Kansas Deer Hunting: After The Shot


If you’re new to deer hunting or processing your own meat, fear not the unchartered territory. The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism has an easy-to-follow, step-by-step field dressing video at http://ksoutdoors.com/field-dressing-a-deer.

Properly cared for, venison is delicious and healthy. But there are several important steps a hunter must take in the field after the deer is down. First a hunter should tag the carcass, then cool the meat as quickly as possible. This is done by immediately field dressing, or gutting, the deer. Next, prop open the ribcage and let cool air circulate throughout the body cavity. Take extra care to keep the meat clean when moving the carcass to a place of processing.

If you plan to have the meat processed by a commercial processor, it’s a good idea to call ahead and ensure they are open and accepting deer. Many hunters process their own deer. There are many videos and resources available online to help hunters do their own butchering.

Remember, attach the carcass tag before moving the deer and field dress and cool the meat as quickly as possible. Do this and your family will enjoy many delicious meals from your Kansas deer.

For information on hunting deer in Kansas, visit ksoutdoors.com and click “Hunting,” then “Big Game.”


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