Keeping up with your New Year’s Resolution


Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? About this time of year is when some people start failing at their resolution. I know I have been failing a little already.

It is okay to fail at it! Forming a new habit is hard! They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, well we are on day 31 and I know I want to quit; but I won’t!

My habit is to wake up earlier.  I am a morning person and my husband is a night owl and it doesn’t mix well and I usually end up losing and staying up late with him.

So, do not fret if you are having a hard time with your New Year’s Resolution! You can still do it!

To keep up your resolution you have to keep trying. Failing at it is normal. Remember from a previous article, to form a new habit do it with friends, make time for it and do something that you love to do.

Also, keep in mind starting small is better than having a huge goal to reach. For example, if you wanted to be healthier; choose to start small by exercising 3 times a week. Then bump that up after a few weeks, then add eating more vegetables and before you know it you will be living a healthier life style!

I had a health teacher tell me one time “do a little a lot, not a lot a little.” I always tell myself that when trying to form a new habit. As for me, I keep pushing back the time I wake up by 30 minutes. Right now, I am up at 5:30 am and I get a lot done in the mornings around my home when no one else is up. We also got a puppy, so I am forced to get up and let him out to do his business.

Remember: small progress is still progress.

Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183


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