Vegetable production

ISSN: 1931-2857

Released September 4, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

Asparagus Production Down 8 Percent from 2014
Strawberry Production Up 4 Percent from 2014
Onion Production Down 5 Percent from 2014
Contracted Processing Production Up 4 Percent from 2014

Production of the 2015 asparagus crop is forecast at 685,000 cwt, down 
8 percent from 2014. Area harvested, at 23,500 acres, is down 1 percent from 
last year. 

Strawberry production in the United States is forecast at 31.1 million cwt, 
up 4 percent from 2014. Area harvested, at 52,800 acres, is down 2 percent 
from last year. Strawberry yield is forecast at 588 cwt per acre, up 37 cwt 
from 2014.

Production of the 2015 onion crop is forecast at 69.1 million cwt, down 5 
percent from 2014. Onion growers expect to harvest 133,350 acres in 2015, 
down 4 percent from last year. Spring onion growers intend to harvest 
21,900 acres, down 18 percent from last season. Summer, non-storage onion 
growers expect to harvest 18,800 acres, down 2 percent from a year ago. 
Summer storage onion growers plan to harvest 92,650 acres in 2015, down 1 
percent from last season.

The 2015 contracted processing vegetable production for the four major 
processing crops (snap beans, sweet corn, green peas, and tomatoes) is 
forecast at 18.9 million tons, up 4 percent from last year. Production of 
processing tomatoes, at 14.9 million tons, is up 2 percent from last year. 
Snap bean production, at 728,360 tons, is up 10 percent from last year's 
production. Sweet corn production, at 2.86 million tons, is up 15 percent 
from last year. Green pea production, at 361,230 tons, is up less than 1 
percent from the previous year. Contracted area for harvest of the four major 
processing vegetable crops, at 970,270 acres, is 3 percent above 2014.


Asparagus Comments.................................................................................................  4

Asparagus Production - United States: 2005-2015 Chart..............................................................  4

Asparagus Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - States and United States: 2013, 
2014, and Forecasted 2015..........................................................................................  5

Asparagus Production, Price, and Value by Utilization - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015....................................................................................................  6

Strawberry Comments................................................................................................  7

Strawberry Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015.......  7

Onion Comments.....................................................................................................  8

Onion Area Planted and Harvested, and Yield by Season - States and United States: 2014 and Forecasted 2015.........  9

Onion Production and Shrinkage and Loss by Season - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 10

Onion Price and Value by Season - States and United States: 2013 and 2014.......................................... 11

Processing Crop Comments........................................................................................... 12

Contracted Area Harvested for Four Major Processed Vegetables - United States: 2008-2015 Chart..................... 13

Contracted Production for Four Major Processed Vegetables - United States: 2008-2015 Chart......................... 13

Processing Vegetable Area Harvested and Production by Crop - United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015 
(Domestic Units)................................................................................................... 14

Processing Vegetable Area Harvested and Production by Crop - United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015 
(Metric Units)..................................................................................................... 15

Snap Beans for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 16

Sweet Corn for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 17

Green Peas for Processing Area Planted, Contracted, and Utilization - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 18

Green Peas for Processing Area Harvested and Contracted - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 18

Green Peas for Processing Yield, Production, and Contracted - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 18

Tomatoes for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and 
Forecasted 2015.................................................................................................... 19

Statistical Methodology............................................................................................ 20

Information Contacts............................................................................................... 20

Asparagus Comments

Asparagus: Production from the 2015 asparagus crop is forecast at 
685,000 cwt, down 8 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 23,500 acres, 
is down 1 percent from 2014. Total value of the crop, at 75.7 million 
dollars, is up 3 percent from 2014. Fresh production of 530,000 cwt is down 
7 percent from a year ago. Processed production, at 7,750 tons, is down 
11 percent from 2014. Asparagus for canning, at 2,200 tons, is up 10 percent 
from last year. Frozen asparagus production of 5,550 tons is down 18 percent 
from 2014.

In California, drought conditions and lack of rain during the winter forced 
producers to start irrigation in March.  The harvest of the asparagus crop 
began in late February and was complete in most areas of the State by early 
June.  In Washington, asparagus acres continue a decade long trend of 
declining acres.

Asparagus Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value -
States and United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015
                :          Area planted          :         Area harvested         
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   
                :                              acres                              
California .....:  12,000     11,500     11,300     11,500     11,000     10,800  
Michigan .......:  10,300     10,300     10,000      9,000      9,000      8,900  
Washington .....:   4,500      4,000      4,000      4,000      3,800      3,800  
United States ..:  26,800     25,800     25,300     24,500     23,800     23,500  
                :         Yield per acre         :           Production           
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   
                :  ------------ cwt -----------     --------- 1,000 cwt --------  
California .....:      32         31         27        368        341        290  
Michigan .......:      23         24         26        206        220        228  
Washington .....:      47         48         44        188        182        167  
United States ..:      31         31         29        762        743        685  
      State     :         Price per cwt          :      Value of production       
                :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   
                :  ---------- dollars ---------     ------- 1,000 dollars ------  
California .....:  152.00     115.00     139.00     55,936     39,215     40,310  
Michigan .......:   90.50      93.20      87.00     18,640     20,505     19,844  
Washington .....:   95.10      75.40      93.30     17,872     13,721     15,584  
United States ..:  121.00      98.80     111.00     92,448     73,441     75,738  

Asparagus Production, Price, and Value by Utilization - States and United States:
2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015
    Utilization   :                           Production                            
        and       :-----------------------------------------------------------------
       State      :        2013         :        2014         :        2015         
                  :                            1,000 cwt                            
Fresh market      :                                                                 
California 1/ ....:          368                   341                   290        
Other States 2/ ..:          252                   227                   240        
United States ....:          620                   568                   530        
                  :                              tons                               
Processing        :                                                                 
Other States 2/ ..:        7,100                 8,750                 7,750        
United States ....:        7,100                 8,750                 7,750        
Canning .......   :        2,200                 2,000                 2,200        
Freezing ......   :        4,900                 6,750                 5,550        

    Utilization   :-----------------------------------------------------------------
        and       :         Price per unit         :      Value of production       
       State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   :   2013   :   2014   :   2015   
                  : ------- dollars per cwt ------    ------- 1,000 dollars ------  
Fresh market      :                                                                 
California 1/ ....:   152.00     115.00     139.00    55,936     39,215     40,310  
Other States 2/ ..:   101.00      92.00      94.00    25,396     20,876     22,560  
United States ....:   131.00     106.00     119.00    81,332     60,091     62,870  
                  : ------- dollars per ton ------    ------- 1,000 dollars ------  
Processing        :                                                                 
Other States 2/ ..: 1,570.00   1,530.00   1,660.00    11,116     13,350     12,868  
United States ....: 1,570.00   1,530.00   1,660.00    11,116     13,350     12,868  
Canning .......   : 1,720.00   1,680.00   1,660.00     3,784      3,360      3,652  
Freezing ......   : 1,500.00   1,480.00   1,660.00     7,332      9,990      9,216  
1/ Includes a small amount of processing asparagus.                                 
2/ Other States include Michigan and Washington.                                    

Strawberry Comments

Strawberries: Strawberry production in the United States is forecast at 
31.1 million cwt, up 4 percent from 2014. Area harvested, at 52,800 acres, is 
down 2 percent from last year. In California, warm weather led to an earlier 
harvest. While the drought has impacted plant growth, production and quality 
were reported to be good. 

Strawberry Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013, 2014,
and Forecasted 2015
[Includes fresh market and processing]
                :     Area Harvested      :   Yield per acre   :       Production        
Season and State:       :       :         :      :      :      :        :        :       
                : 2013  : 2014  :  2015   : 2013 : 2014 : 2015 :  2013  :  2014  : 2015  
                :-------- acres --------    ------ cwt ------    ------ 1,000 cwt ------ 
California .....:41,500  41,500   40,500    665    665    709    27,573   27,577  28,715 
Florida ........:10,600  10,900   10,900    220    190    200     2,332    2,071   2,180 
Oregon .........: 1,700   1,700    1,400     98     91    111       167      155     155 
United States ..:53,800  54,100   52,800    559    551    588    30,072   29,803  31,050 

Onion Comments

Spring onions: Production of spring onions in 2015 is forecast at 
6.50 million cwt, down 18 percent from last year. The crop covered 
21,900 harvested acres. The average yield, at 297 cwt per acre, is 2 cwt 
above 2014. In Texas, the 2015 season was very challenging due to cold 
temperatures and heavy rainfall experienced in the late spring and early 

Summer, non-storage onions: Production of non-storage onions is forecast at 
10.7 million cwt, up 15 percent from last year. Harvested area covers 
18,800 acres, down 2 percent from the previous year. In New Mexico, growing 
conditions for non-storage onions were reported to be good. 

Summer, storage onions: Growers expect to harvest 92,650 acres of storage 
onions this year, down 1 percent from last year. Despite issues with lack of 
water available for irrigation, California growers reported the crop to be in 
good condition throughout the season. Washington growers reported a very good 
growing season. 

2014 Storage onions, revised: The final tally of 2014 storage onion 
production is 55.7 million cwt, up 10 percent from 2013. The 2014 storage 
crop is valued at $566 million, an increase of 2 percent from 2013. Average 
price per cwt decreased from $12.10 in 2013 to $11.00 in 2014. With spring 
and non-storage summer onions added in, total value of the 2014 harvested 
onions is $934 million, down 4 percent from 2013.

Onion Area Planted and Harvested, and Yield by Season - States and United States: 2014
and Forecasted 2015
                          :    Area planted     :   Area harvested   :  Yield per acre   
     Season and State     :--------------------------------------------------------------
                          :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   
                          : ----------------- acres ----------------     ---- cwt ----   
Spring 1/                 :                                                              
    California ...........:   7,000      6,900      6,800      6,700     440       450   
    Georgia ..............:  12,000     12,300     11,000     11,200     235       240   
    Texas ................:  11,400     10,000      9,000      4,000     260       200   
    United States ........:  30,400     29,200     26,800     21,900     295       297   
Summer non-storage 1/     :                                                              
    California ...........:   8,000      7,700      7,800      7,500     480       535   
    Nevada ...............:     (D)        (D)        (D)        (D)     (D)       (D)   
    New Mexico ...........:   5,200      5,700      5,100      5,700     600       620   
    Texas ................:     (D)        (D)        (D)        (D)     (D)       (D)   
    Washington 2/ ........:   2,000      1,700      2,000      1,700     400       390   
    Other States 3/ ......:   4,400      4,300      4,250      3,900     382       626   
    United States ........:  19,600     19,400     19,150     18,800     482       567   
Summer storage            :                                                              
    California 4/ ........:  30,500     30,000     29,300     28,900     550       500   
    Colorado .............:   4,100      3,700      3,600      3,600     500       410   
    Idaho ................:   7,000      8,500      6,900      8,400     820       720   
    Michigan .............:   2,600      2,500      2,500      2,400     370       340   
    New York .............:   8,200      7,100      8,000      6,900     295       335   
    Oregon ...............:  19,700     18,500     19,600     18,400     726       638   
     Malheur county ......:   9,400      9,000      9,300      9,000     800       720   
     All other counties ..:  10,300      9,500     10,300      9,400     660       560   
    Washington ...........:  20,000     21,000     20,000     21,000     650       660   
    Wisconsin ............:   1,800      1,700      1,700      1,700     465       385   
    Other States 3/ ......:   1,600      1,400      1,600      1,350     482       447   
    United States ........:  95,500     94,400     93,200     92,650     597       561   
Total summer ..........   : 115,100    113,800    112,350    111,450     578       562   
All spring and summer .   : 145,500    143,000    139,150    133,350     523       518   
Processed 5/ ..........   :     (X)        (X)        (X)        (X)     (X)       (X)   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                         
(X) Not applicable.                                                                      
1/  Primarily fresh market.                                                              
2/  Includes Walla Walla and other non-storage onions.                                   
3/  Other States include Nevada and Texas for Summer Non-Storage Onions and Ohio and Utah
    for Summer Storage Onions.                                                           
4/  Primarily dehydrated processing.                                                     
5/  California only.                                                                     

Onion Production and Shrinkage and Loss by Season - States and United States: 2013, 2014,
and Forecasted 2015
[Blank cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                          :              Production              : Shrinkage and loss 6/  
     Season and State     :---------------------------------------------------------------
                          :    2013    :    2014    :    2015    :    2013    :   2014    
                          :                           1,000 cwt                           
Spring 1/                 :                                                               
    California ...........:    2,720        2,992        3,015                            
    Georgia ..............:    2,997        2,585        2,688                            
    Texas ................:    3,492        2,340          800                            
    United States ........:    9,209        7,917        6,503                            
Summer non-storage 1/     :                                                               
    California ...........:    3,822        3,744        4,013                            
    Nevada ...............:      (D)          (D)          (D)                            
    New Mexico ...........:    2,623        3,060        3,534                            
    Texas ................:      (D)          (D)          (D)                            
    Washington 2/ ........:      900          800          663                            
    Other States 3/ ......:    2,280        1,622        2,442                            
    United States ........:    9,625        9,226       10,652                            
Summer storage            :                                                               
    California 4/ ........:   11,700       16,120       14,450         250          250   
    Colorado .............:    1,700        1,800        1,476         190          198   
    Idaho ................:    7,380        5,658        6,048       1,110          410   
    Michigan .............:      810          925          816         113           65   
    New York .............:    2,015        2,360        2,312          40          151   
    Oregon ...............:   13,948       14,238       11,744       1,874        1,910   
     Malheur county ......:    7,848        7,440        6,480       1,020          670   
     All other counties ..:    6,100        6,798        5,264         854        1,240   
    Washington ...........:   11,600       13,000       13,860       1,160        1,040   
    Wisconsin ............:      810          791          655          49           44   
    Other States 3/ ......:      857          771          603          72           79   
    United States ........:   50,820       55,663       51,964       4,858        4,147   
Total summer ..........   :   60,445       64,889       62,616       4,858        4,147   
All spring and summer .   :   69,654       72,806       69,119       4,858        4,147   
Processed 5/ ..........   :    8,800       11,902          (X)         (X)          (X)   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                          
(X) Not applicable.                                                                       
1/  Primarily fresh market.                                                               
2/  Includes Walla Walla and other non-storage onions.                                    
3/  Other States include Nevada and Texas for Summer Non-Storage Onions and Ohio and Utah 
    for Summer Storage Onions.                                                            
4/  Primarily dehydrated processing.                                                      
5/  California only.                                                                      
6/  Shrinkage and loss for 2015 will be published in the "Vegetables 2015 Summary"        
    released February 2016                                                                

Onion Price and Value by Season - States and United States: 2013 and 2014
                          :        Price per cwt        :        Total value         
     Season and State     :----------------------------------------------------------
                          :     2013     :     2014     :     2013     :    2014     
                          :    ------ dollars ------        ---- 1,000 dollars ---   
Spring 1/                 :                                                          
    California ...........:     13.20          12.30         35,904         36,802   
    Georgia ..............:     44.10          41.90        132,168        108,312   
    Texas ................:     23.80          24.00         83,110         56,160   
    United States ........:     27.30          25.40        251,182        201,274   
Summer non-storage 1/     :                                                          
    California ...........:      6.40           7.00         24,461         26,208   
    Nevada ...............:       (D)            (D)            (D)            (D)   
    New Mexico ...........:     15.60          18.70         40,919         57,222   
    Texas ................:       (D)            (D)            (D)            (D)   
    Washington 2/ ........:     27.40          34.60         24,660         27,680   
    Other States 3/ ......:     32.50          34.10         74,076         55,249   
    United States ........:     17.10          18.00        164,116        166,359   
Summer storage            :                                                          
    California 4/ ........:      9.10          13.40        104,221        212,618   
    Colorado .............:     18.90          19.00         28,539         30,438   
    Idaho ................:     11.40           8.40         71,478         44,083   
    Michigan .............:     15.90          12.90         11,082         11,094   
    New York .............:     16.00          15.30         31,600         33,798   
    Oregon ...............:     11.90           8.70        143,256        106,334   
     Malheur county ......:     11.30           8.40         77,156         56,868   
     All other counties ..:     12.60           8.90         66,100         49,466   
    Washington ...........:     13.50           8.90        140,940        106,444   
    Wisconsin ............:     16.40          17.50         12,480         13,073   
    Other States 3/ ......:     12.00          10.50         10,289          8,115   
    United States ........:     12.10          11.00        553,885        565,997   
Total summer ..........   :     12.90          12.10        718,001        732,356   
All spring and summer .   :     15.00          13.60        969,183        933,630   
Processed 5/ ..........   :      8.32          13.33         73,216        158,654   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                     
1/  Primarily fresh market.                                                          
2/  Includes Walla Walla and other non-storage onions.                               
3/  Other States include Nevada and Texas for Summer Non-Storage Onions and Ohio and 
    Utah for Summer Storage Onions.                                                  
4/  Primarily dehydrated processing.                                                 
5/  California only.                                                                 

Processing Crop Comments

Snap beans: Contracted production of snap beans is forecast at 728,360 tons, 
up 10 percent from last year. Contracted harvested area is up 8 percent and 
yield is up 0.16 ton per acre from last year. In Pennsylvania, adequate and 
timely rainfall throughout the growing season coupled with moderate 
temperatures led to higher yields than last season.

Sweet corn: Contracted sweet corn production is forecast at 2.86 million 
tons, up 15 percent from last year. An increase of 10 percent in contracted 
harvested area is expected along with an increase in yield of 0.34 ton per 
acre from 2014. In Washington, weather conditions have been good for 
vegetable crops. In Minnesota, excellent yields were reported.

Green peas: Contracted production is forecast at 361,230 tons, up less than 1 
percent from last year. Area for harvest, at 164,900 acres, is down 
11 percent from 2014. The expected yield, at 2.19 tons per acre, is up 0.26 
ton per acre from a year ago. Area contracted for planting, at 176,300 acres, 
is down 9 percent from 2014. Area contracted for canning, at 80,600 acres, is 
up 2 percent from last year. Area contracted for freezing, at 95,700 acres, 
is down 16 percent from 2014. 

Tomatoes: Contracted tomato production is forecast at 14.9 million tons, up 
2 percent from last year. Contracted harvested area is up 2 percent and yield 
is up 0.64 ton per acre from last year. In California, growers reported that 
the crop looks very good overall.  

Processing Vegetable Area Harvested and Production by Crop - United States: 2013,
2014, and Forecasted 2015 (Domestic Units)
                            :                     Area harvested                     
            Crop            :     2013     :            2014             :   2015    
                            :    Total     :    Total     : Contract 1/  :Contract 1/
                            :                         acres                          
Snap beans .................:     149,770        159,070        151,440      163,970 
Sweet corn .................:     314,950        312,280        302,580      333,700 
Green peas .................:     178,300        187,600        185,200      164,900 
Tomatoes ...................:     277,000        306,100        302,100      307,700 
Total ......................:     920,020        965,050        941,320      970,270 
                            :                       Production                       
            Crop            :     2013     :            2014             :   2015    
                            :    Total     :    Total     : Contract 1/  :Contract 1/
                            :                          tons                          
Snap beans .................:     666,780        681,240        662,672      728,360 
Sweet corn .................:   2,551,830      2,567,820      2,481,390    2,855,340 
Green peas .................:     356,050        362,860        359,800      361,230 
Tomatoes ...................:  12,631,500     14,637,300     14,592,300   14,910,400 
Total ......................:  16,206,160     18,249,220     18,096,162   18,855,330 
1/ Includes acreage from major brokers.                                              

Processing Vegetable Area Harvested and Production by Crop - United States: 2013,
2014, and Forecasted 2015 (Metric Units)
                            :                    Area harvested                    
            Crop            :    2013    :            2014             :   2015    
                            :   Total    :    Total     : Contract 1/  :Contract 1/
                            :                       hectares                       
Snap beans .................:     60,610        64,370         61,290       66,360 
Sweet corn .................:    127,460       126,380        122,450      135,050 
Green peas .................:     72,160        75,920         74,950       66,730 
Tomatoes ...................:    112,100       123,880        122,260      124,520 
Total 2/ ...................:    372,320       390,550        380,940      392,660 
                            :                      Production                      
            Crop            :    2013    :            2014             :   2015    
                            :   Total    :    Total     : Contract 1/  :Contract 1/
                            :                     metric tons                      
Snap beans .................:    604,890       618,010        601,160      660,750 
Sweet corn .................:  2,314,970     2,329,470      2,251,070    2,590,310 
Green peas .................:    323,000       329,180        326,400      327,700 
Tomatoes ...................: 11,459,040    13,278,670     13,237,840   13,526,420 
Total 2/ ...................: 14,701,900    16,555,330     16,416,480   17,105,180 
1/ Includes acreage from major brokers.                                            
2/ Totals may not add due to rounding.                                             

Snap Beans for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States: 2013,
2014, and Forecasted 2015
                    :                                Area harvested                                
        State       :       2013        :                 2014                  :       2015       
                    :       Total       :       Total       :    Contract 1/    :   Contract 1/    
                    :                                    acres                                     
Illinois ...........:          (D)                 (D)                 (D)                (D)      
Indiana ............:        5,000               4,700                 (D)              4,000      
Michigan ...........:       17,800                 (D)                 (D)             16,000      
Minnesota ..........:          (D)                 (D)                 (D)                (D)      
New York ...........:       18,900              20,420              20,420                (D)      
Oregon .............:       10,550               8,500               8,500             11,900      
Pennsylvania .......:        7,900              11,400              10,600             11,100      
Wisconsin ..........:       59,800              64,100                 (D)             68,200      
Other States 2/ ....:       29,820              49,950             111,920             52,770      
United States ......:      149,770             159,070             151,440            163,970      

                    :         Yield per acre         :                 Production                  
                    :  2013   :  2014   :    2015    :  2013   :         2014         :    2015    
        State       :------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    :  Total  :  Total  :Contract 1/ :  Total  :  Total  :Contract 1/ :Contract 1/ 
                    :                                     tons                                     
Illinois ...........:    (D)       (D)         (D)         (D)       (D)        (D)          (D)   
Indiana ............:   2.90      3.00        3.70      14,520    14,100        (D)       14,800   
Michigan ...........:   4.33       (D)        4.00      77,100       (D)        (D)       64,000   
Minnesota ..........:    (D)       (D)         (D)         (D)       (D)        (D)          (D)   
New York ...........:   3.29      4.00         (D)      62,270    81,680     81,680          (D)   
Oregon .............:   6.34      4.10        6.40      66,850    34,850     34,850       76,160   
Pennsylvania .......:   2.74      3.01        3.55      21,630    34,310     32,480       39,410   
Wisconsin ..........:   4.99      4.87        4.70     298,570   312,280        (D)      320,540   
Other States 2/ ....:   4.22      4.08        4.04     125,840   204,020    513,662      213,450   
United States ......:   4.45      4.28        4.44     666,780   681,240    662,672      728,360   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                                   
1/  Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                           
2/  Includes data withheld above and/or data for States not listed in this table.                  

Sweet Corn for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and United States:
2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015
                  :                             Area harvested                              
       State      :      2013       :                2014                :       2015       
                  :      Total      :      Total       :   Contract 1/   :   Contract 1/    
                  :                                  acres                                  
Illinois .........:         (D)               (D)                (D)               (D)      
Minnesota ........:     118,700           109,400                (D)           114,300      
Oregon ...........:         (D)            23,200             23,200            25,400      
Washington .......:      64,400            69,400             69,400            82,100      
Wisconsin ........:      66,500            65,800             65,800            68,400      
Other States 2/ ..:      65,350            44,480            144,180            43,500      
United States ....:     314,950           312,280            302,580           333,700      

                  :        Yield per acre         :                Production                 
                  :  2013   :  2014   :   2015    :  2013   :        2014         :   2015    
       State      :---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :  Total  :  Total  :Contract 1/:  Total  :  Total  :Contract 1/:Contract 1/
                  :                                   tons                                    
Illinois .........:    (D)       (D)        (D)          (D)       (D)        (D)         (D) 
Minnesota ........:   6.74      6.85       7.25      799,720   749,440        (D)     828,680 
Oregon ...........:    (D)      9.50      10.10          (D)   220,480    220,480     256,540 
Washington .......:   9.96      9.98      10.32      641,320   692,600    692,600     847,270 
Wisconsin ........:   8.78      8.24       8.35      583,960   542,160    542,160     571,140 
Other States 2/ ..:   8.06      8.16       8.09      526,830   363,140  1,026,150     351,710 
United States ....:   8.10      8.22       8.56    2,551,830 2,567,820  2,481,390   2,855,340 
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                              
1/  Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                      
#2/ Includes data withheld above and/or data for States not listed in this table.             

Green Peas for Processing Area Planted, Contracted, and Utilization - States and
United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015
                        :                              Planted                              
  State and utilization :      2013      :              2014               :      2015      
                        :     Total      :     Total      :  Contract 1/   :  Contract 1/   
                        :                               acres                               
Delaware ...............:      5,100            5,000            5,000              (D)     
Minnesota ..............:     67,700           68,600              (D)           60,200     
Oregon .................:     21,100           19,600           19,600           12,600     
Washington .............:     45,000           40,800              (D)           40,600     
Wisconsin ..............:     37,800           37,700              (D)           36,200     
Other States 2/ ........:     11,180           24,000          168,600           26,700     
United States ..........:    187,880          195,700          193,200          176,300     
  Canning ..............:     74,200           79,900           78,800           80,600     
  Freezing .............:    113,680          115,800          114,400           95,700     
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                            
1/  Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                    
2/  Includes data withheld above and/or data for States not listed in this table.           

Green Peas for Processing Area Harvested and Contracted - States and United States: 2013,
2014, and Forecasted 2015
                        :                             Harvested                             
  State and utilization :      2013      :              2014               :      2015      
                        :     Total      :     Total      :  Contract 1/   :  Contract 1/   
                        :                               acres                               
Delaware ...............:      5,000            5,000            5,000              (D)     
Minnesota ..............:     60,800           64,000              (D)           52,300     
Oregon .................:     21,100           19,600           19,600           12,600     
Washington .............:     44,500           40,500              (D)           40,300     
Wisconsin ..............:     36,000           36,600              (D)           35,300     
Other States 2/ ........:     10,900           21,900          160,600           24,400     
United States ..........:    178,300          187,600          185,200          164,900     
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                            
1/  Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                    
2/  Includes data withheld above and/or data for States not listed in this table.           

Green Peas for Processing Yield, Production, and Contracted - States and United States: 2013, 2014, and
Forecasted 2015
                        :          Yield per acre           :                  Production                   
                        :   2013    :   2014    :   2015    :   2013    :         2014          :   2015    
  State and utilization :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        :   Total   :   Total   :Contract 1/:   Total   :   Total   :Contract 1/:Contract 1/
                        :                                       tons                                        
Delaware ...............:   2.16        2.26          (D)       10,800      11,300      11,300         (D)  
Minnesota ..............:   1.44        1.22         2.00       87,630      78,150         (D)     104,600  
Oregon .................:   1.91        2.11         2.20       40,300      41,430      41,430      27,720  
Washington .............:   2.75        2.92         2.55      122,380     118,440         (D)     102,765  
Wisconsin ..............:   2.10        1.93         2.20       75,550      70,640         (D)      77,660  
Other States 2/ ........:   1.78        1.96         1.99       19,390      42,900     307,070      48,485  
United States ..........:   2.00        1.93         2.19      356,050     362,860     359,800     361,230  
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                                            
1/  Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                                    
2/  Includes data withheld above and/or data for States not listed in this table.                           

Tomatoes for Processing Area Harvested, Yield, and Production - States and
United States: 2013, 2014, and Forecasted 2015
              :                             Area harvested                              
     State    :       2013       :                2014                :      2015       
              :      Total       :      Total      :   Contract 1/    :   Contract 1/   
              :                                  acres                                  
California ...:     260,000            289,000           285,000            293,000     
Indiana ......:       8,700              9,300             9,300              7,200     
Michigan .....:       3,200              3,400             3,400              3,300     
Ohio .........:       5,100              4,400             4,400              4,200     
United States :     277,000            306,100           302,100            307,700     

              :      Yield per acre       :                 Production                  
              : 2013  : 2014  :   2015    :   2013   :         2014         :   2015    
     State    :-------------------------------------------------------------------------
              : Total : Total :Contract 1/:  Total   :  Total   :Contract 1/:Contract 1/
              :                                  tons                                   
California ...: 46.54   48.48     49.49    12,100,000 14,010,000 13,965,000  14,500,000 
Indiana ......: 31.00   37.00     29.00       269,700    344,100    344,100     208,800 
Michigan .....: 34.00   38.00     28.00       108,800    129,200    129,200      92,400 
Ohio .........: 30.00   35.00     26.00       153,000    154,000    154,000     109,200 
United States : 45.60   47.82     48.46    12,631,500 14,637,300 14,592,300  14,910,400 
1/ Includes acreage from major brokers.                                                 

Statistical Methodology

Survey procedures: Grower and processor surveys are conducted in preparation 
for this report. Telephone follow-up of mail survey non-respondents is used 
to ensure adequate coverage. Other data are obtained via fax or personal 

Estimating procedures: Information obtained from the vegetable surveys along 
with administrative data is used to establish forecasts of area and 
production. These forecasts are reviewed for errors, reasonableness, and 
consistency with historical estimates.

Revision policy: Vegetable forecasts will not be revised. End-of-season 
estimates are made following harvest and are subject to revision the 
following year based on a thorough review of all available data.

Reliability: Survey indications are subject to sampling variability because 
all operations growing vegetables are not included in the sample. Survey 
results are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omission, 
duplication, imputation for missing data, and mistakes in reporting, 
recording, and processing the data. These errors cannot be measured directly, 
but are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection 
process and a careful review of all reported data for consistency and 

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics 
Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to

Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch...................................................... (202) 720-2127

Jorge Garcia-Pratts, Head, Fruits, Vegetables and Special Crops Section............... (202) 720-2127
     Vincent Davis - Fresh and Processing Vegetables, Onions, Strawberries, Cherries.. (202) 720-2157
     Fleming Gibson - Citrus, Coffee, Grapes, Sugar Crops, Tropical Fruits............ (202) 720-5412
     Greg Lemmons - Berries, Cranberries, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes ................... (202) 720-4285
     Dave Losh - Hops................................................................. (360) 709-2400     
     Dan Norris - Austrian Winter Peas, Dry Edible Peas, Lentils, Mint,
          Mushrooms, Peaches, Pears, Wrinkled Seed Peas, Dry Beans ................... (202) 720-3250
     Daphne Schauber - Floriculture, Maple Syrup, Nursery, Tree Nuts ................. (202) 720-4215
     Chris Singh - Apples, Apricots, Plums, Prunes, Tobacco .......................... (202) 720-4288

Access to NASS Reports

For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following 

 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and in the "Follow NASS" box under "Receive 
reports by Email," click on "National" or "State" to select the reports 
you would like to receive. 

For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
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