ISSN: 1949-1840
Released September 24, 2014, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA).
Broiler-Type Eggs Set in the United States Up 3 Percent
Hatcheries in the United States weekly program set 205 million eggs in
incubators during the week ending September 20, 2014, up 3 percent from a
year ago. Hatcheries in the 19 State weekly program set 198 million eggs in
incubators during the week ending September 20, 2014, up 3 percent from the
year earlier. Average hatchability for chicks hatched during the week in the
United States was 83 percent. Average hatchability is calculated by dividing
chicks hatched during the week by eggs set three weeks earlier.
Broiler-Type Chicks Placed in the United States Up 1 Percent
Broiler growers in the United States weekly program placed 173 million
chicks for meat production during the week ending September 20, 2014, up 1
percent from a year ago. Broiler growers in the 19 State weekly program
167 million chicks for meat production during the week ending September 20,
2014, up 1 percent from the year earlier. Cumulative placements from
December 29, 2013 through September 20, 2014 for the United States were 6.55
Cumulative placements were up slightly from the same period a year earlier.
Broiler-Type Eggs Set – 19 Selected States and United States: 2014
: Week
: August 16, : August 23, : August 30,
:September 6, :September 13,:September 20,
: 2014 : 2014 : 2014 :
2014 : 2014 : 2014
: 1,000
Alabama ………………….: 27,963 28,733 28,729
27,926 28,501 27,838
Arkansas …………………: 21,550 21,553 21,592
21,725 21,399 20,107
Delaware …………………: 4,516 4,567 4,400
4,416 4,424 4,473
Florida ………………….: 1,222 1,222 1,225
1,224 1,222 917
Georgia ………………….: 34,809 34,589 34,363
34,459 33,795 33,847
Kentucky …………………: 7,920 8,020 7,823
7,836 7,845 7,675
Louisiana ………………..: 3,817 3,817 3,787
3,787 3,787 3,605
Maryland …………………: 7,489 7,579 7,806
7,218 7,125 7,123
Mississippi ………………: 18,088 18,017 17,536
16,743 17,529 16,784
Missouri …………………: 8,472 8,474 8,354
8,533 8,503 7,893
North Carolina ……………: 21,093 21,053 20,681
20,593 19,027 20,144
Oklahoma …………………: 6,600 6,662 6,615
6,700 6,259 6,622
Pennsylvania ……………..: 4,150 4,419 4,480
4,422 4,585 4,412
South Carolina ……………: 5,497 5,166 5,123
5,416 5,037 5,158
Texas ……………………: 14,749 14,394 14,267
13,596 14,543 14,449
Virginia …………………: 6,439 6,444 6,447
6,461 6,393 6,495
California, Tennessee, :
and West Virginia ………..: 10,902 10,862 10,986
11,020 10,935 10,408
19 State total ……………: 205,276 205,571 204,214
202,075 200,909 197,950
Percent of previous year …..: 102 101 101
103 103 103
Other States ……………..: 7,994 7,913 7,845
7,757 7,746 7,491
United States …………….: 213,270 213,484 212,059
209,832 208,655 205,441
Percent of previous year …..: 102 101 102
103 103 103
Broiler-Type Chicks Placed – 19 Selected States and United States: 2014
: Week
: August 16, : August 23, : August 30,
:September 6, :September 13,:September 20,
: 2014 : 2014 : 2014 :
2014 : 2014 : 2014
: 1,000
Alabama ………………….: 21,518 21,132 20,795
21,639 22,189 22,009
Arkansas …………………: 19,047 19,097 19,869
19,343 19,315 20,851
Delaware …………………: 4,199 4,621 4,790
4,985 5,547 4,592
Florida ………………….: 1,299 1,534 1,300
1,290 1,182 1,265
Georgia ………………….: 28,209 27,243 27,761
26,957 27,767 27,086
Kentucky …………………: 6,618 6,415 6,646
6,713 6,762 6,037
Louisiana ………………..: 3,145 3,318 3,331
3,395 3,404 3,352
Maryland …………………: 5,955 6,337 6,336
6,419 4,814 6,098
Mississippi ………………: 14,775 15,142 15,217
15,095 15,009 14,513
Missouri …………………: 6,529 6,196 5,989
6,082 6,166 5,605
North Carolina ……………: 16,849 15,813 16,588
16,317 16,250 16,337
Oklahoma …………………: 4,371 4,501 4,033
4,342 4,387 3,706
Pennsylvania ……………..: 3,641 3,511 3,519
3,349 3,545 3,776
South Carolina ……………: 4,077 4,923 4,621
4,507 4,539 4,583
Texas ……………………: 11,894 11,994 11,913
12,289 11,988 11,318
Virginia …………………: 6,187 5,495 5,395
4,673 5,868 5,396
California, Tennessee, :
and West Virginia ………..: 10,846 10,894 9,574
10,389 9,753 10,701
19 State total ……………: 169,159 168,166 167,677
167,784 168,485 167,225
Percent of previous year …..: 101 102 100
101 101 101
Other States ……………..: 5,809 6,216 5,936
6,030 6,058 6,025
United States …………….: 174,968 174,382 173,613
173,814 174,543 173,250
Percent of previous year …..: 101 102 100
101 101 101
Tom Kruchten – Census of Aquaculture……………….
(202) 690-4870
Kim Linonis – Layers, Eggs …………………………
(202) 690-8632
(202) 690-3676
Vacant – Catfish Production, Egg Products, Mink, Trout Production …