research and Extension – Harvey County Office 316-284-6930
Asbury Park, Newton 316-283-4770 EXT 1101
Halstead Senior Center 316-835-2283 (call between 1PM-3PM)
HV CO Department on Aging, Newton 316-284-6880
Hesston Senior Center 620-327-5099
Grand Central, Newton 316-283-2222
Newton Presbyterian Manor 316-281-4363
Trinity Heights United Methodist Church, Newton 316-283-6410


Don’t forget, December 7th is the last day you can change your Medicare Part D plan and all plans take effect on January 1. Hope to see you soon in the office reviewing your drug plans!


Denise Barkley

Office Professional

K-State Research & Extension

Harvey County, Courthouse

PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Pho:  316-284-6930

[email protected]



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