Watering Young Trees and Shrubs


Young trees and shrubs have not established the root system necessary to survive
extreme heat and dry spells without supplemental water. After planting, it is essential to
keep the root ball area moist for several weeks, but even a couple years later it may be
necessary to periodically apply water to the area. Newly planted trees should receive 10
gallons of water weekly. Here are some tips for watering to eliminate waste and meet
plant needs.

• Direct water where it is needed (avoid watering
• Do not water on windy days
• Water between 6 PM and 10 AM to reduce
• Assess soil moisture before adding water to the
• Apply the water slowly so it can sink deep into
the root zone
• Build a reservoir (three to four-inches tall)
around trees to keep the water in the desired
• Use a water bag, or five-gallon bucket with a 1/8-inch hole drilled in the base, to
direct water to the base of trees.
• Mulch around plants to retain moisture and moderate soil temperature
• Understand water requirements of your plants. Provide water to plants only if
needed, not based on a schedule.


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