Peanut Stocks and Processing


ISSN: 1949-1875

Released April 30, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA).

Shelled Edible Grade Season to Date Utilization Up 6 Percent from Last Year
Peanut Stocks in Commercial Storage Totaled 3.52 Billion Pounds

Peanut stocks reported in commercial storage on March 31, 2015 totaled
3.52 billion pounds of equivalent farmer stock, compared with
3.51 billion pounds a year ago. This total includes 2.79 billion pounds of
actual farmer stock.

Shelled peanuts on hand totaled 683 million pounds of farmer stock
equivalent. Roasting stock totaled 44.3 million pounds.

Shelled peanut stocks totaled 513 million pounds of which 489 million pounds
were edible grades and 24.7 million pounds were oil stocks. Edible grade
stocks by type included 68.0 million pounds of Virginias and Valencias,
399 million pounds of Runners, and 22.0 million pounds of Spanish.

Millings in March totaled 480 million pounds. Millings by type were
77.0 million pounds of Virginias and Valencias, 395 million pounds of
Runners, and 7.37 million pounds of Spanish.

Commercial processors utilized 184 million pounds of shelled edible grade
peanuts during March. Utilization by type was 109 million pounds for all
peanut butter products, 34.6 million pounds for peanut candy, and
35.7 million pounds for peanut snacks. Crushing for oil and cake and meal
totaled 44.8 million pounds during the month.

Deliveries under the Government Domestic Feeding and Child Nutrition Programs
amounted to 2.33 million pounds of peanut butter and 25,920 pounds of roasted
peanuts during March.

Stocks of treated seed on hand March 31, 2015 totaled 22.3 million pounds,
compared with 3.43 million pounds on February 28, 2015. Of the March total,
15.4 million pounds were Runners.

Stocks estimates refer to March 31, 2015. All other data are for the month of

Peanut Stocks and Specified Products at Month’s End – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of peanut
producers and CCC in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net weight basis.
Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
:             :             :             :  Farmer stock equivalent
Month      :   Farmer    :   Shelled   :  Roasting   :—————————
ending     :    stock    :   peanuts   :    stock    :   Shelled   :    Total
:             :     1/      :(in shell) 2/:   peanuts   :     3/
:                            1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:    661,774      527,892       62,846        702,096      1,426,716
September …….:    572,956      528,451       54,669        702,840      1,330,465
October ………:  3,517,738      511,641       47,848        680,483      4,246,069
November ……..:  4,046,436      468,401       47,932        622,973      4,717,341
December ……..:  3,947,902      429,406       54,219        571,110      4,573,231
2015             :
January ………:  3,622,834      469,777       50,558        624,803      4,298,195
February ……..:  3,226,904      467,925       44,808        622,340      3,894,052
March ………..:  2,794,362      513,306       44,294        682,697      3,521,353
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:  2,615,138      625,385       58,597        831,762      3,505,497
1/ Includes shelled edible grades, shelled oil stock, and shelled seed (untreated).
2/ Cleaned and unshelled.
3/ Farmer stock + roasting stock + (actual shelled peanuts X 1.33).

Farmer Stock Peanuts by Type at Month’s End – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of
peanut producers and CCC in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net
weight basis. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
Month      :   Virginias   :               :               :
ending     :      and      :    Runners    :    Spanish    :     Total
:   Valencias   :               :               :
:                         1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:    152,424          495,260        14,090           661,774
September …….:    147,674          411,434        13,848           572,956
October ………:    737,246        2,726,468        54,024         3,517,738
November ……..:    859,946        3,131,150        55,340         4,046,436
December ……..:    800,776        3,087,026        60,100         3,947,902
2015             :
January ………:    741,598        2,826,120        55,116         3,622,834
February ……..:    703,102        2,468,952        54,850         3,226,904
March ………..:    622,004        2,124,578        47,780         2,794,362
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:    478,086        2,100,900        36,152         2,615,138

Shelled Peanuts and Roasting Stock (in Shell) at Month’s End – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Excludes stocks on farms. Includes stocks owned by or held for account of peanut producers and CCC
in commercial storage facilities. Farmer stock on net weight basis. Blank data cells indicate
estimation period has not yet begun]
:              Shelled edibles 1/               :           :           :
Month      :———————————————–:  Shelled  :           :
ending     : Virginias :           :           :           :    oil    :   Total   : Roasting
:    and    :  Runners  :  Spanish  :   Total   : stocks 2/ :  shelled  : stock 3/
: Valencias :           :           :           :           :           :
:                                   1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:  61,776      422,979     23,993      508,748     19,144      527,892     62,846
September …….:  72,946      417,574     20,910      511,430     17,021      528,451     54,669
October ………:  86,132      382,035     23,183      491,350     20,291      511,641     47,848
November ……..:  72,085      358,397     25,458      455,940     12,461      468,401     47,932
December ……..:  70,297      318,843     21,071      410,211     19,195      429,406     54,219
2015             :
January ………:  69,227      357,972     22,301      449,500     20,277      469,777     50,558
February ……..:  60,952      363,186     23,235      447,373     20,552      467,925     44,808
March ………..:  67,973      398,579     22,011      488,563     24,743      513,306     44,294
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:  62,971      493,521     35,307      591,799     33,586      625,385     58,597
1/ Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis using
conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively.
2/ Includes straight run oil stock peanuts.
3/ Cleaned and unshelled.

Farmer Stock Peanuts Milled (Net Weight) by Month – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Includes peanuts milled for seed. Blank data cells indicate estimation period
has not yet begun]
Month      :   Virginias   :               :               :
ending     :      and      :    Runners    :    Spanish    :     Total
:   Valencias   :               :               :
:                         1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:     60,906          344,798         1,440           407,144
September …….:     67,294          337,174         1,794           406,262
October ………:     67,186          262,966         9,880           340,032
November ……..:     44,866          267,210         8,856           320,932
December ……..:     74,732          291,878         2,428           369,038
2015             :
January ………:     59,688          330,046         6,598           396,332
February ……..:     30,884          398,564         6,160           435,608
March ………..:     77,010          395,244         7,370           479,624
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:     75,422          362,818        13,020           451,260
2014-2015        :
August-March ….:    482,566        2,627,880        44,526         3,154,972
2013-2014        :
August-March ….:    470,868        2,751,722        52,022         3,274,612

Production of Shelled and Roasting Stock (in Shell) Peanuts by Month – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
:              Shelled edibles 1/               :           :           :
Month      :———————————————–:  Shelled  :           :
ending     : Virginias :           :           :           :    oil    :   Total   : Roasting
:    and    :  Runners  :  Spanish  :   Total   : stocks 2/ :  shelled  : stock 3/
: Valencias :           :           :           :           :           :
:                                   1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:      (D)      227,194       (D)       253,562     29,714      283,276     14,695
September …….:   33,554      228,834     2,599       264,987     34,258      299,245     12,232
October ………:   24,856      173,054     8,273       206,183     29,231      235,414     25,845
November ……..:   17,244      174,746     5,370       197,360     27,275      224,635     17,031
December ……..:   27,895      205,711     1,021       234,627     32,023      266,650     26,274
2015             :
January ………:   23,975      225,627     3,926       253,528     31,324      284,852     22,408
February ……..:   15,023      261,670     1,614       278,307     30,617      308,924     10,267
March ………..:   35,371      265,938     4,077       305,386     33,987      339,373     23,260
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:      (D)      235,399       (D)       273,644     30,781      304,425     28,807
2014-2015        :
August-March ….:      (D)    1,762,774       (D)     1,993,940    248,429    2,242,369    152,012
2013-2014        :
August-March ….:  164,871    1,816,251    46,313     2,027,435    258,213    2,285,648    202,959
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.
1/  Includes peanuts milled for seed.
2/  Includes straight run oil stock peanuts.
3/  Cleaned and unshelled.

Shelled Peanuts Crushed, Production, and Stocks of Peanut Oil and Cake and Meal by
Month – United States: March 2015 with Comparisons
[Relates to oil mills only. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not
yet begun]
:   Shelled   :        Production         :   Stocks (end of month)
Month      :   peanuts   :——————————————————-
ending     : crushed 1/  :  Crude oil  :Cake and Meal:  Crude oil  :Cake and Meal
:                            1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:    46,338        20,143        24,940        9,036         5,414
September …….:    45,138        16,909        25,533        9,793         5,047
October ………:    41,714        17,664        22,880        7,200         3,577
November ……..:    41,750        18,068        22,099        6,601         5,702
December ……..:    35,849        15,505        19,490        2,956         6,331
2015             :
January ………:    40,221        17,181        22,202        4,789         4,260
February ……..:    41,297        17,618        22,802        7,165         4,376
March ………..:    44,773        18,901        24,960        9,467         5,512
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:    42,615        18,734        21,762          (D)           (D)
2014-2015        :
August-March ….:   337,080       141,989       184,906          (X)           (X)
2013-2014        :
August-March ….:   339,021       141,339       183,979          (X)           (X)
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.
(X) Not applicable.
1/  All crushings regardless of grade.

Apparent Disappearance of Milled Peanut Products by Month – United States: March 2015
with Comparisons
[Includes in transit, exports, and domestic use. Blank data cells indicate estimation
period has not yet begun]
:          Shelled peanuts          :           :           :
Month      :———————————–: Roasting  :   Crude   :   Cake
ending     :  Edible   :    Oil    :           :   stock   :  peanut   :    and
:  grades   :  stocks   :   Total   :           :  oil 1/   :  meal 1/
:                             1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:   264,638     35,934      300,572     25,002      17,596      22,494
September …….:   262,305     36,381      298,686     20,409      16,152      25,900
October ………:   226,263     25,961      252,224     32,666      20,257      24,350
November ……..:   232,770     35,105      267,875     16,947      18,667      19,974
December ……..:   280,356     25,289      305,645     19,987      19,150      18,861
2015             :
January ………:   214,239     30,242      244,481     26,069      15,348      24,273
February ……..:   280,434     30,342      310,776     16,017      15,242      22,686
March ………..:   264,196     29,796      293,992     23,774      16,599      23,824
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:   260,910     32,294      293,204     27,052      17,350      21,007
2014-2015        :
August-March ….: 2,025,201    249,050    2,274,251    180,871     139,011     182,362
2013-2014        :
August-March ….: 1,982,937    258,510    2,241,447    216,257     138,894     185,782
1/ Relates to oil mills only.

Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products and In Shell Peanuts by Month – United States:
March 2015 with Comparisons
[Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Blank data cells indictate estimation period has not yet begun]
:             Edible grades used in products1/              :           :
:———————————————————–:   Total   :
Month      :           :           :           :           :           :    all    : In shell
ending     :  Peanut   :  Peanut   :  Peanut   :   Other   :           :  grades   :  peanuts
:   candy   :  snacks   :  butter   : products  :   Total   :    5/     :    6/
:    2/     :    3/     :    4/     :           :           :           :
:                                   1,000 pounds
2014             :
August ……….:   32,783      35,756     109,532      2,797       180,868     227,206     10,712
September …….:   34,560      35,957     114,156      3,241       187,914     233,052     11,717
October ………:   31,060      38,026     124,294      3,651       197,031     238,745     13,466
November ……..:   33,366      34,006     101,233      2,904       171,509     213,259     10,809
December ……..:   21,590      34,008     107,618      4,496       167,712     203,561     12,571
2015             :
January ………:   31,537      33,365     116,264      4,845       186,011     226,232     13,571
February ……..:   27,767      35,637     103,818      4,198       171,420     212,717     10,423
March ………..:   34,582      35,663     108,732      5,362       184,339     229,112     11,358
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:   31,511      38,270     115,464      3,003       188,248     230,863     14,243
2014-2015        :
August-March ….:  247,245     282,418     885,647     31,494     1,446,804   1,783,884     94,627
2013-2014        :
August-March ….:  256,478     287,031     805,461     18,208     1,367,178   1,706,199    100,474
1/ Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis using
conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively.
2/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in candy.
3/ Includes salted, unsalted, dry and honey roasted, salted and unsalted roasted, snack bars, and
trail mixes.
4/ Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in cookies and sandwiches, but excludes
peanut butter used in candy.
5/ Includes all shelled peanuts crushed regardless of grade.
6/ Includes peanuts re-packaged, roasted in shell, salted in shell, and raw in shell.

Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products by Month and Type – United States:
March 2015 with Comparisons
[Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Crushings by type not available. Blank data cells
indictate estimation period has not yet begun]
:                  Edible grades used in products 1/
Month ending     :             :             :             :             :
and type       :   Peanut    :   Peanut    :   Peanut    :    Other    :
:    candy    :   snacks    :   butter    :  products   :    Total
:     2/      :     3/      :     4/      :             :
:                            1,000 pounds
Runner                :
2014                  :
August ………….:    30,541           (D)        99,728          (D)         159,826
September ……….:    32,346           (D)       105,620          (D)         168,433
October …………:    28,278           (D)       114,401          (D)         173,431
November ………..:    31,301           (D)        92,151          (D)         150,789
December ………..:    19,816           (D)        99,005          (D)         146,177
2015                  :
January …………:    29,450           (D)       107,938          (D)         164,934
February ………..:    25,829           (D)        95,348          (D)         151,248
March …………..:    31,224           (D)       100,423          (D)         162,750
April …………..:
May …………….:
June ……………:
July ……………:
2014                  :
March …………..:    29,376        30,724       108,669        1,730         170,499
2014-2015             :
August-March …….:   228,785       217,398       814,614       16,791       1,277,588
2013-2014             :
August-March …….:       (D)       225,104       748,554          (D)       1,217,161
Spanish               :
2014                  :
August ………….:       (D)           (D)           739            –           2,873
September ……….:       (D)           (D)           827            –           2,507
October …………:       (D)           (D)           (D)          (D)           2,712
November ………..:       (D)           (D)           (D)            –           1,954
December ………..:       (D)           (D)           (D)            –           1,828
2015                  :
January …………:       (D)           (D)           (D)            –           1,632
February ………..:       (D)           (D)           440            –           2,024
March …………..:       (D)           (D)           (D)          (D)           3,108
April …………..:
May …………….:
June ……………:
July ……………:
2014                  :
March …………..:       (D)           (D)           (D)            –           1,850
2014-2015             :
August-March …….:    10,260         4,735           (D)          (D)          18,638
2013-2014             :
August-March …….:     9,451         4,590           (D)            –             (D)
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                 –continued

Shelled Peanuts (Raw Basis) Used in Primary Products by Month and Type – United States:
March 2015 with Comparisons (continued)
[Excludes peanuts milled for seed. Crushings by type not available. Blank data cells indictate
estimation period has not yet begun]
:                  Edible grades used in products 1/
Month ending      :             :             :             :             :
and type        :   Peanut    :   Peanut    :   Peanut    :    Other    :
:    candy    :   snacks    :   butter    :  products   :    Total
:     2/      :     3/      :     4/      :             :
:                            1,000 pounds
Virginia and Valencia    :
2014                     :
August …………….:      (D)         7,258         9,065           (D)         18,169
September ………….:      (D)         6,941         7,709           (D)         16,974
October ……………:      (D)         8,880         9,540           (D)         20,887
November …………..:      (D)         8,056         8,858           (D)         18,767
December …………..:      (D)         8,157         8,172           (D)         19,707
2015                     :
January ……………:      (D)         7,887         8,325           (D)         19,445
February …………..:      (D)         6,746         8,030           (D)         18,148
March ……………..:      (D)         6,360         7,693           (D)         18,480
April ……………..:
May ……………….:
June ………………:
July ………………:
2014                     :
March ……………….:      (D)         6,916         6,705           (D)         15,898
2014-2015                :
August-March …………:    8,200        60,285        67,392        14,701        150,577
2013-2014                :
August-March …………:   12,737        57,337        55,726         8,995        134,794
–   Represents zero.
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.
1/  Shelled edible grades include blanched and shelled roasted peanuts converted to a raw basis
using conversion factors of 1.08 and 1.12, respectively.
2/  Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in candy.
3/  Includes salted, unsalted, dry and honey roasted, salted and unsalted roasted, snack bars,
and trail mixes.
4/  Includes peanut butter made by manufacturers for own use in cookies and sandwiches, but
excludes peanut butter used in candy.

Government Domestic Feeding and Child Nutrition Program
Deliveries by Month – United States: March 2015 with Comparisons
[Source: Food and Nutrition Service. Blank data cells indicate
estimation period has not yet begun]
:             Deliveries by product
Month      :               :               :
ending     :    Peanut     :    Roasted    :     Total
:    butter     :    peanuts    :
:                    pounds
2014             :
August ……….:   2,610,400              –        2,610,400
September …….:   2,496,640         34,560        2,531,200
October ………:   1,332,320         25,920        1,358,240
November ……..:   1,642,560              –        1,642,560
December ……..:   2,004,000         25,920        2,029,920
2015             :
January ………:   4,145,600         51,840        4,197,440
February ……..:   2,353,760              –        2,353,760
March ………..:   2,327,680         25,920        2,353,600
April ………..:
May ………….:
June …………:
July …………:
2014             :
March ………..:   1,515,520              –        1,515,520
2014-2015        :
August-March ….:  18,912,960        164,160       19,077,120
2013-2014        :
August-March ….:  22,491,520        155,520       22,647,040
–  Represents zero.

Statistical Methodology

Survey Procedures: The peanut stocks and processing estimates in this report
are based on a survey conducted during the first three weeks of the month.
The survey is required by law under Title 7 of the United States Code
(7 U.S.C. 951, 2010). Peanut stocks are a census of all known cleaners,
shellers, crushers, warehouses, cold storage plants, and processors of
peanuts who handle more than 30,000 pounds annually. Every effort is made to
obtain a report from all facilities.

Estimating Procedures: Since a complete report is not always received from
all facilities, estimates are made for missing facilities to assure complete
coverage. Peanut stocks survey data are reviewed at the national level for
reasonableness and consistency with historical estimates.

Revision Policy: Peanut stocks are subject to revision at any time during the
marketing year. Revisions can be made when late reports are received and
errors are detected in reporting and calculating. Once the marketing year
ends, no revisions can be made to the previous marketing year.

Reliability: The peanut stocks and processing survey is subject to non-
sampling errors such as omission, duplication, imputation for missing data,
and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. These errors
cannot be measured directly, but are minimized through rigid quality controls
in the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for
consistency and reasonableness.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Crops Branch of the
National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional
information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to [email protected]

Lance Honig, Chief, Crops Branch……………………… (202) 720-2127

Anthony Prillaman, Head, Field Crops Section…………… (202) 720-2127
Angie Considine – Cotton, Cotton Ginnings, Sorghum…. (202) 720-5944
Tony Dahlman – Crop Weather, Barley………………. (202) 720-7621
Chris Hawthorn – Corn, Flaxseed, Proso Millet……… (202) 720-9526
James Johanson – County Estimates, Hay……………. (202) 690-8533
Jean Porter – Oats, Rye, Wheat…………………… (202) 720-8068
Bianca Pruneda – Peanuts, Rice…………………… (202) 720-7688
Travis Thorson – Soybeans, Sunflower, Other Oilseeds.. (202) 720-7369

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against
its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion,
reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial
or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s
income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic
information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded
by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs
and/or employment activities.)
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination,
complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online
at, or at any USDA
office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a
letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your
completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of
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S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at
[email protected].


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