Hutchinson SCORE Chapter and the Quest Center Host QuickBooks Training


The Hutchinson SCORE Chapter and the Quest Center are holding a QuickBooks Training Workshop on October 30th for those new to QuickBooks and on October 31st for those already working on QuickBooks, but would like to be better at it.

Beginners’ Training will be held on Thursday and will include:

Getting Started, Working with Chart of Accounts, Setting up new customers & vendors, Customer Transactions, Estimates, Invoices, Sales, Receipts & Payments, Vendor transactions, Analyzing Financial Reports, Account Reconciliation & working with Bank Accounts.

Advanced Training will be held on Friday and will include:

Managing accounts receivables & Payables, Customizing Forms & QuickBooks Shortcuts, Creating Custom Reports & working with Sales Orders, Managing Inventory & Job Costing, QuickBooks Versions & New and Advanced Features and Finding Answers.

Register at or call The Quest Center at 620-665-8468.  Cutoff is October 25th.  This is excellent training if you are considering QuickBooks or are already using it, but having challenges.


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