Make room for fruits and vegetables during grilling season


Kelli Wilmes, MS, RD, LD, former Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Nodaway County, University of Missouri Extension

Grilling season is upon us with the arrival of warmer temperatures and longer days. People tend to think of hamburgers, steaks, brats and hot dogs for grill entrees. Instead, move the meat over and make room for the fruits and vegetables. Why not try zucchini, eggplant, asparagus or portabella mushrooms?

Research has shown that Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables each day. The USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for 2010 provide three key reasons why people should increase their fruit and vegetable consumption…

Grilling provides us with another opportunity to prepare these healthy fruits and vegetables in a quick and different way… In addition to tasting great, vegetables and fruit cook so quickly on the grill that they retain much of their vitamin and nutrient content.

For more health information and helpful tips for grilling fruits and veggies, see the full version of this article at


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