KU News: Book series soars to new heights

Today's News from the University of Kansas


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Contact: Rick Hellman, 785-864-8852, [email protected]
Book series soars to new heights

LAWRENCE – Stephen T. Johnson’s “My Little Blue Robot” is all grown up.

The retro-futuristic automaton has not changed in size but has been rebranded as “My Big Blue Robot.” It is one in a series of children’s books designed by the University of Kansas lecturer in graphic design & illustration to foster interactive, imaginative play while functioning as both a book and a toy.

“My Big Blue Robot” is one of three titles Johnson designed, wrote and illustrated between 2000 and 2012 that Simon & Schuster has just reissued along with his latest release, “My Big Silver Rocket Ship,” published in April. As both books and toys, the titles are available via online retailers and select brick-and-mortar stores.

Johnson teaches at KU’s School of Architecture & Design. Since graduating from KU in 1987, he has established a varied and celebrated career. He has won public art commissions from New York to Los Angeles with his large, collage-style imagery. He’s written children’s books, some of which have been honored with numerous awards. “Alphabet City” (Viking Children’s Books; reprinted by Puffin) was recognized with a New York Times Best illustrated Book of the Year (1995), a Caldecott Honor Award (1996) and was featured on “Good Morning America“ in its entirety.

Johnson also creates abstract and figurative paintings and mixed-media works that are widely exhibited in galleries and museums and are in demand by private collectors.

“Just as I wish for my design students at KU, I wish the same for each young reader engaged with these books: that they embark on creative explorations of their own and celebrate their individual and authentic voices,” Johnson said. “Doing this will take them to the stars and beyond.”

Johnson’s first interactive book, “My Little Red Toolbox” (Silver Whistle/Harcourt Inc., 2000), was inspired by a toolbox his father gave him when he moved to New York City to start his freelance art career. It is one of his most successful children’s books with sales of over 500,000 copies — a Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller.

After the success of his toolbox book, Johnson created four new, interactive books: “My Little Blue Robot” (2002), “My Little Yellow Taxi” (2006), “My Little Red Fire Truck” (2009) and “My Little Pink Princess Purse” (2010).

The latest, “My Big Silver Rocket Ship,” seeks to educate and entertains while engaging young readers with space exploration. Children can build a 3D, stand-alone rocket ship with 10 cardboard, die-cut pieces they punch out of the book. To launch their rocket, they lift a flap printed inside the book and press the red “ignition button” inside.

“While creating ‘My Big Silver Rocket Ship,’ I thought about our Kansas state motto, ‘Ad Astra Per Aspera,’ or ‘To the Stars Through Difficulties,’ ” Johnson said. “And indeed, this proved accurate, since this was not an easy book to design. Yet, in the end, it was highly rewarding.

“As I tell my students, facing our challenges and obstacles head-on, with a little luck sprinkled here and there, we can all grow, expand and reach our highest potential.”



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