Kansas Farmer Veteran Coalition Formation Exploration Forum to be Held February 10


Exploration forum to determine and hopefully create the groundwork for a Kansas chapter of the Farmer Veteran Coalition


MCPHERSON, KS Jan. 29, 2015 – On Tuesday, Feb 10th at 3:00 p.m. the Kansas Farmers Union, the Kansas Farm Bureau, and the Farm Credit Associations of Kansas will host a forum to explore the possibility and interest of forming a Kansas chapter of the National Farmer Veteran Coalition.


We feel that there is a need and an opportunity for veterans interested in entering agriculture to form a Kansas chapter and we have set up this forum to help jump-start the process.


Any entities interested in becoming a part of the Kansas Farmer Veteran Coalition chapter are encouraged to participate. Veterans, organizations, anyone who wants to become involved are welcome.


It is expected there will be a representative from the National Farmer Veteran Coalition in attendance to help start the process.


The meeting will be held in Manhattan Kansas at the Frontier Farm Credit building at 2009 Vanesta Place, Manhattan KS 66503. View on Google Maps.


Please RSVP to Donn Teske.


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