Using Leaves as Compost


They are falling down now! I love seeing fall colors on our trees! Then you can play in them but then you should do something with them…

They do make great mulch!

A mulch is any material applied to the soil surface for protection or improvement of the area covered. A layer of leaves applied to the surface of the soil as a mulch around trees, shrubs, in flower beds and in vegetable gardens will:

  • conserve soil moisture
  • control weeds and grasses
  • reduce soil erosion
  • prevent soil crusting
  • eliminate lawn mower disease-damage caused by mowing or
  • trimming too close to young trees

Passing yard waste through a shredder creates a more uniform mulch material. A string trimmer (or weed wacker) shreds dry leaves very quickly when inserted into a trash can partially filled with leaves. This also reduces the volume by over 50 percent and speeds up decomposition.

Credit: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture, K-State Research and Extension



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