Winter canola featured at K-State field days this spring


Two events are scheduled in May

MANHATTAN, KAN. – The latest research and production information on winter canola will be featured at K-State Research and Extension field days on May 18 and May 30.

The field days are opportunities to see winter canola variety trials and producer fields, said Mike Stamm, K-State canola breeder. New and experimental varieties will be on display and a discussion will center on the challenges of the current growing season.

“The production year has not been without its struggles, starting with dry conditions for establishment last fall and expanding drought,” Stamm said. “We want to reassure producers that there are benefits to growing canola in rotation even in the years when we know production is going to be down.”

With harvest season approaching, harvest management options will also be discussed.

The dates, locations, and schedules for the field days are:

  • May 18 – Kingman County. The program begins at 9:00 a.m. at the variety trial and demonstration plots, three miles south of Norwich and one-half mile east on SE 160th St., just off of KS-2 Highway. New cultivars and production practices will be discussed. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Jake Renner, [email protected], or by calling 620-532-5131 by Wednesday, May 16.
  • May 30 – Harper County. The program begins at 11:00 a.m. at the variety demonstration plot located 1.5 miles east of Danville on US-160 highway. Lunch is sponsored by Progressive Ag Coop. RSVP to Monte Hampton at 620-561-1088.

For more information, contact Stamm at 785-532-3871 or [email protected].



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