Milk Production

ISSN: 1949-1557

Released July 21, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

June Milk Production up 0.7 Percent
Milk production in the 23 major States during June totaled 16.4 billion 
pounds, up 0.7 percent from June 2014. May revised production at 17.2 billion 
pounds, was up 1.5 percent from May 2014. The May revision represented an 
increase of 12 million pounds or 0.1 percent from last month's preliminary 
production estimate.

Production per cow in the 23 major States averaged 1,895 pounds for June, no 
change from the record high of June 2014. The 23 State series began in 2003. 

The number of milk cows on farms in the 23 major States was 8.63 million 
head, 56,000 head more than June 2014, but 2,000 head fewer than May 2015.

April - June Milk Production up 1.4 Percent

Milk production in the United States during the April - June quarter totaled 
53.6 billion pounds, up 1.4 percent from the April - June quarter last year. 

The average number of milk cows in the United States during the quarter was 
9.32 million head, 14,000 head more than the January - March quarter, and 
66,000 head more than the same period last year.

Milk Cows and Production by Quarter - United States: 2014-2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :   Milk cows 1/   :  Milk per cow 2/  :      Milk production 2/      
     Quarter     :        :         :         :         :         :         :  Change  
                 :  2014  :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :  2014   :  2015   :   from   
                 :        :         :         :         :         :         :   2014   
                 :    1,000 Head      ---- Pounds ----     Million Pounds     Percent  
January-March ...: 9,216     9,305     5,536     5,583     51,020   51,949      1.8    
April-June ......: 9,253     9,319     5,717     5,753     52,897   53,615      1.4    
July-September ..: 9,270               5,520               51,173                      
October-December : 9,287               5,487               50,956                      
Annual ..........: 9,257              22,258              206,046                      
1/ Includes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                  
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                     

Milk Cows and Production By Month - 23 Selected States: 2014-2015
               :         Milk cows1/         :       Milk per cow2/        :             Milk production2/              
               :              :              :              :              :              :              :    Change    
     Month     :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     from     
               :              :              :              :              :              :              :     2014     
               :  1,000 head     1,000 head       pounds         pounds     million pounds million pounds    percent    
January .......:    8,516          8,620           1,901         1,919          16,186         16,544          2.2      
February ......:    8,516          8,620           1,749         1,756          14,892         15,139          1.7      
March .........:    8,530          8,622           1,957         1,961          16,690         16,907          1.3      
April .........:    8,547          8,626           1,912         1,928          16,344         16,633          1.8      
May ...........:    8,558          8,630           1,979         1,992          16,934         17,187          1.5      
June ..........:    8,572          8,628           1,895         1,895          16,241         16,354          0.7      
July ..........:    8,583                          1,909                        16,381                                  
August ........:    8,585                          1,885                        16,184                                  
September .....:    8,593                          1,806                        15,519                                  
October .......:    8,594                          1,864                        16,017                                  
November ......:    8,598                          1,806                        15,527                                  
December ......:    8,611                          1,888                        16,256                                  
Annual ........:    8,567                         22,551                       193,171                                  
1/ Includes dry cows.  Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                                                  
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                                      

Estimated Milk Cows and Production By Month - United States: 2014-2015
               :         Milk cows1/         :       Milk per cow2/        :             Milk production2/              
               :              :              :              :              :              :              :    Change    
     Month     :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     from     
               :              :              :              :              :              :              :     2014     
               :  1,000 head     1,000 head       pounds         pounds     million pounds million pounds    percent    
January .......:    9,212          9,304           1,876         1,900          17,284         17,680          2.3      
February ......:    9,212          9,304           1,727         1,740          15,907         16,189          1.8      
March .........:    9,223          9,306           1,933         1,943          17,829         18,080          1.4      
April .........:    9,240          9,315           1,892         1,911          17,480         17,800          1.8      
May ...........:    9,252          9,324           1,956         1,970          18,094         18,370          1.5      
June ..........:    9,267          9,317           1,869         1,872          17,323         17,445          0.7      
July ..........:    9,268                          1,881                        17,435                                  
August ........:    9,268                          1,858                        17,224                                  
September .....:    9,274                          1,781                        16,514                                  
October .......:    9,277                          1,840                        17,071                                  
November ......:    9,284                          1,783                        16,551                                  
December ......:    9,299                          1,864                        17,334                                  
Annual ........:    9,257                         22,258                       206,046                                  
1/ Includes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                                                   
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                                      

Milk Cows and Production - 23 Selected States: June 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
                 :        Milk cows 1/         :       Milk per cow 2/       :             Milk production 2/             
      State      :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :              :              :              :              :              :              :    Change    
                 :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     2014     :     2015     :     from     
                 :              :              :              :              :              :              :     2014     
                 :  1,000 head     1,000 head       pounds         pounds     million pounds million pounds    percent    
Arizona .........:      193            195          2,065          2,085             399            407           2.0     
California ......:    1,779          1,778          1,995          1,910           3,549          3,396          -4.3     
Colorado ........:      145            145          2,105          2,160             305            313           2.6     
Florida .........:      123            125          1,770          1,785             218            223           2.3     
Idaho ...........:      577            586          2,065          2,055           1,192          1,204           1.0     
Illinois ........:       94             94          1,640          1,680             154            158           2.6     
Indiana .........:      178            181          1,840          1,860             328            337           2.7     
Iowa ............:      207            212          1,860          1,910             385            405           5.2     
Kansas ..........:      142            143          1,830          1,835             260            262           0.8     
Michigan ........:      387            408          2,085          2,120             807            865           7.2     
Minnesota .......:      460            460          1,645          1,715             757            789           4.2     
New Mexico ......:      323            323          2,130          2,035             688            657          -4.5     
New York ........:      615            618          1,885          1,930           1,159          1,193           2.9     
Ohio ............:      266            266          1,720          1,710             458            455          -0.7     
Oregon ..........:      125            123          1,735          1,705             217            210          -3.2     
Pennsylvania ....:      530            530          1,665          1,715             882            909           3.1     
South Dakota ....:       97            106          1,805          1,850             175            196          12.0     
Texas ...........:      468            462          1,850          1,835             866            848          -2.1     
Utah ............:       95             96          1,945          1,990             185            191           3.2     
Vermont .........:      131            132          1,720          1,710             225            226           0.4     
Virginia ........:       93             91          1,570          1,620             146            147           0.7     
Washington ......:      274            276          2,050          2,030             562            560          -0.4     
Wisconsin .......:    1,270          1,278          1,830          1,880           2,324          2,403           3.4     
23-State Total ..:    8,572          8,628          1,895          1,895          16,241         16,354           0.7     
1/ Includes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                                                     
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                                        

Milk Cows and Production - 23 Selected States: May 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
               :      Milk cows1/      :    Milk per cow2/     :           Milk production 2/            
               :           :           :           :           :              :              :  Change   
               :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :     2014     :     2015     :   from    
               :           :           :           :           :              :              :   2014    
               :1,000 head  1,000 head    pounds      pounds    million pounds million pounds   percent  
Arizona .......:     192         195       2,225       2,210           427            431         0.9    
California ....:   1,779       1,778       2,110       2,055         3,754          3,654        -2.7    
Colorado ......:     144         145       2,165       2,200           312            319         2.2    
Florida .......:     123         125       1,885       1,920           232            240         3.4    
Idaho .........:     574         586       2,090       2,105         1,200          1,234         2.8    
Illinois ......:      94          95       1,765       1,790           166            170         2.4    
Indiana .......:     177         181       1,935       1,935           342            350         2.3    
Iowa ..........:     207         212       1,965       2,015           407            427         4.9    
Kansas ........:     141         144       1,950       1,965           275            283         2.9    
Michigan ......:     384         407       2,145       2,195           824            893         8.4    
Minnesota .....:     460         460       1,715       1,795           789            826         4.7    
New Mexico ....:     323         323       2,240       2,190           724            707        -2.3    
New York ......:     615         618       1,935       1,990         1,190          1,230         3.4    
Ohio ..........:     266         267       1,800       1,785           479            477        -0.4    
Oregon ........:     125         123       1,825       1,790           228            220        -3.5    
Pennsylvania ..:     530         530       1,760       1,815           933            962         3.1    
South Dakota ..:      97         105       1,855       1,905           180            200        11.1    
Texas .........:     465         462       1,990       1,975           925            912        -1.4    
Utah ..........:      95          96       1,990       2,040           189            196         3.7    
Vermont .......:     131         132       1,755       1,775           230            234         1.7    
Virginia ......:      93          92       1,700       1,730           158            159         0.6    
Washington ....:     274         276       2,110       2,090           578            577        -0.2    
Wisconsin .....:   1,269       1,278       1,885       1,945         2,392          2,486         3.9    
23-State Total :   8,558       8,630       1,979       1,992        16,934         17,187         1.5    
1/ Includes dry cows.  Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                                   
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                       

Milk Cows and Production - States and United States: Revised January - March 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
               :   January - March milk cows1/   :        January - March milk production2/         
     State     :                :                :                :                :     Change     
               :                :                :                :                :      from      
               :      2014      :      2015      :      2014      :      2015      :      2014      
               :   1,000 head       1,000 head     million pounds   million pounds      percent     
Alabama .......:        9.0              8.0              30.0             29.0           -3.3      
Alaska ........:        0.3              0.3               0.8              0.9           12.5      
Arizona .......:      192.0            195.0           1,202.0          1,238.0            3.0      
Arkansas ......:        7.5              7.0              24.0             25.0            4.2      
California ....:    1,781.0          1,779.0          10,835.0         10,513.0           -3.0      
Colorado ......:      140.0            145.0             852.0            914.0            7.3      
Connecticut ...:       19.0             19.0              96.0             98.0            2.1      
Delaware ......:        4.7              4.9              24.5             25.5            4.1      
Florida .......:      123.0            124.0             671.0            699.0            4.2      
Georgia .......:       81.0             81.0             443.0            468.0            5.6      
Hawaii ........:        2.3              2.2               7.4              8.3           12.2      
Idaho .........:      568.0            581.0           3,324.0          3,390.0            2.0      
Illinois ......:       95.0             95.0             471.0            482.0            2.3      
Indiana .......:      177.0            181.0             944.0            994.0            5.3      
Iowa ..........:      205.0            210.0           1,139.0          1,194.0            4.8      
Kansas ........:      137.0            143.0             750.0            803.0            7.1      
Kentucky ......:       64.0             62.0             257.0            279.0            8.6      
Louisiana .....:       15.0             14.0              58.0             58.0              -      
Maine .........:       30.0             30.0             145.0            144.0           -0.7      
Maryland ......:       50.0             49.0             252.0            247.0           -2.0      
Massachusetts .:       12.5             12.0              59.0             54.0           -8.5      
Michigan ......:      381.0            403.0           2,291.0          2,470.0            7.8      
Minnesota .....:      460.0            460.0           2,261.0          2,345.0            3.7      
Mississippi ...:       13.0             12.0              52.0             53.0            1.9      
Missouri ......:       90.0             87.0             336.0            345.0            2.7      
Montana .......:       14.0             14.0              75.0             74.0           -1.3      
Nebraska ......:       53.0             55.0             292.0            315.0            7.9      
Nevada ........:       29.0             28.0             164.0            175.0            6.7      
New Hampshire .:       14.0             14.0              71.0             70.0           -1.4      
New Jersey ....:        7.0              7.0              32.0             33.0            3.1      
New Mexico ....:      323.0            323.0           2,026.0          1,962.0           -3.2      
New York ......:      615.0            616.0           3,333.0          3,404.0            2.1      
North Carolina :       45.0             47.0             245.0            257.0            4.9      
North Dakota ..:       17.0             16.0              81.0             80.0           -1.2      
Ohio ..........:      266.0            268.0           1,325.0          1,358.0            2.5      
Oklahoma ......:       40.0             40.0             178.0            180.0            1.1      
Oregon ........:      124.0            125.0             638.0            636.0           -0.3      
Pennsylvania ..:      531.0            530.0           2,663.0          2,719.0            2.1      
Rhode Island ..:        0.9              0.9               4.2              4.1           -2.4      
South Carolina :       16.0             15.0              71.0             72.0            1.4      
South Dakota ..:       95.0            101.0             507.0            553.0            9.1      
Tennessee .....:       46.0             46.0             188.0            196.0            4.3      
Texas .........:      449.0            467.0           2,531.0          2,602.0            2.8      
Utah ..........:       95.0             96.0             516.0            549.0            6.4      
Vermont .......:      132.0            132.0             654.0            657.0            0.5      
Virginia ......:       93.0             93.0             449.0            448.0           -0.2      
Washington ....:      269.0            277.0           1,603.0          1,632.0            1.8      
West Virginia .:        9.0              9.0              35.0             36.0            2.9      
Wisconsin .....:    1,270.0          1,275.0           6,783.0          7,028.0            3.6      
Wyoming .......:        6.0              6.0              31.5             32.0            1.6      
United States .:    9,216.0          9,305.0          51,020.0         51,949.0            1.8      
-  Represents zero.                                                                                 
1/ Includes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                               
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                  

Milk Cows and Production - States and United States: Preliminary April - June 2014 and 2015
[May not add due to rounding]
               :     April - June milk cows1/      :        April - June milk production2/         
     State     :                 :                 :                 :              :    Change    
               :                 :                 :                 :              :     from     
               :      2014       :      2015       :      2014       :     2015     :     2014     
               :   1,000 head        1,000 head      million pounds   million pounds    percent    
Alabama .......:         8.5               8.0              31.0             29.0         -6.5     
Alaska ........:         0.3               0.3               0.9              0.9            -     
Arizona .......:       192.0             195.0           1,250.0          1,264.0          1.1     
Arkansas ......:         7.5               7.0              28.0             27.0         -3.6     
California ....:     1,779.0           1,778.0          10,979.0         10,652.0         -3.0     
Colorado ......:       144.0             145.0             914.0            947.0          3.6     
Connecticut ...:        19.0              19.5              97.0            102.0          5.2     
Delaware ......:         4.8               5.0              24.9             25.9          4.0     
Florida .......:       123.0             125.0             680.0            699.0          2.8     
Georgia .......:        81.0              82.0             452.0            468.0          3.5     
Hawaii ........:         2.2               2.2               7.8              8.4          7.7     
Idaho .........:       574.0             586.0           3,533.0          3,611.0          2.2     
Illinois ......:        94.0              95.0             482.0            495.0          2.7     
Indiana .......:       177.0             181.0             995.0          1,023.0          2.8     
Iowa ..........:       207.0             212.0           1,179.0          1,241.0          5.3     
Kansas ........:       141.0             144.0             799.0            825.0          3.3     
Kentucky ......:        64.0              62.0             268.0            288.0          7.5     
Louisiana .....:        15.0              14.0              57.0             52.0         -8.8     
Maine .........:        30.0              30.0             152.0            149.0         -2.0     
Maryland ......:        50.0              49.0             254.0            255.0          0.4     
Massachusetts .:        12.5              12.0              61.0             56.0         -8.2     
Michigan ......:       385.0             406.0           2,420.0          2,606.0          7.7     
Minnesota .....:       460.0             460.0           2,310.0          2,406.0          4.2     
Mississippi ...:        13.0              12.0              51.0             48.0         -5.9     
Missouri ......:        91.0              88.0             373.0            370.0         -0.8     
Montana .......:        14.0              14.0              76.0             77.0          1.3     
Nebraska ......:        54.0              56.0             302.0            326.0          7.9     
Nevada ........:        29.0              29.0             176.0            182.0          3.4     
New Hampshire .:        14.0              14.0              72.0             72.0            -     
New Jersey ....:         7.0               7.0              33.0             33.0            -     
New Mexico ....:       323.0             323.0           2,102.0          2,044.0         -2.8     
New York ......:       615.0             618.0           3,484.0          3,580.0          2.8     
North Carolina :        45.0              46.0             249.0            255.0          2.4     
North Dakota ..:        16.5              16.0              84.0             85.0          1.2     
Ohio ..........:       266.0             267.0           1,396.0          1,396.0            -     
Oklahoma ......:        40.0              40.0             186.0            184.0         -1.1     
Oregon ........:       125.0             123.0             666.0            646.0         -3.0     
Pennsylvania ..:       530.0             530.0           2,720.0          2,796.0          2.8     
Rhode Island ..:         0.9               0.9               4.5              4.0        -11.1     
South Carolina :        16.0              15.0              71.0             71.0            -     
South Dakota ..:        97.0             105.0             528.0            586.0         11.0     
Tennessee .....:        46.0              46.0             197.0            202.0          2.5     
Texas .........:       464.0             462.0           2,679.0          2,656.0         -0.9     
Utah ..........:        95.0              96.0             554.0            576.0          4.0     
Vermont .......:       131.0             132.0             677.0            682.0          0.7     
Virginia ......:        93.0              92.0             458.0            461.0          0.7     
Washington ....:       273.0             276.0           1,695.0          1,697.0          0.1     
West Virginia .:         9.0               9.0              37.0             37.0            -     
Wisconsin .....:     1,269.0           1,278.0           7,019.0          7,285.0          3.8     
Wyoming .......:         6.0               6.0              33.0             34.0          3.0     
United States .:     9,253.0           9,319.0          52,897.0         53,615.0          1.4     
-  Represents zero.                                                                                
1/ Excludes dry cows. Excludes heifers not yet fresh.                                              
2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves.                                                                 

Statistical Methodology

Survey Procedures: Primary data used to determine these estimates were 
obtained from a sample of producers. Individual States maintain a list of all 
known milk producers and information on the size of their herd. States use 
all known sources of producers to ensure that their lists are as complete as 
possible. Generally, all large producers and a sample of small producers are 
included in the survey. Questionnaires are mailed to producers near the end 
of the month to obtain data for the first day of the month. Additional 
reports are obtained by telephone, as needed, to supplement the mail 
response. Where feasible, States utilize state and federal administrative 
data to estimate milk production. This eliminates duplication of data 
gathering by different government agencies.  Indications of milk cow 
inventory are also obtained in the January Cattle Surveys.

Estimation Procedures: State offices prepare these estimates by using a 
combination of survey indications, historic trends, and any available 
administrative data. Individual State estimates are reviewed by the 
Agricultural Statistics Board for reasonableness.

Revision Policy: Milk production, milk per cow, and number of milk cows are 
subject to revision the following month after initial publication for monthly 
States or the following quarter for the quarterly States.  Normally, 
administrative data from Federal Market Orders, State Departments of 
Agriculture, or other sources are the main basis for revisions. However, 
administrative data for all States may not be available in time for these 
revisions. Estimates are again subject to revisions in February each year 
based on additional administrative data. In the event that additional changes 
are necessary, a third revision is possible in February the following year. 
Estimates are again reviewed after data from the five-year Census of 
Agriculture are available. No revisions are made after that date.

Reliability: Since all operations with dairy animals are not included in the 
sample, survey estimates are subject to sampling variability. Survey results 
are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions, duplications, and 
mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. The effects of 
these errors cannot be measured directly. They are minimized through rigid 
quality controls in the data collection process and through a careful review 
of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness.

To assist users in evaluating the reliability of the estimates in this 
report, the "Root Mean Square Error" is shown for selected items on the next 
page. The "Root Mean Square Error" is a statistical measure based on past 
performance and is computed using the differences between first and final 
estimates.  The "Root Mean Square Error" for milk cow inventory estimates 
over the past 20 quarters is 0.1 percent. This means that chances are 2 out 
of 3 that the final estimate will not be above or below the current estimate 
of 9.32 million head by more than 0.1 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 that 
the difference will not exceed 0.1 percent.

Reliability of Quarterly Milk Production Estimates
[Based on data for the past 20 quarters]
                              :  Root mean   :  90 percent  :        Difference between first and latest estimate         
                              : square error :  confidence  :         :         :         :               :               
                              :              :    level     :-------------------------------------------------------------
             Item             :              :              :         :         :         :           Quarters            
                              :              :              :         :         :         :-------------------------------
                              :              :              : Average :Smallest : Largest : Below latest  : Above latest  
                              :   percent        percent        -------- 1,000 --------          ----- number -----       
Milk production ..............:     0.1            0.2          52         2        141          17               3       
All milk cows ................:     0.1            0.1           5         0         13          14               4       

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to 
contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent 
to [email protected].

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........... (202) 720-3570

Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424
   Travis Averill - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ...... (202) 720-3040
   Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240
   Doug Bounds - Hogs and Pigs .................. (202) 720-3106
   Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236
   Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278
   Vacant - Sheep and Goats ..................... (202) 720-3570

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you would like to receive. 

For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against 
its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, 
color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, 
reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial 
or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's 
income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic 
information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded 
by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs 
and/or employment activities.) 
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, 
complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online 
at, or at any USDA 
office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a 
letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your 
completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, 
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at 
[email protected].


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