NASS Releases 2015 Cash Rents and Land Values Data


Issued August 5, 2015 by the Agricultural Statistics Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service. For more information contact Troy Joshua at (202) 720-6146.

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) today published data on U.S. agricultural cash rents. Data released includes irrigated cropland, non-irrigated cropland and pastureland cash rents per acre at the state, regional and national levels. All estimates are for the 2015 crop or grazing year.

As previously announced, NASS will not publish county-level estimates for 2015. The agency plans on publishing county-level cash rents data in 2016.

Cash rents data are available in electronic form only. To access data released today, visit NASS’ Quick Stats database at

The agency also released the annual Land Values report today. The report includes state, regional and U.S. agricultural land values for 2015 and 2014 revisions. Estimates are on a per acre basis and include value of all land and buildings, cropland and pasture.

In addition to the electronic form, available via the Quick Stats database, Land Values 2015 Summary is also available via PDF and Excel formats. To access the report, visit


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