Cotton system consumption and stocks

ISSN: 2378-2471

Released August 3, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).


April 2015 contained 30 days.
May 2015 contained 31 days.
June 2015 contained 30 days.

Extra long staple cotton consumed on the cotton system was 614 thousand 
pounds in June 2015, down 29 percent from May 2015 and down 38 percent from 
April 2015. June stocks on hand on the last Saturday of the month totaled 2.4  
million pounds up 38 percent from May and up 28 percent from April. 

Total Manmade fiber consumed on the cotton system was 35.0 million pounds 
during June 2015, down 6 percent from May 2015 and down 1 percent from April 
2015. Of the total manmade fiber consumed, 90 percent was polyester staple.

Total number of spindles on the cotton system was 1.13 million during June 
2015. Active spindles consuming 100 percent cotton was 592 thousand in June 
2015, down 2 percent from May 2015 and down 2 percent from April 2015.

Consumption and Stocks - United States: April 2015 - June 2015
                            Item                            :  April 2015   :   May 2015    :   June 2015   
Extra long staple                                           :                                               
  Consumed                                                  :                                               
    Running bales ....................................number:     2,001           1,711           1,230     
    Weight .....................................1,000 pounds:       998             859             614     
  Stocks on hand (last Saturday of the month)               :                                               
    Running bales ....................................number:     3,796           3,546           4,909     
    Weight .....................................1,000 pounds:     1,901           1,774           2,440     
Rayon and acetate staple                                    :                                               
  Consumed .....................................1,000 pounds:     1,040             972             373     
  Stocks on hand (last Saturday of the month) ..1,000 pounds:       553             (D)             852     
Polyester staple                                            :                                               
  Consumed .....................................1,000 pounds:    30,255          33,331          31,392     
  Stocks on hand (last Saturday of the month) ..1,000 pounds:    20,929          19,854          24,290     
Other manmade fiber staple                                  :                                               
  Consumed .....................................1,000 pounds:     3,986           2,731           3,205     
  Stocks on hand (last Saturday of the month) ..1,000 pounds:     3,853           4,444           4,652     
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                                            

Spindles in Place, Active Spindles and Spindle Hours Operated - United States: April 2015 - June 2015
                            Item                            :  April 2015   :   May 2015    :   June 2015   
Cotton-system spindles in place                             :                                               
  Ring spindles .......................................1,000:      734             735             736      
  Airjet spindles .....................................1,000:       30              30              30      
  Open-end spindles ...................................1,000:      337             350             363      
Cotton-system spindles active                               :                                               
  Spindles consuming 100% cotton ......................1,000:      605             606             592      
                                               million hours:      466             411             405      
  Spindles consuming 100% manmade fiber ...............1,000:       28              28              30      
                                               million hours:       19              18              18      
  Spindles consuming mixtures or blends ...............1,000:      457             462             467      
                                               million hours:      336             314             312      

Statistical Methodology 

Survey Procedures: Cotton System Consumption and Stocks is part of the 
Current Agricultural Industrial Reports (CAIR) program. CAIR reports are 
administered under NASS's Census of Agriculture program. Response to CAIR 
surveys are required by law (Title 7, U.S. Code). Data are collected from all 
known mills that consume cotton.

The census universe was determined during operation profile interviews which 
were completed for each potential facility to identify the presence of cotton 
consumption and spindle activity in 2014. 

In the Cotton and Manmade Fiber Staple survey questionnaires, mills are asked 
for previous calendar month data on cotton and manmade fiber consumed, stocks 
and spindle activity. Mills are mailed questionnaires with the options of 
completing the survey by mail or by Electronic Data Reporting (EDR). For 
surveys not received in a reasonable amount of time, telephone follow-up is 

Estimating Procedures: Imputation is done for operations with non-response by 
using historical data and current data relationships. Data for reporting 
firms are added to estimates for non-reporting firms to obtain National 

Revision Policy: Data are revised the following month based on late reports 
or corrected data. Final figures are published in the annual summary of the 
following year. The first annual summary will be published in March of 2016.

Reliability: Approximately 50 reports are received each month which represent 
about 95 percent of total spindles. Monthly data can vary due to different 
firms reporting month to month. Survey data are also subject to non-sampling 
errors such as omissions and mistakes in reporting and in processing the 
data. While these errors cannot be measured directly, they are minimized by 
carefully reviewing all reported data for consistency and reasonableness.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity statisticians in the Environmental, Economics, and 
Demographics Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to contact for 
additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to [email protected].

Troy Joshua, Chief, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch.. (202) 720-6146

Scott Shimmin, Head, Environmental and Demographics Section............ (202) 720-0684
   Stephanie Brennan - Field Crops Chemical Use ....................... (202) 690-0392
   David Colwell - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports............. (202) 690-3233
   Doug Farmer - Vegetable Chemical Use................................ (202) 720-7492
   Ginger Harris - Census of Agriculture............................... (502) 582-5293
   Steve Peterson - Farms, Land in Farms, Census of Agriculture........ (202) 720-5581
   Jackie Ross - Census of Agriculture................................. (202) 720-7644
   Miste Salmon - Current Agricultural Industrial Reports.............. (202) 690-3226
   Theresa Varner - Farm Labor, Chemical Use........................... (202) 690-2284

Access to NASS Reports

For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following 

 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and in the "Follow NASS" box under "Receive 
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For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
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