Farm computer usage and ownership

United States Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service

ISSN: 1949-0887

August 2015

Farm Computer Usage - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015............................................  8

Use of Internet - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015................................................ 10

Internet Access of Reports, Services, and Websites - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015............. 11

Conducting Business on the Internet - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015............................ 12

Primary Method of Internet Access - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015.............................. 14

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015........... 16

Use of Internet by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015............... 18

Internet Access of Reports, Services, and Websites by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and 
United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015............................................................................. 19

Conducting Business on the Internet by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, 
and 2015........................................................................................................ 20

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015........... 22

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015....................... 24

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015......... 26

Number of Farms - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2014................................................ 28

Survey Methodology.............................................................................................. 29

Information Contacts............................................................................................ 29

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Internet Access Increases as more Producers use Satellite and Wireless 

When U.S. producers were asked to respond to questions for USDA-NASS's 
biennial Farm Computer Usage and Ownership report, 70 percent report having 
access to the Internet, up 3 percentage points from 2013. A DSL (Digital 
Subscriber Line) connection is the most common method of accessing the 
Internet, with 30 percent of the farms in the United States using it, down 
from 35 percent in 2013. A wireless connection, at 29 percent, and a 
satellite connection at 21 percent, increased 5 and 4 percentage points, 
respectively. Other reported methods of accessing the Internet include cable 
modem service (12 percent), dial-up service (3 percent), and other or unknown 
(5 percent). 

Farms with computer access at 73 percent is slightly higher than the 71 
percent of the farms that reporting owning or leasing a computer. Computer 
access by sales class is 71 percent for sales class $1,000--$9,999; 70 
percent for sales class $10,000--$99,999; 73 percent for Sales Class 
$100,000--$249,999; and 85 percent for Sales Class $250,000 or more.  

Computer usage for farm business at 43 percent nationally, is up 3 percentage 
points from 2013. This compares with usage by the four geographic regions: 
West (48 percent), North Central (46 percent), Northeast (45 percent), and 
the South (36 percent). Comparing computer usage by crop and livestock farms, 
47 percent of the crop producers use the computer for farm business compared 
to 39 percent of the livestock producers. Computer uses include:

*	Purchasing agricultural inputs: 19 percent
*	Marketing activities: 16 percent
*	Accessing USDA-NASS reports: 10 percent
*	Accessing other USDA reports/services: 17 percent
*	Accessing other federal government websites: 17 percent
*	Conducting business with any USDA website: 9 percent
*	Conducting business with any other federal government website: 7 
*	Conducting business with a non-agricultural website: 44 percent

Farm Computer Usage - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
                 :                        Farms                        
                 :           With           :       That own or        
      State      :     computer access      :     lease computers      
                 :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                 :                       percent                       
Alabama          :   55       65       65       54       63       63   
Arizona 1/       :   55       57       62       52       55       60   
Arkansas         :   62       67       68       60       65       68   
California       :   68       75       77       65       72       74   
Colorado         :   80       78       79       79       77       79   
Florida          :   70       71       71       68       70       70   
Georgia          :   60       69       69       59       67       67   
Idaho            :   83       83       83       82       80       80   
Illinois         :   67       71       79       65       70       78   
Indiana          :   65       66       72       63       65       70   
Iowa             :   69       75       76       68       73       74   
Kansas           :   66       71       72       64       70       70   
Kentucky         :   59       64       65       58       61       61   
Louisiana        :   60       68       73       54       64       72   
Maryland 2/      :   60       72       72       59       68       69   
Michigan         :   73       71       71       63       69       69   
Minnesota        :   68       74       80       65       71       78   
Mississippi      :   59       62       68       56       59       64   
Missouri         :   57       66       66       55       65       66   
Montana          :   76       81       84       74       78       83   
Nebraska         :   72       78       78       71       75       76   
New Hampshire 3/ :   80       83       84       79       81       81   
New Jersey       :   77       80       82       75       79       79   
New Mexico       :   57       60       63       55       58       61   
New York         :   68       72       73       65       69       71   
North Carolina   :   69       70       74       66       67       72   
North Dakota     :   69       77       78       69       76       76   
Ohio             :   59       68       69       57       65       68   
Oklahoma         :   66       66       70       64       64       68   
Oregon           :   83       84       85       80       81       81   
Pennsylvania     :   60       62       64       57       60       62   
South Carolina   :   59       68       70       58       67       67   
South Dakota     :   68       74       75       66       72       74   
Tennessee        :   55       64       68       51       61       62   
Texas            :   60       68       75       57       66       73   
Utah             :   85       83       86       77       80       82   
Virginia         :   65       66       68       62       65       67   
Washington       :   80       84       84       78       81       81   
West Virginia    :   61       61       64       59       60       62   
Wisconsin        :   73       76       77       71       73       73   
Wyoming          :   84       81       85       79       80       84   
United States 4/ :   65       70       73       63       68       71   
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                        
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                     
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode    
   Island, and Vermont.                                                
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                         

Farm Computer Usage - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
                 :                        Farms                        
                 :     Using computers      :           With           
      State      :    for farm business     :     Internet access      
                 :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                 :                       percent                       
Alabama          :   25       33       33       53       61       64   
Arizona 1/       :   18       31       32       55       55       62   
Arkansas         :   29       36       40       58       64       67   
California       :   44       44       54       63       72       76   
Colorado         :   47       39       47       72       75       78   
Florida          :   45       46       46       69       70       71   
Georgia          :   38       34       38       57       66       68   
Idaho            :   46       43       46       76       79       79   
Illinois         :   43       53       55       63       70       72   
Indiana          :   39       42       47       62       63       66   
Iowa             :   52       53       53       66       71       74   
Kansas           :   39       36       39       62       68       71   
Kentucky         :   23       30       33       55       61       65   
Louisiana        :   28       32       35       53       63       66   
Maryland 2/      :   34       37       44       59       68       70   
Michigan         :   38       43       43       62       67       70   
Minnesota        :   43       51       51       66       70       75   
Mississippi      :   27       30       32       51       58       61   
Missouri         :   33       30       40       52       62       66   
Montana          :   49       48       54       73       77       77   
Nebraska         :   52       47       56       69       72       75   
New Hampshire 3/ :   50       64       64       78       80       81   
New Jersey       :   57       58       58       75       79       79   
New Mexico       :   35       30       35       55       55       58   
New York         :   42       39       42       66       69       72   
North Carolina   :   41       34       42       65       66       71   
North Dakota     :   50       51       56       67       73       75   
Ohio             :   36       36       39       55       65       68   
Oklahoma         :   38       36       39       62       63       69   
Oregon           :   50       48       51       80       80       82   
Pennsylvania     :   36       34       38       58       59       62   
South Carolina   :   30       32       32       53       63       67   
South Dakota     :   42       38       46       63       72       75   
Tennessee        :   26       29       35       52       61       65   
Texas            :   30       36       37       58       66       68   
Utah             :   48       45       48       79       76       78   
Virginia         :   29       29       35       61       64       68   
Washington       :   47       44       49       76       80       80   
West Virginia    :   30       31       35       58       58       61   
Wisconsin        :   42       46       47       67       72       72   
Wyoming          :   37       47       54       78       78       79   
United States 4/ :   37       40       43       62       67       70   
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                        
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                     
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode    
   Island, and Vermont.                                                
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                         

Use of Internet - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Agricultural inputs include seed, fertilizer, chemicals, veterinarian supplies,
feed, machinery, replacement parts, farm supplies, office equipment, etc.
Agricultural marketing activities include direct sales of commodities, on-line
crop and livestock auctions, on-line market advisory services, commodity price
tracking, etc.]
                 :                              Farms                              
                 :     Purchase agricultural      :      Conduct agricultural      
      State      :             inputs             :      marketing activities      
                 :         over Internet          :         over Internet          
                 :   2011   :   2013   :   2015   :   2011   :   2013   :   2015   
                 :                             percent                             
Alabama          :     9         12         11          4         14         13    
Arizona 1/       :    11         16         21          6         12         16    
Arkansas         :    11         17         20          7         12         13    
California       :    18         18         21         11         14         15    
Colorado         :    18         21         20         15         14         12    
Florida          :    17         16         21         15         14         12    
Georgia          :    13         18         26         15         12         15    
Idaho            :    22         20         21         10          9         14    
Illinois         :    13         21         20         16         19         22    
Indiana          :    10         14         24          9         16         22    
Iowa             :    16         19         22         25         30         28    
Kansas           :    13         14         15         10         11         14    
Kentucky         :    11         12         16          6          9         12    
Louisiana        :    11         11         16         10          6          5    
Maryland 2/      :    17         21         24         13         14         18    
Michigan         :    14         22         21         10         19         17    
Minnesota        :    13         16         15         18         24         20    
Mississippi      :    10         10         13         10          5         10    
Missouri         :    11         10         18         10          8         15    
Montana          :    18         21         36         16         17         27    
Nebraska         :    15         16         22         23         19         24    
New Hampshire 3/ :    30         43         40         18         33         28    
New Jersey       :    39         37         38         18         21         25    
New Mexico       :    11         16         16          7          8         10    
New York         :    24         22         28         10         13         16    
North Carolina   :    17         19         20         18         16         16    
North Dakota     :    16         16         22         16         20         20    
Ohio             :    13         11         15         10         12         16    
Oklahoma         :    15         16         20         13         12         12    
Oregon           :    17         27         28         15         20         24    
Pennsylvania     :    15         17         23          7         12         11    
South Carolina   :    11         10         13          8          8          6    
South Dakota     :    11         13         12         13         12         15    
Tennessee        :    10         11         17         11         10         11    
Texas            :    12         11         14          7          8         12    
Utah             :    18         23         27         17         13         17    
Virginia         :    14         12         21          7         10         15    
Washington       :    18         14         22         17         14         20    
West Virginia    :    17         20         19          8         10          8    
Wisconsin        :    17         17         19         17         17         16    
Wyoming          :    15         27         33          8         13         17    
United States 4/ :    14         16         19         12         14         16    
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                                    
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                                 
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and    
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                     

Internet Access of Reports, Services, and Websites - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Reference period for access and usage of USDA reports, research information, and services is the last 12 months prior to
June 1 of survey year]
                 :                                                   Farms                                                   
                 :           :                       :           :                       :           :           :           
                 :         Access USDA/NASS          :         Access other USDA         :       Access other federal        
      State      :              reports              :         reports/services          :        government websites        
                 :           over Internet           :           over Internet           :           over Internet           
                 :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                 :                                                  percent                                                  
Alabama          :     3           3           5          10          11          11           7          12          12     
Arizona 1/       :     3           2           6          11          10          20           9          12          23     
Arkansas         :     4          10          13          12          15          21          12          12          22     
California       :     9           4          16          18          15          24          18          15          24     
Colorado         :     7           7           9          18          14          18          21          19          21     
Florida          :     9           9           9          15          13          15          17          14          19     
Georgia          :     3           6          10          14          10          18          11          10          11     
Idaho            :     7          16          16          20          25          25          28          25          28     
Illinois         :    10          13          14          16          21          22          14          17          19     
Indiana          :     7          14          14           9          18          19           8          16          16     
Iowa             :    16          15          17          23          23          25          17          15          18     
Kansas           :     8           8           8          13          15          17          13          12          13     
Kentucky         :     2           6           8           8           9          15           8           7           9     
Louisiana        :     7           3           7          10           7          10           9           6           9     
Maryland 2/      :     3           5           8          11          16          16          14          21          21     
Michigan         :     9          12          12          14          12          14          15          15          16     
Minnesota        :    12          11          12          16          19          19          13          13          15     
Mississippi      :     4           7           8          10          11          14           9          10          13     
Missouri         :     8           6          11          11          12          15          10           9          15     
Montana          :    10          10          11          19          16          19          28          24          28     
Nebraska         :     9          11          19          17          19          26          17          14          20     
New Hampshire 3/ :     8          14          14          22          27          27          28          37          31     
New Jersey       :    10          10          10          21          20          21          24          20          24     
New Mexico       :    10           7          10          13           5          13          11          10          12     
New York         :     8           5           8          11          12          14          21          18          24     
North Carolina   :     7           9           9          15          13          15          14          12          14     
North Dakota     :    12          11          15          19          21          26          16          14          20     
Ohio             :     5           5           8          12          10          12          11          11          15     
Oklahoma         :     6          12          12          15          14          17          14          14          16     
Oregon           :     8           7          12          18          16          22          25          32          28     
Pennsylvania     :     5           5           6           9          10          12          15          13          15     
South Carolina   :     5          13          13           6          15          15           4           9           9     
South Dakota     :     9          11          11          16          16          16          15          14          15     
Tennessee        :     5           6           9           9          11          13           8          10          10     
Texas            :     4           4           6           7           8          11          11          12          15     
Utah             :     8          12          16          17          20          24          24          20          24     
Virginia         :     7           4           8           9          12          13          16          19          24     
Washington       :     7          10          10          15          17          17          25          23          25     
West Virginia    :     5           7           7          10          16          16          19          14          19     
Wisconsin        :     8           9          10          16          16          16          16          21          21     
Wyoming          :     4           6           6           9          10          21          20          18          23     
United States 4/ :     7           8          10          13          14          17          14          14          17     
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                                                                              
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                                                                           
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                     
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                               

Conducting Business on the Internet - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
                 :                                 Farms                                 
                 :       Conduct business with       :     Conduct business with any     
      State      :         any USDA website          : other federal government website  
                 :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                 :                                percent                                
Alabama          :     1           7           7           1           1           1     
Arizona 1/       :     6           2           8           2           2           7     
Arkansas         :     2          11          11           3           9          12     
California       :     8           6          15           7           6          12     
Colorado         :     9          10          10          10           7          10     
Florida          :     6           5           6           7           5           8     
Georgia          :     6           5           9           6           4           6     
Idaho            :     4           4           8           7           3           7     
Illinois         :     6           8          14           4           7           8     
Indiana          :     4           7          10           4           6           6     
Iowa             :     7           9          11           7           6           8     
Kansas           :     5           7          11           3           4           9     
Kentucky         :     1           3           4           2           2           3     
Louisiana        :     4           5           5           4           3           4     
Maryland 2/      :     5           3          12           5           4           5     
Michigan         :     3           6          10           2           3           7     
Minnesota        :     6           9          10           4           4           5     
Mississippi      :     3           6           6           3           5           5     
Missouri         :     3           5           9           2           2           8     
Montana          :     7           7           7           7           6           7     
Nebraska         :     7          10          13           6           5           9     
New Hampshire 3/ :     9          20          20          12          12          12     
New Jersey       :    13          11          13          12           9          12     
New Mexico       :     5           6           6           4           5           5     
New York         :     3           1           4           1           1           3     
North Carolina   :     6           6           6           5           5           7     
North Dakota     :     6          14          14           4           5           9     
Ohio             :     3           3           6           2           4           5     
Oklahoma         :     5           7           7           4           3           7     
Oregon           :    10           6          12           7           9          10     
Pennsylvania     :     3           4           7           6           7           7     
South Carolina   :     5           7           7           3           1           3     
South Dakota     :     6           8           9           5           5           5     
Tennessee        :     3           6           6           3           4           6     
Texas            :     4           4           6           4           5           6     
Utah             :     7          10          13           4           7          10     
Virginia         :     2           4           7           2           3           5     
Washington       :     7           9           9          10          11          11     
West Virginia    :     4           6           6           6           3           6     
Wisconsin        :     5           6           9           4           8           8     
Wyoming          :     6           6           6           5           3           6     
United States 4/ :     5           6           9           4           5           7     
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                                          
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                                       
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. 
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                           

Conducting Business on the Internet - States and
United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
                 :               Farms               
                 :     Conduct business with any     
      State      :     non-agricultural website      
                 :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                 :              percent              
Alabama          :    22          30          31     
Arizona 1/       :    34          28          48     
Arkansas         :    22          29          37     
California       :    38          44          58     
Colorado         :    53          50          53     
Florida          :    51          49          51     
Georgia          :    23          30          35     
Idaho            :    54          54          54     
Illinois         :    44          47          51     
Indiana          :    32          43          45     
Iowa             :    38          46          46     
Kansas           :    34          36          39     
Kentucky         :    16          31          31     
Louisiana        :    35          30          30     
Maryland 2/      :    35          49          49     
Michigan         :    30          49          49     
Minnesota        :    36          50          50     
Mississippi      :    24          30          30     
Missouri         :    25          31          37     
Montana          :    56          65          65     
Nebraska         :    38          48          51     
New Hampshire 3/ :    45          70          69     
New Jersey       :    51          49          51     
New Mexico       :    35          32          32     
New York         :    33          30          48     
North Carolina   :    38          35          44     
North Dakota     :    38          43          52     
Ohio             :    26          31          34     
Oklahoma         :    32          39          42     
Oregon           :    58          56          58     
Pennsylvania     :    34          29          37     
South Carolina   :    14          36          36     
South Dakota     :    38          38          43     
Tennessee        :    26          25          31     
Texas            :    34          44          44     
Utah             :    57          54          57     
Virginia         :    32          40          40     
Washington       :    51          53          53     
West Virginia    :    28          24          34     
Wisconsin        :    43          47          47     
Wyoming          :    50          45          55     
United States 4/ :    35          40          44     
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                      
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                   
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New   
   Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.             
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                       

Primary Method of Internet Access - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet]
                 :                                   :                                   :                                   
      State      :              Dialup               :                DSL                :               Cable               
                 :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                 :                                                  percent                                                  
Alabama          :    24           6           5          49          36          21          10           9          19     
Arizona 1/       :    22           3           2          20          29          23          17          10           2     
Arkansas         :     7           6           5          43          41          35          11          10          14     
California       :     2           1           1          43          27          20           9          24          10     
Colorado         :    12           3           3          11          22          25           8           6           4     
Florida          :    15           1           1          36          44          43          15           7          18     
Georgia          :    11           4           4          61          54          48           8           7           4     
Idaho            :    11          12           2          39          34          28           7          11           6     
Illinois         :     9           2           2          31          26          26           8          17          14     
Indiana          :    20           7           4          25          33          24           6           5           7     
Iowa             :    10           6           5          36          34          26           7          11          14     
Kansas           :     5           6           2          35          25          25          16          18          17     
Kentucky         :    16           1           2          50          50          52          10          13           4     
Louisiana        :    15           1           1          37          33          27           9           8          18     
Maryland 2/      :    11           4           1          23          20          18          22          23          26     
Michigan         :    24           7           7          26          24          21          13          17          17     
Minnesota        :    12           7           2          42          43          28           4           7          11     
Mississippi      :    16           8           3          35          47          31          12          10           8     
Missouri         :    16           6           4          37          35          29           5           5          11     
Montana          :     6           3           2          54          66          47           7           3           8     
Nebraska         :     8           3           1          34          38          27           5           5           8     
New Hampshire 3/ :     6           1           1          37          36          34          29          38          33     
New Jersey       :     7           1           2          31          24          26          49          69          43     
New Mexico       :    15           4           2          38          61          28          14           6           5     
New York         :    15           7           6          51          30          22          15          34          25     
North Carolina   :     7           8           6          58          54          45          14          14          19     
North Dakota     :     4           4           3          49          31          34          13          30          16     
Ohio             :    15          11           5          26          24          20          25          17          20     
Oklahoma         :     9           4           4          39          30          26           6           4           9     
Oregon           :     9           6           7          32          29          23          10          15           7     
Pennsylvania     :     8           7           3          52          43          43          24          23          23     
South Carolina   :    15           7           3          37          46          49          18           5          12     
South Dakota     :     9           6           4          39          40          27           9           8          16     
Tennessee        :    13           4           2          38          34          33          17          20          14     
Texas            :    12           6           3          33          32          26          11          11          10     
Utah             :     4           1           1          40          53          32          13          11          15     
Virginia         :    16          19           2          32          20          37           9           3           6     
Washington       :    12           5           3          32          34          27          17          19           9     
West Virginia    :    15           7           2          37          34          50           9          12          11     
Wisconsin        :    12           3           3          51          43          34           8           5           7     
Wyoming          :    10           9           1          18          34          22           4           3           2     
United States 4/ :    12           5           3          38          35          30          11          13          12     
1/ Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                                                                              
2/ Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                                                                           
3/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                     
4/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                               

Primary Method of Internet Access - States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet]
                 :                                                   Farms                                                   
                 :                                   :                                   :              Other/               
      State      :             Satellite             :             Wireless              :              unknown              
                 :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                 :                                                  percent                                                  
Alabama          :     7          28          28           6          19          25           4            2          2     
Arizona 1/       :    18          35          39          11           8          31          12           15          3     
Arkansas         :    19          11          22          14          21          20           6           11          4     
California       :    11          20          34          26          19          28           9            9          7     
Colorado         :    23          31          31          40          31          31           6            7          6     
Florida          :     9          19          18          15          13          16          10           16          4     
Georgia          :     5           7          20          14          24          22           1            4          2     
Idaho            :    17          12          28          22          28          32           4            3          4     
Illinois         :    19          19          23          31          31          33           2            5          2     
Indiana          :    16          16          22          26          34          38           7            5          5     
Iowa             :    11          14          19          28          28          28           8            7          8     
Kansas           :    22          17          20          20          29          34           2            5          2     
Kentucky         :    11          16          17           7          12          17           6            8          8     
Louisiana        :    13          22          20          19          20          30           7           16          4     
Maryland 2/      :    10          18          20          30          30          31           4            5          4     
Michigan         :     8           7          17          25          34          34           4           11          4     
Minnesota        :    11          10          16          25          27          37           6            6          6     
Mississippi      :    21          17          20          10          12          34           6            6          4     
Missouri         :    17          23          23          22          29          32           3            2          1     
Montana          :    18          11          18          14          15          24           1            2          1     
Nebraska         :    15          12          23          36          34          39           2            8          2     
New Hampshire 3/ :    12           6           7          10          11          19           6            8          6     
New Jersey       :     4           5          14           5           1          13           4          (Z)          2     
New Mexico       :    13          14          41          16           9          19           4            6          5     
New York         :     5          12          18          10          13          24           4            4          5     
North Carolina   :     7           6          10          11          13          15           3            5          5     
North Dakota     :    13           9          11          16          19          27           5            7          9     
Ohio             :     7          15          19          25          30          30           2            3          6     
Oklahoma         :    24          28          20          19          29          38           3            5          3     
Oregon           :    17          23          23          26          21          37           6            6          3     
Pennsylvania     :     4           9           6           9          13          21           3            5          4     
South Carolina   :     9          13          11          18          29          22           3          (Z)          3     
South Dakota     :     9           9          15          29          27          33           5           10          5     
Tennessee        :    11          11          19          15          26          27           6            5          5     
Texas            :    21          24          27          19          23          29           4            4          5     
Utah             :    20           5          19          15          28          28           8            2          5     
Virginia         :    24          12          19          15          33          32           4           13          4     
Washington       :    15          21          33          16          12          24           8            9          4     
West Virginia    :    18          20          17          16          25          18           5            2          2     
Wisconsin        :    10          13          22          17          32          32           2            4          2     
Wyoming          :    36          39          32          32          12          42           0            3          1     
United States 4/ :    15          17          21          20          24          29           4            6          5     
(Z) Less than half of the unit shown.                                                                                        
1/  Includes Arizona and Nevada.                                                                                             
2/  Includes Delaware and Maryland.                                                                                          
3/  Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                    
4/  Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                              

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States:
2011, 2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the
previous year]
                           :                        Farms                        
                           :           With           :       That own or        
           Region          :     computer access      :     lease computers      
                           :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                           :                       percent                       
Northeast 1/               :   68       71       72       65       69       71   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   68       73       75       64       71       73   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   69       70       72       67       67       70   
  $100,000 or more         :   69       68       68       65       66       66   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   60       57       57       56       56       56   
    $250,000 or more       :   80       79       79       76       75       76   
  Crop farms               :   69       72       73       67       69       70   
  Livestock farms          :   68       70       71       64       68       69   
North Central 2/           :   66       72       73       64       70       72   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   62       68       69       59       66       68   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   62       69       71       61       67       68   
  $100,000 or more         :   78       80       80       77       78       78   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   71       71       71       70       69       69   
    $250,000 or more       :   82       85       85       81       83       83   
  Crop farms               :   68       72       74       66       70       72   
  Livestock farms          :   64       71       73       61       69       69   
South 3/                   :   61       67       68       59       65       67   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   58       66       67       56       64       66   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   63       66       66       60       63       63   
  $100,000 or more         :   75       77       77       72       75       76   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   67       70       71       63       69       70   
    $250,000 or more       :   80       81       81       77       78       78   
  Crop farms               :   62       68       69       60       65       66   
  Livestock farms          :   61       67       69       59       65       68   
West 4/                    :   74       77       77       72       75       75   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   70       73       73       68       71       71   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   74       77       79       74       75       77   
  $100,000 or more         :   85       86       88       84       85       85   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   79       80       82       77       79       79   
    $250,000 or more       :   90       90       91       89       89       91   
  Crop farms               :   74       79       81       72       77       78   
  Livestock farms          :   74       75       76       72       73       73   
United States 5/           :   65       70       73       63       68       71   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   61       67       71       59       66       69   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   63       68       70       62       66       67   
  $100,000 or more         :   77       80       80       77       78       78   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   68       73       73       68       71       71   
    $250,000 or more       :   84       84       85       83       83       83   
  Crop farms               :   67       71       73       65       69       71   
  Livestock farms          :   63       70       73       62       67       69   
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New    
   York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,      
   Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,  
   Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,   
   Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.                                           
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,   
   Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.                                        
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                   

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States:
2011, 2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the
previous year]
                           :                        Farms                        
                           :     Using computers      :           With           
           Region          :    for farm business     :     Internet access      
                           :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                           :                       percent                       
Northeast 1/               :   42       44       45       66       68       69   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   36       35       38       65       70       72   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   45       53       53       67       67       69   
  $100,000 or more         :   58       61       61       62       64       64   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   42       47       47       49       56       56   
    $250,000 or more       :   75       70       70       75       73       73   
  Crop farms               :   42       44       45       67       68       70   
  Livestock farms          :   42       44       46       63       67       68   
North Central 2/           :   41       44       46       62       68       70   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   25       27       28       58       65       67   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   41       41       44       56       64       67   
  $100,000 or more         :   64       65       67       74       77       78   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   53       56       59       67       68       69   
    $250,000 or more       :   71       72       72       79       82       82   
  Crop farms               :   44       48       50       63       68       69   
  Livestock farms          :   36       37       40       59       67       68   
South 3/                   :   31       34       36       58       64       66   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   25       26       30       55       63       65   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   36       42       42       59       63       63   
  $100,000 or more         :   55       60       62       70       75       76   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   43       52       53       62       69       70   
    $250,000 or more       :   66       67       70       75       78       79   
  Crop farms               :   32       35       37       59       64       66   
  Livestock farms          :   30       33       36       58       64       66   
West 4/                    :   44       43       48       70       73       74   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   31       29       37       65       69       69   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   54       53       57       72       73       76   
  $100,000 or more         :   71       68       72       84       83       85   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   62       60       60       76       76       78   
    $250,000 or more       :   79       73       82       89       87       88   
  Crop farms               :   49       46       54       70       75       77   
  Livestock farms          :   40       40       44       70       71       72   
United States 5/           :   37       40       43       62       67       70   
  $1,000 to $9,999         :   27       28       32       58       65       67   
  $10,000 to $99,999       :   41       45       45       60       65       66   
  $100,000 or more         :   63       66       66       76       77       78   
    $100,000 to $249,999   :   52       56       57       67       69       71   
    $250,000 or more       :   72       72       73       82       82       82   
  Crop farms               :   41       45       47       64       68       70   
  Livestock farms          :   34       36       39       61       66       68   
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New    
   York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,      
   Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,  
   Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,   
   Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.                                           
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,   
   Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.                                        
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                   

Use of Internet by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011,
2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the previous
year. Agricultural inputs include seed, fertilizer, chemicals, veterinarian
supplies, feed, machinery, replacement parts, farm supplies, office equipment, etc.
Agricultural marketing activities include direct sales of commodities, on-line crop
and livestock auctions, on-line market advisory services, commodity price
tracking, etc.]
                         :                           Farms                           
                         :    Purchase agricultural    :    Conduct agricultural     
          Region         :           inputs            :    marketing activities     
                         :        over Internet        :        over Internet        
                         :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   
                         :                          percent                          
Northeast 1/             :   22        26        27        10        17        17    
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   19        21        25         8        12        12    
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   26        28        29        13        25        25    
  $100,000 or more       :   28        38        38        16        23        23    
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   17        30        31        11        14        22    
    $250,000 or more     :   40        45        45        22        30        30    
  Crop farms             :   23        24        28        10        17        19    
  Livestock farms        :   21        28        28        10        17        17    
North Central 2/         :   13        16        18        15        18        19    
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    9         9        10         6         6         8    
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   12        14        17        13        15        17    
  $100,000 or more       :   21        26        29        29        33        33    
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   15        20        23        22        26        26    
    $250,000 or more     :   25        29        32        33        37        37    
  Crop farms             :   13        17        19        17        21        22    
  Livestock farms        :   14        14        17        11        12        15    
South 3/                 :   13        13        17         9        10        12    
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   10         9        13         6         6         8    
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   14        17        18        12        15        15    
  $100,000 or more       :   25        29        32        24        27        29    
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   21        24        26        17        23        23    
    $250,000 or more     :   29        33        38        30        29        33    
  Crop farms             :   12        13        17        10        10        13    
  Livestock farms        :   13        13        17         9        10        11    
West 4/                  :   17        20        23        13        14        17    
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   13        15        15         7         8         9    
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   21        24        28        19        18        26    
  $100,000 or more       :   26        31        40        23        27        32    
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   20        23        33        19        24        24    
    $250,000 or more     :   31        36        45        28        30        38    
  Crop farms             :   18        19        24        13        15        21    
  Livestock farms        :   17        20        22        13        14        15    
United States 5/         :   14        16        19        12        14        16    
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   11        10        14         7         7         8    
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   15        17        20        13        16        16    
  $100,000 or more       :   23        27        32        26        30        31    
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   17        22        26        20        24        25    
    $250,000 or more     :   28        31        36        31        34        35    
  Crop farms             :   14        16        20        14        17        19    
  Livestock farms        :   14        15        19        10        12        13    
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,  
   Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                          
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
   North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.                                  
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,      
   Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
   Virginia, and West Virginia.                                                      
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,       
   Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.                                            
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                       

Internet Access of Reports, Services, and Websites by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011,
2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the previous year. Reference period for access
and usage of USDA reports, research information, and services in the last 12 months prior to June 1 of survey year]
                         :                                             Farms                                             
                         :         :                   :         :                   :           :           :           
                         :      Access USDA/NASS       :      Access other USDA      :       Access other federal        
          Region         :           reports           :      reports/services       :        government websites        
                         :        over Internet        :        over Internet        :           over Internet           
                         :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                         :                                            percent                                            
Northeast 1/             :    6         7         7        13        16        15         18          20          20     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    5         4         4        10        10        10         17          17          20     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    9        11        11        13        23        22         19          23          22     
  $100,000 or more       :    9        10        12        21        23        23         23          23          22     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   10        10        11        14        19        19         17          19          19     
    $250,000 or more     :    9        11        14        27        27        26         29          26          25     
  Crop farms             :    7        10        10        16        18        18         20          24          23     
  Livestock farms        :    6         4         5        10        14        13         17          16          17     
North Central 2/         :   10        10        12        15        17        18         13          14          16     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    4         5         5         7         7         8         10          10          11     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    9         8        11        14        15        15         12          12          14     
  $100,000 or more       :   18        19        21        28        30        32         21          22          24     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   14        14        17        21        25        26         16          16          19     
    $250,000 or more     :   21        23        23        33        34        35         24          26          27     
  Crop farms             :   11        13        14        18        20        22         15          17          18     
  Livestock farms        :    7         7         8        11        11        12         11          11          13     
South 3/                 :    5         7         8        10        11        13         11          12          14     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    3         4         5         7         7         8          9          10          12     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    6        10        10        12        15        17         12          14          14     
  $100,000 or more       :   12        14        17        23        25        29         21          19          25     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    7         9        12        17        19        21         17          17          21     
    $250,000 or more     :   17        18        22        29        30        36         23          21          28     
  Crop farms             :    6         7        10        11        12        16         12          13          14     
  Livestock farms        :    4         6         7        10        11        13         11          11          14     
West 4/                  :    8         8        11        17        15        19         21          20          23     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    4         5         6        11        10        11         18          19          19     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   10        11        13        20        17        26         24          16          27     
  $100,000 or more       :   16        14        23        30        26        34         28          27          33     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   12        10        22        26        20        29         23          22          24     
    $250,000 or more     :   20        17        23        34        30        37         32          30          39     
  Crop farms             :   11         8        15        21        15        23         25          21          25     
  Livestock farms        :    6         8         8        13        15        16         19          19          22     
United States 5/         :    7         8        10        13        14        17         14          14          17     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    4         4         5         8         8         9         11          12          13     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    8         9        10        14        16        17         14          14          16     
  $100,000 or more       :   16        17        20        27        28        31         22          22          25     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   12        12        16        20        22        25         18          17          20     
    $250,000 or more     :   20        20        22        32        32        35         25          25          29     
  Crop farms             :    9        10        13        16        17        20         16          17          19     
  Livestock farms        :    5         7         7        11        11        13         13          13          15     
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and      
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,  
   and Wisconsin.                                                                                                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina,   
   Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.                                              
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.    
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                           

Conducting Business on the Internet by Economic Class, Type of Farm - Regions and United States:
2011, 2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the previous year]
                         :                                 Farms                                 
                         :       Conduct business with       :     Conduct business with any     
          Region         :         any USDA website          : other federal government website  
                         :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                         :                                percent                                
Northeast 1/             :     5           7           7           6           7           6     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :     3           6           5           7           5           4     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :     7           9          10           6           8           8     
  $100,000 or more       :     9          11          13           7          12          10     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :     6           9           9           2          10           9     
    $250,000 or more     :    13          12          15          12          13          12     
  Crop farms             :     6          10           9           6           9           8     
  Livestock farms        :     4           5           5           7           5           5     
North Central 2/         :     5           7          10           4           5           7     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :     2           2           4           2           2           3     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :     4           7           9           3           4           7     
  $100,000 or more       :    10          14          19           8           9          11     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :     8          10          14           5           7           8     
    $250,000 or more     :    12          16          21           9          10          13     
  Crop farms             :     6           9          13           5           7           8     
  Livestock farms        :     3           4           7           2           3           5     
South 3/                 :     4           5           6           4           4           5     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :     2           3           3           2           3           4     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :     4           7           7           4           5           6     
  $100,000 or more       :    11          12          15          11          10          13     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :     7          10          11           8           8          10     
    $250,000 or more     :    14          14          18          14          11          16     
  Crop farms             :     4           6           8           4           5           7     
  Livestock farms        :     3           5           5           3           4           5     
West 4/                  :     7           6          10           7           6           8     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :     5           3           5           5           4           5     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :     8           8          12           7           7          10     
  $100,000 or more       :    13          13          21          11          12          17     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    11           9          16           9           9          10     
    $250,000 or more     :    15          17          24          13          15          19     
  Crop farms             :     9           7          12           7           8          11     
  Livestock farms        :     6           6           8           6           5           6     
United States 5/         :     5           6           9           4           5           7     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :     3           3           4           3           3           4     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :     5           7           8           4           5           7     
  $100,000 or more       :    11          13          18           9          10          12     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :     8          10          13           6           8           9     
    $250,000 or more     :    13          15          21          11          11          15     
  Crop farms             :     6           8          11           5           7           8     
  Livestock farms        :     4           5           6           4           4           5     
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,              
   Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.                                                      
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North      
   Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.                                                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,        
   Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West   
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah,     
   Washington, and Wyoming.                                                                      
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                   

Conducting Business on the Internet by Economic Class, Type
of Farm - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments
received during the previous year]
                         :               Farms               
                         :     Conduct business with any     
          Region         :     non-agricultural website      
                         :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                         :              percent              
Northeast 1/             :    37          39          47     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    37          37          49     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    37          40          48     
  $100,000 or more       :    40          41          41     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    29          30          30     
    $250,000 or more     :    51          52          52     
  Crop farms             :    39          43          52     
  Livestock farms        :    36          35          43     
North Central 2/         :    35          42          44     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    30          39          40     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    32          37          39     
  $100,000 or more       :    44          51          51     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    37          42          45     
    $250,000 or more     :    50          57          57     
  Crop farms             :    36          44          46     
  Livestock farms        :    32          40          40     
South 3/                 :    30          36          37     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    27          33          35     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    31          39          39     
  $100,000 or more       :    40          43          49     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    33          40          43     
    $250,000 or more     :    46          46          54     
  Crop farms             :    29          35          39     
  Livestock farms        :    30          36          36     
West 4/                  :    48          49          50     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    46          45          45     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    49          52          53     
  $100,000 or more       :    53          56          60     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    45          50          50     
    $250,000 or more     :    60          60          69     
  Crop farms             :    49          50          54     
  Livestock farms        :    47          48          48     
United States 5/         :    35          40          44     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    32          37          39     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :    34          40          40     
  $100,000 or more       :    45          49          52     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    37          42          44     
    $250,000 or more     :    51          55          56     
  Crop farms             :    37          43          46     
  Livestock farms        :    33          39          39     
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New           
   Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode      
   Island, and Vermont.                                      
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,       
   Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South  
   Dakota, and Wisconsin.                                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,   
   Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North         
   Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,     
   Virginia, and West Virginia.                              
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana,   
   Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                               

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet. Economic class refers to sales
and government payments received during the previous year]
                         :                             :                             :                                   
          Region         :           Dialup            :             DSL             :               Cable               
                         :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                         :                                            percent                                            
Northeast 1/             :    9         5         3        47        37        34         25          33          27     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    9         6         3        50        36        35         26          34          26     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   10         3         4        46        39        33         23          36          28     
  $100,000 or more       :    8         5         2        35        38        34         23          26          27     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   12         7         1        46        44        38         13          19          11     
    $250,000 or more     :    6         4         2        29        34        35         29          30          33     
  Crop farms             :    9         5         3        48        38        33         27          34          29     
  Livestock farms        :    9         5         3        46        36        36         23          32          25     
North Central 2/         :   13         6         3        36        33        27          9          11          12     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   16         7         4        36        34        23         11          14          15     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   12         5         4        36        33        28         10          10          13     
  $100,000 or more       :    8         5         3        37        33        29          7           8          10     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   11         5         4        37        34        28          7           9          11     
    $250,000 or more     :    7         5         3        36        33        28          7           8           9     
  Crop farms             :   10         5         3        37        32        26         10          12          14     
  Livestock farms        :   15         7         4        35        36        29          8           9          10     
South 3/                 :   13         6         3        39        36        33         11          11          11     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   13         6         3        39        33        32         11          12          13     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   15         6         3        40        42        34         11          10           9     
  $100,000 or more       :   10         4         3        42        40        33         10           9          11     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   11         5         4        41        37        31         11          11          12     
    $250,000 or more     :    9         4         3        42        41        34         10           7          11     
  Crop farms             :   11         5         3        40        37        30         11          11          13     
  Livestock farms        :   13         6         4        39        36        33         11          11          11     
West 4/                  :    9         4         3        34        35        24         11          14           8     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   10         5         4        34        35        23         13          15           8     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   12         5         3        35        35        22          6          14           8     
  $100,000 or more       :    6         3         2        35        35        27          8          11           8     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    4         4         2        33        35        29          9          11           5     
    $250,000 or more     :    8         2         1        36        35        25          8          11          11     
  Crop farms             :    6         3         3        35        35        24         10          15          10     
  Livestock farms        :   11         6         4        34        35        24         11          12           6     
United States 5/         :   12         5         3        38        35        30         11          13          12     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   13         6         3        38        34        29         13          15          14     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   13         5         4        38        38        31         11          12          11     
  $100,000 or more       :    8         4         3        37        35        30          9          10          11     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   10         5         3        37        36        31          8          10          10     
    $250,000 or more     :    7         4         2        37        35        30          9          10          11     
  Crop farms             :   10         5         3        38        34        27         12          14          14     
  Livestock farms        :   13         6         4        38        36        31         11          12          11     
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and      
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,  
   and Wisconsin.                                                                                                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina,   
   Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.                                              
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.    
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                           

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class - Regions and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet. Economic class refers to sales
and government payments received during the previous year]
                         :                             :                             :              Other/               
          Region         :          Satellite          :          Wireless           :              unknown              
                         :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :   2011    :   2013    :   2015    
                         :                                            percent                                            
Northeast 1/             :    6         8         9         9        11        21          4           6           6     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :    3         7         8         8        10        22          4           7           6     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   11        10        13         8        10        16          2           2           6     
  $100,000 or more       :   12        12         7        15        14        23          7           5           7     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :    9        15        17        17        13        25          3           2           8     
    $250,000 or more     :   14        10         5        14        15        20          8           7           5     
  Crop farms             :    3         7        10         8         8        18          5           8           7     
  Livestock farms        :    9        10         8        10        13        22          3           4           6     
North Central 2/         :   13        14        16        25        30        35          4           6           7     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   12        13        18        21        27        34          4           5           6     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   13        15        15        25        31        34          4           6           6     
  $100,000 or more       :   14        15        15        30        33        36          4           6           7     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   12        13        14        28        33        37          5           6           6     
    $250,000 or more     :   16        16        16        31        32        36          3           6           8     
  Crop farms             :   12        13        15        27        32        35          4           6           7     
  Livestock farms        :   15        17        18        23        26        33          4           5           6     
South 3/                 :   17        19        20        16        22        27          4           6           6     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   18        20        20        15        23        26          4           6           6     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   15        17        22        15        20        26          4           5           6     
  $100,000 or more       :   15        17        18        18        23        31          5           7           4     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   16        17        15        17        22        33          4           8           5     
    $250,000 or more     :   15        18        19        19        24        29          5           6           4     
  Crop farms             :   14        17        19        18        24        29          6           6           6     
  Livestock farms        :   18        20        20        15        21        26          4           6           6     
West 4/                  :   17        21        28        23        19        30          6           7           7     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   16        21        30        21        17        30          6           7           5     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   17        18        24        25        21        34          5           7           9     
  $100,000 or more       :   19        23        27        24        22        26          8           6          10     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   18        18        27        25        25        27         11           7          10     
    $250,000 or more     :   19        26        28        23        20        25          6           6          10     
  Crop farms             :   18        19        26        23        22        28          8           6           9     
  Livestock farms        :   17        22        30        22        17        31          5           8           5     
United States 5/         :   15        17        21        20        24        29          4           6           5     
  $1,000 to $9,999       :   14        17        20        17        22        29          5           6           5     
  $10,000 to $99,999     :   14        16        19        20        24        29          4           5           6     
  $100,000 or more       :   15        17        18        26        28        32          5           6           6     
    $100,000 to $249,999 :   14        15        16        25        28        34          6           6           6     
    $250,000 or more     :   16        17        18        26        28        32          5           6           7     
  Crop farms             :   13        14        19        22        27        31          5           6           6     
  Livestock farms        :   16        19        21        18        21        28          4           6           5     
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and      
2/ Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,  
   and Wisconsin.                                                                                                    
3/ Includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina,   
   Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.                                              
4/ Includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.    
5/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                           

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013,
and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the
previous year]
                           :                        Farms                        
        Type of farm       :           With           :       That own or        
                           :     computer access      :     lease computers      
                           :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                           :                       percent                       
Grain and oilseed farms    :   72       74       76       71       72       73   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   66       67       71       65       65       69   
  $250,000 or more         :   86       85       85       83       83       83   
Cotton farms               :   72       78       78       70       77       77   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   69       69       69       68       68       68   
  $250,000 or more         :   78       85       85       77       84       84   
Beef cattle farms          :   60       67       67       58       65       65   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   59       66       66       58       63       63   
  $250,000 or more         :   81       81       81       80       80       80   
Dairy farms                :   64       66       66       63       64       64   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   52       49       49       51       47       47   
  $250,000 or more         :   83       79       79       81       77       77   
Crop farms                 :   67       71       73       65       69       71   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   63       68       68       61       66       66   
  $250,000 or more         :   84       85       85       83       84       84   
Livestock farms            :   63       70       73       62       67       69   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   62       69       69       60       66       66   
  $250,000 or more         :   82       82       82       81       79       79   
All farms 1/               :   65       70       73       63       68       71   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   62       68       68       62       66       67   
  $250,000 or more         :   84       84       85       83       83       83   
1/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                   

Farm Computer Usage by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013,
and 2015
[Economic class refers to sales and government payments received during the
previous year]
                           :                        Farms                        
        Type of farm       :     Using computers      :           With           
                           :    for farm business     :     Internet access      
                           :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                           :                       percent                       
Grain and oilseed farms    :   53       56       59       69       71       72   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   43       47       52       63       64       67   
  $250,000 or more         :   72       71       73       82       82       82   
Cotton farms               :   54       58       58       68       74       74   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   45       50       50       62       65       65   
  $250,000 or more         :   61       65       68       73       81       81   
Beef cattle farms          :   32       35       38       57       63       63   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   31       34       36       56       62       62   
  $250,000 or more         :   67       57       61       79       78       78   
Dairy farms                :   49       50       50       61       63       63   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   35       31       32       49       46       46   
  $250,000 or more         :   71       71       71       79       76       76   
Crop farms                 :   41       45       47       64       68       70   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   34       38       40       60       65       65   
  $250,000 or more         :   73       73       76       83       83       83   
Livestock farms            :   34       36       39       61       66       68   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   32       34       37       59       65       65   
  $250,000 or more         :   69       67       67       79       77       77   
All farms 1/               :   37       40       43       62       67       70   
  $1,000 to $249,999       :   33       36       38       60       65       66   
  $250,000 or more         :   72       72       73       82       82       82   
1/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                   

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet. Economic class refers to
sales and government payments received during the previous year]
                             :                             :                             :                          
         Type of farm        :           Dialup            :             DSL             :          Cable           
                             :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                             :                                       percent                                        
Grain and oilseed farms      :    9         5         3        35        31        26        10       11       11   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   10         5         4        36        31        26        12       12       13   
  $250,000 or more           :    6         4         3        35        32        26         7        9        9   
Cotton farms                 :    9         3         4        38        33        38         8        8        8   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :    6         4         6        37        35        39         8        7        9   
  $250,000 or more           :   12         3         3        38        31        38         8        8        8   
Beef cattle farms            :   15         7         4        37        39        31        12        9       11   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   15         7         4        37        40        31        12        9       11   
  $250,000 or more           :   12         6         2        37        36        32         6        6       11   
Dairy farms                  :   12         7         4        41        37        35         7       10       14   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   14         8         6        46        44        36         6        8       11   
  $250,000 or more           :    9         6         2        37        34        34         8       12       16   
Crop farms                   :   10         5         3        38        34        27        12       14       14   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   11         5         3        38        34        27        13       15       15   
  $250,000 or more           :    6         4         3        37        34        27         9       10       10   
Livestock farms              :   13         6         4        38        36        31        11       12       11   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   13         6         4        38        36        30        11       12       11   
  $250,000 or more           :   10         6         1        36        37        33         8        8       13   
All farms 1/                 :   12         5         3        38        35        30        11       13       12   
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   12         6         3        38        35        29        12       13       13   
  $250,000 or more           :    7         4         2        37        35        30         9       10       11   
1/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                      

Primary Method of Internet Access by Economic Class, Type of Farm - United States: 2011, 2013, and 2015
[Primary method of Internet access for those operators who have access to the Internet. Economic class refers to
sales and government payments received during the previous year]
                             :                             :                             :          Other/          
                             :          Satellite          :          Wireless           :         unknown          
         Type of farm        :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011   :  2013   :  2015   :  2011  :  2013  :  2015  
                             :                                       percent                                        
Grain and oilseed farms      :   14        15        17        28        32        36        4         6       7    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   12        14        17        26        32        34        4         6       6    
  $250,000 or more           :   17        17        17        31        32        37        4         6       8    
Cotton farms                 :   18        22        23        24        27        25        3         7       2    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   19        16        20        25        26        25        5        12       1    
  $250,000 or more           :   17        26        24        23        29        25        2         3       2    
Beef cattle farms            :   16        18        19        16        22        29        4         5       6    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   16        18        19        16        21        29        4         5       6    
  $250,000 or more           :   21        26        20        19        22        28        5         4       7    
Dairy farms                  :   14        15        16        23        25        27        3         6       4    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   14        15        17        19        19        24        1         6       6    
  $250,000 or more           :   14        14        16        27        28        29        5         6       3    
Crop farms                   :   13        14        19        22        27        31        5         6       6    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   12        14        18        21        26        30        5         6       7    
  $250,000 or more           :   15        17        18        28        29        34        5         6       8    
Livestock farms              :   16        19        21        18        21        28        4         6       5    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   16        19        21        18        21        28        4         6       6    
  $250,000 or more           :   19        20        20        23        23        27        4         6       6    
All farms 1/                 :   15        17        21        20        24        29        4         6       5    
  $1,000 to $249,999         :   14        17        21        20        23        28        4         6       6    
  $250,000 or more           :   16        17        18        26        28        32        5         6       7    
1/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                                                      

 Farm Numbers

To help equate the percentages published in this report to actual farm 
counts, a table showing "Number of Farms by States and United States" from 
the February 2015 NASS publication "Farms, Land in Farms" is included below. 
A farm is "any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were 
produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the year."

Number of Farms by States and United States: 2011, 2013, and 2014
[2015 number of farms not available until February 2016]
        State       :        2011         :        2013         :        2014         
                    :                             number                              
Alabama             :         45,000                43,500                43,400      
Arizona             :         19,000                19,600                19,600      
Arkansas            :         46,000                44,600                44,000      
California          :         78,400                77,900                76,400      
Colorado            :         36,600                35,600                35,000      
Delaware            :          2,450                 2,450                 2,500      
Florida             :         47,700                47,700                47,600      
Georgia             :         43,400                42,000                41,100      
Idaho               :         25,100                24,500                24,400      
Illinois            :         75,500                75,100                74,500      
Indiana             :         61,100                58,500                58,200      
Iowa                :         88,900                88,500                88,000      
Kansas              :         62,400                61,800                61,000      
Kentucky            :         78,600                76,500                76,400      
Louisiana           :         28,500                27,300                27,200      
Maryland            :         12,400                12,400                12,300      
Michigan            :         52,700                52,000                51,600      
Minnesota           :         75,400                74,400                74,000      
Mississippi         :         38,800                37,300                37,100      
Missouri            :        101,000                99,000                97,700      
Montana             :         28,700                28,100                27,800      
Nebraska            :         49,700                49,600                49,100      
Nevada              :          3,900                 4,150                 4,200      
New Hampshire 1/    :         34,550                34,950                34,940      
New Jersey          :          9,400                 9,100                 9,100      
New Mexico          :         23,800                24,800                24,700      
New York            :         35,800                35,500                35,500      
North Carolina      :         50,800                50,000                49,500      
North Dakota        :         31,100                30,800                30,300      
Ohio                :         75,300                75,000                74,500      
Oklahoma            :         81,500                80,100                79,600      
Oregon              :         36,200                35,000                34,600      
Pennsylvania        :         60,000                59,300                58,800      
South Carolina      :         25,900                24,800                24,400      
South Dakota        :         32,000                32,000                31,700      
Tennessee           :         70,600                68,000                67,300      
Texas               :        248,500               248,500               245,500      
Utah                :         17,900                18,200                18,100      
Virginia            :         46,100                46,000                45,900      
Washington          :         37,800                37,000                36,700      
West Virginia       :         21,900                21,400                21,300      
Wisconsin           :         71,200                69,800                69,000      
Wyoming             :         11,800                11,500                11,700      
United States 2/    :      2,123,400             2,094,250             2,076,240      
1/ Includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and       
2/ Excludes Alaska and Hawaii.                                                        

Survey Methodology

Survey Procedures: The June Agricultural Survey is conducted every year to 
provide estimates of farm numbers and land in farms, crop acres planted, 
grains and oilseeds in storage, livestock inventories, and land values. In 
the odd-numbered years from 1997 through 2015, questions were added to the 
survey form that asked the operator about access and use of computers. Some 
states were combined due to their low number of responses. When this occurs, 
it is footnoted in the tables. Estimates are revised periodically to provide 
a better foundation for current and future estimates. Revisions are made when 
sufficient data become available to check the accuracy of the original 

Reliability: The 2015 computer usage estimates are based on responses from 
over 27,846 agricultural operations and represent all sizes and types of 
farms. Coefficients of variations (CVs) at the national level in 2015 were 8 
percent or less.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Environmental, Economics, and Demographics 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for additional information.  E-
mail inquiries may be sent to

Troy Joshua, Chief, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch.............. (202) 720-6146

Tony Dorn, Head, Economics Section................................................. (202) 690-3223

   Rachel Antzak - Cash Receipts, Land Values...................................... (202) 720-5446
   Tynesha Boomer - Farm Production Expenditures................................... (202) 720-9168
   Daryl Brinkman - Prices Received, Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices........ (202) 720-8844
   Kuan Chen - Prices, Prices Research............................................. (202) 690-3347
   Liana Cuffman - Tenure, Ownership and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL)... (202) 720-2250
   Greg Gholson - Prices, Prices Research, Prices Received Indexes, Parity Prices.. (202) 690-1348
   Joe Hagedorn - Cash Rents, Grazing Fees, TOTAL.................................. (202) 690-3231
   Michael Mathison - Farm Production Expenditures................................. (202) 720-3243
   Judy McDermott - Prices Paid, Prices Paid Indexes............................... (202) 690-3229

Scott Shimmin, Head, Environmental and Demographics Section........................ (202) 720-0684
   Stephanie Brennan - Field Crops Chemical Use ................................... (202) 690-0392
   David Colwell - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports......................... (202) 690-3233
   Doug Farmer - Vegetable Chemical Use............................................ (202) 720-7492
   Ginger Harris - Census of Agriculture........................................... (502) 582-5293
   Steve Peterson - Farms, Land in Farms, Census................................... (202) 720-5581
   Jackie Ross - Census of Agriculture............................................. (202) 720-7644
   Miste Salmon - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports.......................... (202) 690-3226
   Theresa Varner - Farm Labor, Chemical Use....................................... (202) 690-2284

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 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
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Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
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