Kansas State University Wheat In-Depth Diagnostic School set for May 17-18 in Colby


Professional agronomists and wheat producers should mark May 17 and 18 on their schedules for the latest Kansas State University Wheat In-Depth Diagnostic School, said Jeanne Falk Jones, K-State Research and Extension Sunflower District agronomist, and Lucas Haag, Northwest Area extension crops and soils specialist.

This year’s school will be held at K-State’s Northwest Research and Extension Center at 105 Experiment Farm Road, Colby.

“We have a tremendous program planned, with a full schedule of presentations on the latest research and lots of interesting field demonstrations,” Falk Jones said. “Anyone who works with wheat on a regular basis will benefit from our school this year.”

On May 17, the school runs from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. On May 18, the school begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m.

Topics presented by K-State agronomists will include:

  • Wheat Growth and Development
  • General Wheat Production Problems
  • Wheat Diseases and Treatment Options
  • Water Use of Wheat As Part of Rotations
  • Weed Identification
  • Weed Control with Wheat Herbicides
  • Soil Fertility Needs of Wheat
  • Sprayer Calibration
  • Wheat Insects and Their Interaction with Diseases
  • New Technology in Wheat Breeding


The day is tailored to be a hands-on learning opportunity for agronomy professionals, farmers and anyone interested in wheat production, Haag said. It has approval for certified crop advisor and commercial pesticide applicator credits.


The cost is $140 for both days for those who RSVP by May 9. After that date, the cost is $180 for both days. Register online for the school at http://www.northwest.k-state.edu/events/wheat-diagnostic-school/.


For more information, contact the K-State Northwest Research and Extension Center at 785-462-6281, Falk Jones at [email protected], or Haag at [email protected].



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