Now we just got through the government finally deciding that milk only can come from animals. It is official that you cannot milk a soy bean or almond. And now we have to get back where our meat is raised since the COOL program has been dropped (COOL-Country of origin). Now we have scientists in a laboratory creating meat.
Yes they have created hamburger in a test tube. It claims to taste like beef, look like beef, and have the texture of beef, but do you know what it is made from? Fungus!
Now hold on I like fungus when it is in the form of a mushroom but nature creates that. Plus it is mighty tasty. But hamburger from fungus? NO!
Giant companies who create these ‘Frankin foods’ just irritate me to no end. Now is there not some good purpose that laboratories can be used for? We all know that the best food is that which comes from the land and as close to it as possible without a bunch of middle processes in it.
It bothered me when ‘test kitchens’ became ‘laboratories’. They tried to get us to eat bugs covering them in chocolate and even making flour out of them so they could bake you up some tasty cricket biscuits. NO THANK YOU.
I consider myself a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). In fact I am a second hand vegan. Cows eat grass, I eat cows.
Lets face it if the scientists keep inventing fake foods we will be eating Soylent Green just under a new name (for those who have seen the movie).
This mentality caters to the under educated or propagandized people Who believe that “we don’t need farmers or ranchers, we get our food from the grocery store.” And those who believe that you kill cows to get milk.
We have enough problems that really need laboratories to find solutions to. We don’t need them to make fake hamburger.
Now I think I will go out and throw some good buffalo grass onto the grill.


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