McPherson College Professor Hosts 8-Leg Event At Museum


McPHERSON, KAN. – Before you take a swat at that spider crawling up the wall, you might want to check out an event at the McPherson Museum presented by McPherson College Professor Dustin Wilgers.

Sometimes known as “Spider-Man,” Dr. Wilgers will be presenting Eight-Leg Adventure on October 28 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the museum, where you can learn about spiders and their arachnid relatives using fun hands-on activities. The adventure includes encounters with live animals, fun videos of spiders making outrageous dances, a chance to sense the world like a spider and even eat like a spider. There will even be an opportunity to leave with some awesome eight-legged prizes.

Dr. Wilgers, associate professor of biology, has been teaching at the college since 2011 and has been involved in research and presenting programs about spiders across the state. For more information about Dr. Wilgers and his programs, visit 8-Leg Education on Facebook.

“Come on this creepy advernture and I guarantee you will come away fascinated with these amazing creatures,” Professor Wilgers said. “These immersive, hands-on activities will allow you to experience spiders from a whole new perspective. I hope you have as much fun on this adventure as I had putting it together.”

The event is open to all ages and free to anybody who brings a non-perishable food item to be donated to the McPherson County Food Bank. The program is sponsored by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism’s Chickadee Checkoff Program.



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