Quarterly Hogs and Pigs

ISSN: 1949-1921

Released June 26, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

United States Hog Inventory Up 9 Percent 

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on June 1, 2015 was 66.9 million 
head. This was up 9 percent from June 1, 2014, and up slightly from 
March 1, 2015.

Breeding inventory, at 5.93 million head, was up 1 percent from last year, 
but down 1 percent from the previous quarter.
Market hog inventory, at 61.0 million head, was up 9 percent from last year, 
and up 1 percent from last quarter. 

The March-May 2015 pig crop, at 29.6 million head, was up 8 percent from 
2014. Sows farrowed during this period totaled 2.85 million head, up 1 
percent from 2014. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 48 
percent of the breeding herd. The average pigs saved per litter was a record 
high 10.37 for the March-May period, compared to 9.78 last year. Pigs saved 
per litter by size of operation ranged from 8.00 for operations with 1-99 
hogs and pigs to 10.40 for operations with more than 5,000 hogs and pigs.

United States hog producers intend to have 2.91 million sows farrow during 
the June-August 2015 quarter, down 3 percent from the actual farrowings 
during the same period in 2014, but up 1 percent from 2013. Intended 
farrowings for September-November 2015, at 2.87 million sows, are down 
4 percent from 2014, but up 3 percent from 2013. 

The total number of hogs under contract owned by operations with over 5,000 
head, but raised by contractees, accounted for 46 percent of the total United 
States hog inventory, down from 48 percent last year. 


All inventory and pig crop estimates for June 2014 through March 2015 were 
reviewed using final pig crop, official slaughter, death loss, and updated 
import and export data. The net revision made to the December 2014 all hogs 
and pigs inventory was 2.5 percent. A revision of 4.3 percent was made to the 
September-November 2014 pig crop. A revision of 1.1 percent was made to the 
March 2015 all hogs and pigs inventory. A revision of 0.7 percent was made to 
the December 2014-February 2015 pig crop. 

This report was approved on June 26, 2015.

Secretary of Agriculture
Robert Johansson

Agricultural Statistics Board
James M. Harris

Hogs and Pigs Inventory by Class, Weight Group, and Quarter - United States: 2014 and 2015.................  4

Sows Farrowing, Pig Crop, and Pigs per Litter - United States: 2013-2015...................................  5

Pigs per Litter by Size of Operation - United States: 2014 and 2015........................................  5

Quarterly Litter Rate - United States......................................................................  6

Pigs per Litter by Size of Operation - United States: March-May 2015.......................................  6

Quarterly Sows Farrowed - United States....................................................................  7

Quarterly Pig Crop - United States.........................................................................  7

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: March 1, 2014 and 2015...................  8

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: March 1, 2014 and 2015........................  8

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: June 1, 2014 and 2015....................  9

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: June 1, 2014 and 2015.........................  9

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: September 1, 2013 and 2014............... 10

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: September 1, 2013 and 2014.................... 10

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: December 1, 2013 and 2014................ 11

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: December 1, 2013 and 2014..................... 11

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: December-February 2014 and 2015.. 12

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: March-May 2014 and 2015.......... 12

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: June-August 2013-2015............ 13

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: September-November 2013-2015..... 13

Monthly Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - United States: December-November 2014 and 2015..... 14

Statistical Methodology.................................................................................... 14

Reliability of June 1 Hog Estimates........................................................................ 15

Information Contacts....................................................................................... 15

Hogs and Pigs Inventory by Class, Weight Group, and Quarter - United States:
2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not
yet begun]
                                        :             :             :   2015 as   
                  Item                  :    2014     :    2015     :   percent   
                                        :             :             :   of 2014   
                                        :   ---- 1,000 head ----        percent   
March 1 inventory                       :                                         
  All hogs and pigs ....................:   61,494        66,634          108     
    Kept for breeding ..................:    5,851         5,982          102     
    Market .............................:   55,643        60,653          109     
  Market hogs and pigs by weight groups :                                         
    Under 50 pounds ....................:   17,336        18,959          109     
    50-119 pounds ......................:   15,487        16,949          109     
    120-179 pounds .....................:   12,538        13,530          108     
    180 pounds and over ................:   10,281        11,215          109     
June 1 inventory                        :                                         
  All hogs and pigs ....................:   61,568        66,900          109     
    Kept for breeding ..................:    5,855         5,926          101     
    Market .............................:   55,713        60,975          109     
  Market hogs and pigs by weight groups :                                         
    Under 50 pounds ....................:   18,254        19,455          107     
    50-119 pounds ......................:   15,801        17,181          109     
    120-179 pounds .....................:   11,491        12,810          111     
    180 pounds and over ................:   10,166        11,529          113     
September 1 inventory                   :                                         
  All hogs and pigs ....................:   65,979                                
    Kept for breeding ..................:    5,920                                
    Market .............................:   60,059                                
  Market hogs and pigs by weight groups :                                         
    Under 50 pounds ....................:   20,390                                
    50-119 pounds ......................:   17,458                                
    120-179 pounds .....................:   12,112                                
    180 pounds and over ................:   10,098                                
December 1 inventory                    :                                         
  All hogs and pigs ....................:   67,726                                
    Kept for breeding ..................:    5,939                                
    Market .............................:   61,788                                
  Market hogs and pigs by weight groups :                                         
    Under 50 pounds ....................:   19,801                                
    50-119 pounds ......................:   17,366                                
    120-179 pounds .....................:   12,980                                
    180 pounds and over ................:   11,641                                

Sows Farrowing, Pig Crop, and Pigs per Litter - United States: 2013-2015
[December preceding year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not
yet begun]
                        :           :           :           :2015 as percent of 
          Item          :   2013    :   2014    :   2015    :-------------------
                        :           :           :           :  2013   :  2014   
                        :  --------- 1,000 head ---------       -- percent --   
Sows farrowing          :                                                       
  December-February ....:   2,788       2,763       2,831       102       102   
  March-May ............:   2,806       2,810       2,850       102       101   
  December-May 1/ ......:   5,595       5,573       5,681       102       102   
  June-August 2/ .......:   2,890       2,991       2,915       101        97   
  September-November 2/ :   2,780       2,994       2,865       103        96   
  June-November 1/ 2/ ..:   5,670       5,985       5,780       102        97   
Pig crop                :                                                       
  December-February ....:  28,099      26,326      28,966       103       110   
  March-May ............:  28,921      27,495      29,563       102       108   
  December-May 1/ ......:  57,020      53,821      58,529       103       109   
  June-August ..........:  29,862      30,402                                   
  September-November ...:  28,253      30,633                                   
  June-November 1/ .....:  58,115      61,035                                   
                        :   ----------- number ----------       -- percent --   
Pigs per litter         :                                                       
  December-February ....:   10.08        9.53       10.23       101       107   
  March-May ............:   10.31        9.78       10.37       101       106   
  December-May .........:   10.19        9.66       10.30       101       107   
  June-August ..........:   10.33       10.16                                   
  September-November ...:   10.16       10.23                                   
  June-November ........:   10.25       10.20                                   
1/ May not add due to rounding                                                  
2/ Intentions for 2015.                                                         

Pigs per Litter by Size of Operation - United States: 2014 and 2015
[December preceding year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                       :             Pigs per litter on operations having 1/             
        Pig crop       :  1-99   : 100-499  : 500-999  :1,000-1,999:2,000-4,999: 5,000+  
                       :  head   :   head   :   head   :   head    :   head    :  head   
                       :                             number                              
2014                   :                                                                 
  December-February ...:  7.70       8.30       8.50       8.90         9.50       9.60  
  March-May ...........:  7.80       8.50       8.80       9.20         9.70       9.80  
  June-August .........:  8.00       8.70       9.10       9.50        10.00      10.20  
  September-November ..:  8.10       8.80       9.20       9.60        10.10      10.30  
2015                   :                                                                 
  December-February ...:  7.90       8.60       9.00       9.40        10.00      10.30  
  March-May ...........:  8.00       8.70       9.10       9.50        10.10      10.40  
  June-August .........:                                                                 
  September-November ..:                                                                 
1/ Pigs per litter rounded to the nearest tenth.                                         

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: March 1, 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :         Breeding          :          Market           :           Total           
                 :         :  2015   :2015 as:         :  2015   :2015 as:         :  2015   :2015 as
      State      :  2014   :         :percent:  2014   :         :percent:  2014   :         :percent
                 :         :         :of 2014:         :         :of 2014:         :         :of 2014
                 :     1,000 head     percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent
Colorado ........:    160       140      88       520       570     110       680       710     104  
Illinois ........:    500       490      98     3,750     4,210     112     4,250     4,700     111  
Indiana .........:    270       280     104     3,080     3,420     111     3,350     3,700     110  
Iowa ............:  1,010     1,030     102    18,490    19,570     106    19,500    20,600     106  
Kansas ..........:    170       175     103     1,460     1,665     114     1,630     1,840     113  
Michigan ........:    110       110     100       890     1,010     113     1,000     1,120     112  
Minnesota .......:    550       570     104     6,950     7,330     105     7,500     7,900     105  
Missouri ........:    355       400     113     1,995     2,450     123     2,350     2,850     121  
Nebraska ........:    400       420     105     2,600     2,680     103     3,000     3,100     103  
North Carolina ..:    870       890     102     6,930     7,610     110     7,800     8,500     109  
Ohio ............:    170       180     106     1,830     2,130     116     2,000     2,310     116  
Oklahoma ........:    430       440     102     1,520     1,730     114     1,950     2,170     111  
Pennsylvania ....:     95       100     105     1,015     1,020     100     1,110     1,120     101  
South Dakota ....:    170       165      97     1,020     1,135     111     1,190     1,300     109  
Texas ...........:    100       100     100       430       800     186       530       900     170  
Utah ............:     75        75     100       635       585      92       710       660      93  
Other States 1/ .:    416       417     100     2,528     2,738     108     2,944     3,154     107  
United States ...:  5,851     5,982     102    55,643    60,653     109    61,494    66,634     108  
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                 

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: March 1, 2014 and 2015
[Weight groups may not add to market inventory due to rounding]
                 :       Under       :      50-119       :      120-179      :    180 pounds     
                 :     50 pounds     :      pounds       :      pounds       :     and over      
      State      :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   
                 :                                  1,000 head                                   
Colorado ........:    270       280        95       100        75        90        80       100  
Illinois ........:  1,070     1,290     1,100     1,250       810       890       770       780  
Indiana .........:    890       950       880       960       620       710       690       800  
Iowa ............:  4,570     4,930     5,780     6,360     4,850     4,890     3,290     3,390  
Kansas ..........:    390       435       345       405       275       335       450       490  
Michigan ........:    275       280       190       230       225       260       200       240  
Minnesota .......:  2,490     2,530     2,000     2,020     1,480     1,550       980     1,230  
Missouri ........:    920     1,220       385       485       320       380       370       365  
Nebraska ........:    820       850       730       750       545       615       505       465  
North Carolina ..:  2,630     2,740     1,650     1,810     1,540     1,640     1,110     1,420  
Ohio ............:    580       640       555       630       465       510       230       350  
Oklahoma ........:    580       720       335       370       225       270       380       370  
Pennsylvania ....:    250       255       345       330       190       240       230       195  
South Dakota ....:    330       365       280       305       210       250       200       215  
Texas ...........:     80       215       105       210        75       200       170       175  
Utah ............:    290       255       130       105       110       120       105       105  
Other States 1/ .:    901     1,004       582       629       523       580       521       525  
United States ...: 17,336    18,959    15,487    16,949    12,538    13,530    10,281    11,215  
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                             

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: June 1, 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :         Breeding          :          Market           :           Total           
                 :         :  2015   :2015 as:         :  2015   :2015 as:         :  2015   :2015 as
      State      :  2014   :         :percent:  2014   :         :percent:  2014   :         :percent
                 :         :         :of 2014:         :         :of 2014:         :         :of 2014
                 :     1,000 head     percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent
Colorado ........:    160       145      91       530       555     105       690       700     101  
Illinois ........:    490       490     100     3,810     4,110     108     4,300     4,600     107  
Indiana .........:    270       270     100     3,230     3,330     103     3,500     3,600     103  
Iowa ............:  1,000     1,000     100    18,100    20,000     110    19,100    21,000     110  
Kansas ..........:    170       180     106     1,470     1,670     114     1,640     1,850     113  
Michigan ........:    110       110     100       880       990     113       990     1,100     111  
Minnesota .......:    570       550      96     7,080     7,500     106     7,650     8,050     105  
Missouri ........:    380       395     104     2,070     2,505     121     2,450     2,900     118  
Nebraska ........:    390       410     105     2,610     2,790     107     3,000     3,200     107  
North Carolina ..:    860       880     102     6,740     7,120     106     7,600     8,000     105  
Ohio ............:    165       185     112     1,805     2,185     121     1,970     2,370     120  
Oklahoma ........:    430       440     102     1,460     1,790     123     1,890     2,230     118  
Pennsylvania ....:    100       105     105     1,010     1,055     104     1,110     1,160     105  
South Dakota ....:    175       170      97     1,035     1,150     111     1,210     1,320     109  
Texas ...........:    100       105     105       570       765     134       670       870     130  
Utah ............:     75        75     100       645       635      98       720       710      99  
Other States 1/ .:    410       416     102     2,668     2,825     106     3,078     3,240     105  
United States ...:  5,855     5,926     101    55,713    60,975     109    61,568    66,900     109  
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                 

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: June 1, 2014 and 2015
[Weight groups may not add to market inventory due to rounding]
                 :       Under       :      50-119       :      120-179      :    180 pounds     
                 :     50 pounds     :      pounds       :      pounds       :     and over      
      State      :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   
                 :                                  1,000 head                                   
Colorado ........:    275       280       105       120        70        75        80        80  
Illinois ........:  1,220     1,270     1,160     1,210       770       850       660       780  
Indiana .........:    890       940       980       950       580       650       780       790  
Iowa ............:  4,890     5,100     5,640     6,380     4,470     4,820     3,100     3,700  
Kansas ..........:    410       430       360       495       260       325       440       420  
Michigan ........:    270       275       210       255       200       230       200       230  
Minnesota .......:  2,580     2,570     2,150     2,200     1,290     1,540     1,060     1,190  
Missouri ........:  1,005     1,255       405       475       315       370       345       405  
Nebraska ........:    840       860       770       765       510       615       490       550  
North Carolina ..:  2,750     2,830     1,590     1,650     1,230     1,320     1,170     1,320  
Ohio ............:    530       640       570       650       440       525       265       370  
Oklahoma ........:    620       740       350       380       180       270       310       400  
Pennsylvania ....:    275       290       340       335       190       220       205       210  
South Dakota ....:    345       405       265       320       205       215       220       210  
Texas ...........:    130       240       145       195       140       125       155       205  
Utah ............:    270       280       130       120       115       115       130       120  
Other States 1/ .:    954     1,050       631       681       526       545       556       549  
United States ...: 18,254    19,455    15,801    17,181    11,491    12,810    10,166    11,529  
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                             

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: September 1, 2013 and 2014
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :         Breeding          :          Market           :           Total           
                 :         :         :2014 as:         :         :2014 as:         :         :2014 as
      State      :  2013   :  2014   :percent:  2013   :  2014   :percent:  2013   :  2014   :percent
                 :         :         :of 2013:         :         :of 2013:         :         :of 2013
                 :     1,000 head     percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent  -- 1,000 head --   percent
Colorado ........:    145       155     107       555       555     100       700       710     101  
Illinois ........:    500       510     102     4,100     4,140     101     4,600     4,650     101  
Indiana .........:    270       280     104     3,430     3,320      97     3,700     3,600      97  
Iowa ............:  1,000     1,030     103    19,900    19,770      99    20,900    20,800     100  
Kansas ..........:    170       170     100     1,650     1,660     101     1,820     1,830     101  
Michigan ........:    110       110     100       940       920      98     1,050     1,030      98  
Minnesota .......:    550       550     100     7,150     7,200     101     7,700     7,750     101  
Missouri ........:    350       390     111     2,650     2,460      93     3,000     2,850      95  
Nebraska ........:    400       390      98     2,650     2,710     102     3,050     3,100     102  
North Carolina ..:    880       870      99     8,420     7,530      89     9,300     8,400      90  
Ohio ............:    165       170     103     1,925     1,910      99     2,090     2,080     100  
Oklahoma ........:    420       430     102     1,790     1,620      91     2,210     2,050      93  
Pennsylvania ....:    100       100     100     1,040     1,060     102     1,140     1,160     102  
South Dakota ....:    170       175     103       980     1,095     112     1,150     1,270     110  
Texas ...........:     85       100     118       505       670     133       590       770     131  
Utah ............:     80        75      94       660       645      98       740       720      97  
Other States 1/ .:    421       415      99     2,745     2,794     102     3,166     3,209     101  
United States ...:  5,816     5,920     102    61,090    60,059      98    66,906    65,979      99  
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                 

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: September 1, 2013 and 2014
[Weight groups may not add to market inventory due to rounding]
                 :      Under      :     50-119      :     120-179     :   180 pounds    
                 :    50 pounds    :     pounds      :     pounds      :    and over     
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  
                 :                              1,000 head                               
Colorado ........:    285      310       90      105       70       85      110       55 
Illinois ........:  1,330    1,270    1,290    1,280      700      830      780      760 
Indiana .........:  1,080    1,040    1,040      960      640      620      670      700 
Iowa ............:  5,300    5,510    6,490    6,470    4,830    4,470    3,280    3,320 
Kansas ..........:    485      485      360      500      270      315      535      360 
Michigan ........:    295      290      230      225      190      205      225      200 
Minnesota .......:  2,450    2,610    2,280    2,190    1,450    1,400      970    1,000 
Missouri ........:  1,180    1,270      650      470      390      360      430      360 
Nebraska ........:    850      940      810      800      570      505      420      465 
North Carolina ..:  3,140    3,110    2,240    1,820    1,670    1,430    1,370    1,170 
Ohio ............:    620      560      610      600      430      460      265      290 
Oklahoma ........:    790      720      345      390      175      220      480      290 
Pennsylvania ....:    245      265      355      370      220      225      220      200 
South Dakota ....:    355      380      285      305      185      200      155      210 
Texas ...........:    125      210      115      190      110      140      155      130 
Utah ............:    285      300      130      130      125      115      120      100 
Other States 1/ .:  1,009    1,120      638      653      559      532      540      488 
United States ...: 19,824   20,390   17,958   17,458   12,584   12,112   10,725   10,098 
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                     

Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory - States and United States: December 1, 2013 and 2014
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :          Breeding           :           Market            :             Total              
                 :          :   2014   :2014 as:          :   2014   :2014 as:          :   2014   : 2014 as  
      State      :   2013   :          :percent:   2013   :          :percent:   2013   :          : percent  
                 :          :          :of 2013:          :          :of 2013:          :          : of 2013  
                 :  -- 1,000 head --    percent   --- 1,000 head --   percent   --- 1,000 head --    percent  
Colorado ........:    150        150      100        540        550     102        690        700      101    
Illinois ........:    500        500      100      4,050      4,200     104      4,550      4,700      103    
Indiana .........:    280        290      104      3,370      3,410     101      3,650      3,700      101    
Iowa ............:    970      1,010      104     19,230     20,290     106     20,200     21,300      105    
Kansas ..........:    170        180      106      1,580      1,660     105      1,750      1,840      105    
Michigan ........:    110        110      100        950      1,050     111      1,060      1,160      109    
Minnesota .......:    550        560      102      7,250      7,540     104      7,800      8,100      104    
Missouri ........:    345        400      116      2,405      2,450     102      2,750      2,850      104    
Nebraska ........:    390        400      103      2,660      2,800     105      3,050      3,200      105    
North Carolina ..:    870        880      101      7,630      7,920     104      8,500      8,800      104    
Ohio ............:    170        170      100      2,030      2,050     101      2,200      2,220      101    
Oklahoma ........:    420        440      105      1,560      1,670     107      1,980      2,110      107    
Pennsylvania ....:    100        100      100        980      1,030     105      1,080      1,130      105    
South Dakota ....:    165        160       97      1,035      1,110     107      1,200      1,270      106    
Texas ...........:     80        100      125        510        700     137        590        800      136    
Utah ............:     75         75      100        625        535      86        700        610       87    
Other States 1/ .:    412        414      101      2,613      2,823     108      3,025      3,236      107    
United States ...:  5,757      5,939      103     59,018     61,788     105     64,775     67,726      105    
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                          

Market Inventory by Weight Group - States and United States: December 1, 2013 and 2014
[Weight groups may not add to market inventory due to rounding]
                 :      Under      :     50-119      :     120-179     :   180 pounds    
                 :    50 pounds    :     pounds      :     pounds      :    and over     
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  :  2013  :  2014  
                 :                              1,000 head                               
Colorado ........:    260      265       95      125       75       80      110       80 
Illinois ........:  1,250    1,360    1,210    1,180      730      800      860      860 
Indiana .........:  1,010    1,040      900      950      650      660      810      760 
Iowa ............:  4,840    5,310    5,940    6,500    4,850    4,740    3,600    3,740 
Kansas ..........:    420      445      345      415      310      340      505      460 
Michigan ........:    305      310      210      245      200      250      235      245 
Minnesota .......:  2,650    2,650    1,980    2,200    1,390    1,520    1,230    1,170 
Missouri ........:  1,150    1,170      450      470      325      380      480      430 
Nebraska ........:    830      950      750      840      560      535      520      475 
North Carolina ..:  2,600    3,010    1,800    1,830    1,630    1,580    1,600    1,500 
Ohio ............:    640      590      600      600      440      520      350      340 
Oklahoma ........:    560      660      380      420      265      280      355      310 
Pennsylvania ....:    265      265      310      340      190      225      215      200 
South Dakota ....:    355      380      280      285      185      220      215      225 
Texas ...........:     90      175      105      170      130      150      185      205 
Utah ............:    265      220      115      110      120      110      125       95 
Other States 1/ .:    899    1,001      610      686      526      590      577      546 
United States ...: 18,389   19,801   16,080   17,366   12,576   12,980   11,972   11,641 
1/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                     

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States:
December-February 2014 and 2015
[December preceding year. May not add due to rounding]
                 :      Sows farrowing      : Pigs per litter :       Pig crop 1/        
                 :        :  2015  :2015 as :        :        :        :  2015  :2015 as 
      State      :        :        :        :        :        :        :        :        
                 :  2014  :        :percent :        :        :  2014  :        :percent 
                 :        :        :of 2014 :  2014  :  2015  :        :        :of 2014 
                 :   1,000 head     percent   --- number ---       1,000 head    percent 
Colorado ........:    71       69      97      8.80     9.80       625      676    108   
Illinois ........:   245      240      98     10.00    10.20     2,450    2,448    100   
Indiana .........:   120      135     113      9.20    10.10     1,104    1,364    124   
Iowa ............:   480      500     104      9.90    10.70     4,752    5,350    113   
Kansas ..........:    80       86     108      9.15    10.00       732      860    117   
Michigan ........:    49       51     104      9.20    10.50       451      536    119   
Minnesota .......:   275      275     100     10.50    11.00     2,888    3,025    105   
Missouri ........:   180      195     108      9.10     9.80     1,638    1,911    117   
Nebraska ........:   165      160      97     10.55    11.00     1,741    1,760    101   
North Carolina ..:   435      440     101      8.40     9.50     3,654    4,180    114   
Ohio ............:    90       88      98      8.00    10.45       720      920    128   
Oklahoma ........:   180      190     106      9.15    10.15     1,647    1,929    117   
Pennsylvania ....:    44       45     102     10.40    10.20       458      459    100   
South Dakota ....:    82       85     104     10.65    10.80       873      918    105   
Texas ...........:    41       43     105      8.60     9.05       353      389    110   
Utah ............:    40       35      88     10.00     8.70       400      305     76   
Other States 2/ .:   186      194     104      9.89     9.98     1,840    1,936    105   
United States ...: 2,763    2,831     102      9.53    10.23    26,326   28,966    110   
1/ Number of pigs born December-February that were still on hand March 1, or had been    
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                     

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: March-May 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :       Sows farrowing        :  Pigs per litter  :         Pig crop 1/         
                 :         :  2015   : 2015 as :         :         :         :  2015   : 2015 as 
      State      :         :         :         :         :         :         :         :         
                 :  2014   :         : percent :         :         :  2014   :         : percent 
                 :         :         : of 2014 :  2014   :  2015   :         :         : of 2014 
                 :     1,000 head      percent    ---- number ---    -- 1,000 head --    percent 
Colorado ........:     73        70       96       9.30     10.00       679       700      103   
Illinois ........:    250       230       92       9.90     10.50     2,475     2,415       98   
Indiana .........:    125       130      104       9.25     10.50     1,156     1,365      118   
Iowa ............:    470       495      105      10.60     10.60     4,982     5,247      105   
Kansas ..........:     82        83      101       9.25      9.95       759       826      109   
Michigan ........:     52        50       96       8.90     10.70       463       535      116   
Minnesota .......:    290       275       95      10.60     11.05     3,074     3,039       99   
Missouri ........:    185       200      108       8.90     10.40     1,647     2,080      126   
Nebraska ........:    170       170      100      10.50     11.20     1,785     1,904      107   
North Carolina ..:    440       445      101       8.70      9.30     3,828     4,139      108   
Ohio ............:     80        88      110       9.50     10.60       760       933      123   
Oklahoma ........:    185       195      105       9.60     10.35     1,776     2,018      114   
Pennsylvania ....:     48        49      102      10.30     10.30       494       505      102   
South Dakota ....:     90        86       96      10.70     10.95       963       942       98   
Texas ...........:     43        50      116       9.40      9.50       404       475      118   
Utah ............:     41        41      100      10.50      9.80       431       402       93   
Other States 2/ .:    186       193      104       9.78     10.56     1,819     2,038      112   
United States ...:  2,810     2,850      101       9.78     10.37    27,495    29,563      108   
1/ Number of pigs born March-May that were still on hand June 1, or had been sold.               
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                             

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: June-August 2013-2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :            Sows farrowing             :  Pigs per litter  :         Pig crop 1/         
                 :         :         : 2015 2/ : 2015 as :         :         :         :  2014   : 2014 as 
      State      :         :         :         :         :         :         :         :         :         
                 :  2013   :  2014   :         : percent :         :         :  2013   :         : percent 
                 :         :         :         : of 2014 :  2013   :  2014   :         :         : of 2013 
                 :  ------- 1,000 head ------    percent    ---- number ---    -- 1,000 head --    percent 
Colorado ........:     70        73        72       99       9.50      9.45       665       690      104   
Illinois ........:    250       260       250       96      10.20     10.20     2,550     2,652      104   
Indiana .........:    125       145       140       97      10.10      9.80     1,263     1,421      113   
Iowa ............:    485       530       490       92      10.60     10.70     5,141     5,671      110   
Kansas ..........:     81        85        85      100      10.05      9.90       814       842      103   
Michigan ........:     50        51        50       98      10.10     10.10       505       515      102   
Minnesota .......:    290       290       290      100      10.80     10.85     3,132     3,147      100   
Missouri ........:    195       205       200       98      10.40      9.80     2,028     2,009       99   
Nebraska ........:    165       175       175      100      10.85     10.90     1,790     1,908      107   
North Carolina ..:    470       470       440       94      10.10      9.50     4,747     4,465       94   
Ohio ............:     90        86        91      106      10.40     10.00       936       860       92   
Oklahoma ........:    190       200       195       98      10.30      9.70     1,957     1,940       99   
Pennsylvania ....:     48        49        49      100      10.20     10.10       490       495      101   
South Dakota ....:     86        89        87       98      10.90     10.65       937       948      101   
Texas ...........:     42        44        53      120       8.30      9.90       349       436      125   
Utah ............:     43        42        39       93      10.00     10.40       430       437      102   
Other States 3/ .:    210       197       209      106      10.14      9.97     2,128     1,966       92   
United States ...:  2,890     2,991     2,915       97      10.33     10.16    29,862    30,402      102   
1/ Number of pigs born June-August that were still on hand September 1, or had been sold.                  
2/ Intentions.                                                                                             
3/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                       

Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - States and United States: September-November 2013-2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :            Sows farrowing             :  Pigs per litter  :         Pig crop 1/         
                 :         :         : 2015 2/ : 2015 as :         :         :         :  2014   : 2014 as 
      State      :         :         :         :         :         :         :         :         :         
                 :  2013   :  2014   :         : percent :         :         :  2013   :         : percent 
                 :         :         :         : of 2014 :  2013   :  2014   :         :         : of 2013 
                 :  ------- 1,000 head ------    percent    ---- number ---    -- 1,000 head --    percent 
Colorado ........:     72        71        71      100       9.40      9.70       677       689      102   
Illinois ........:    235       255       245       96      10.20     10.25     2,397     2,614      109   
Indiana .........:    130       150       135       90      10.05     10.20     1,307     1,530      117   
Iowa ............:    455       510       490       96      10.60     10.70     4,823     5,457      113   
Kansas ..........:     80        87        85       98       9.25     10.30       740       896      121   
Michigan ........:     49        53        48       91      10.15     10.20       497       541      109   
Minnesota .......:    290       305       285       93      10.80     10.95     3,132     3,340      107   
Missouri ........:    180       210       200       95      10.30      9.50     1,854     1,995      108   
Nebraska ........:    165       180       175       97      10.75     11.00     1,774     1,980      112   
North Carolina ..:    445       460       440       96       9.50     10.00     4,228     4,600      109   
Ohio ............:     85        92        87       95      10.40     10.35       884       952      108   
Oklahoma ........:    185       195       190       97       9.95     10.20     1,841     1,989      108   
Pennsylvania ....:     47        48        48      100      10.30     10.30       484       494      102   
South Dakota ....:     82        86        86      100      10.75     10.85       882       933      106   
Texas ...........:     38        50        48       96       8.55      8.40       325       420      129   
Utah ............:     40        39        38       97      10.10      6.70       404       261       65   
Other States 3/ .:    202       203       194       96       9.90      9.59     2,004     1,942       97   
United States ...:  2,780     2,994     2,865       96      10.16     10.23    28,253    30,633      108   
1/ Number of pigs born September-November that were still on hand December 1, or had been sold.            
2/ Intentions.                                                                                             
3/ Individual State estimates not available for the 34 Other States.                                       

Monthly Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop - United States:
December-November 2014 and 2015
[December preceding year. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                :   Sows farrowing 1/   :    Pigs per litter    :      Pig crop 1/      
      Month     :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                :  --- 1,000 head --        ----- number ----      --- 1,000 head ---   
December .......:     921        940         9.60       10.32        8,846      9,696   
January ........:     924        952         9.47       10.16        8,753      9,668   
February .......:     918        940         9.51       10.22        8,727      9,602   
March ..........:     953        965         9.59       10.38        9,139     10,021   
April ..........:     922        943         9.78       10.40        9,025      9,807   
May ............:     935        942         9.98       10.33        9,331      9,735   
June ...........:     999                   10.08                   10,078              
July ...........:     992                   10.20                   10,122              
August .........:   1,000                   10.20                   10,202              
September ......:   1,024                   10.20                   10,451              
October ........:     994                   10.26                   10,203              
November .......:     975                   10.24                    9,979              
Total ..........:  11,558                    9.94                  114,856              
1/ Monthly values may not add to quarterly or annual totals due to rounding.            

Statistical Methodology

Survey Procedures: A random sample of roughly 8,100 United States producers 
was surveyed to provide data for these estimates. Survey procedures ensured 
that all hog and pig producers, regardless of size, had a chance to be 
included in the survey. Large operations were sampled more heavily than small 
operations. During the first half of June 2015, data were collected from 
about 5,850 operations, 72 percent of the total sample. The data collected 
were received by electronic data reporting (EDR), mail, telephone, and face-
to-face personal interviews. Regardless of when operations responded, they 
were asked to report inventories as of June 1, 2015.

Estimating Procedures: Hogs and pigs estimates were prepared by the 
Agricultural Statistics Board after reviewing recommendations and analysis 
submitted by each field office. National and State survey data were reviewed 
for reasonableness with each other and with estimates from past years using a 
balance sheet. The balance sheet begins with the previous inventory estimate, 
adds the estimates of births and imports, and subtracts the estimates of 
slaughter, exports, and deaths. This indicated ending inventory level is 
compared to the Agricultural Statistics Board estimate for reasonableness.

Revision Policy: Revisions to previous estimates are made to improve quarter 
to quarter relationships. Estimates for the previous four quarters are 
subject to revision when current estimates are made. In December, estimates 
for all quarters of the current and previous year are reviewed. The reviews 
are primarily based on hog check-off receipts and slaughter. Estimates will 
also be reviewed after data from the Department of Agriculture five-year 
Census of Agriculture are available. No revisions will be made after that 

Reliability: Since all operations raising hogs are not included in the 
sample, survey estimates are subject to sampling variability. Survey results 
are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions, duplication, and 
mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. The effects of 
these errors cannot be measured directly. They are minimized through rigid 
quality controls in the data collection process and through a careful review 
of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness.

To assist users in evaluating the reliability of the estimates in this 
report, the "Root Mean Square Error" is shown for selected items in the 
following table. The "Root Mean Square Error" is a statistical measure based 
on past performance and is computed using the difference between first and 
final estimates. The "Root Mean Square Error" for hog inventory estimates 
over the past 20 quarters is 1.3 percent. This means that chances are 2 out 
of 3 that the final estimate will not be above or below the current estimate 
of 66.9 million head by more than 1.3 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 that 
the difference will not exceed 2.3 percent.

Reliability of June 1 Hog Estimates
[Based on data for the previous twenty quarters]
                              :  Root mean   :  90 percent  :        Difference between first and latest estimate         
                              : square error :  confidence  :         :         :         :               :               
                              :              :    level     :-------------------------------------------------------------
             Item             :              :              :         :         :         :             Years             
                              :              :              :         :         :         :-------------------------------
                              :              :              : Average :Smallest : Largest : Below latest  : Above latest  
                              :   percent        percent        --------- 1,000 --------         ----- number -----       
All hogs and pigs ............:     1.3            2.3          721        95      1,676         11               9       
Pig crop .....................:     2.2            3.8          516       103      1,260         12               8       
Expected farrowings           :                                                                                           
  Next quarter ...............:     2.7            4.6           63         0        167         10              10       
  Following quarter ..........:     3.0            5.1           73        18        197          9              11       

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to 
contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent 
to [email protected].

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........... (202) 720-3570

Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424
   Travis Averill - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ...... (202) 720-3040
   Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240
   Doug Bounds - Hogs and Pigs .................. (202) 720-3106
   Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236
   Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278
   Vacant - Sheep and Goats ..................... (202) 720-3570

Access to NASS Reports

For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following 

 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 
site: http://www.nass.usda.gov

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit 
http://www.nass.usda.gov and in the "Follow NASS" box under "Receive 
reports by Email," click on "National" or "State" to select the reports 
you would like to receive. 

For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against 
its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, 
color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, 
reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial 
or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's 
income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic 
information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded 
by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs 
and/or employment activities.) 
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, 
complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online 
at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA 
office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a 
letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your 
completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, 
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at 
[email protected]. 


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