The Harvey County Farmers Market

Horticulture News


The Harvey County Farmers Market begins May 18! This market is a long standing tradition that began back in 1983. We are located in the Old Mill parking lot West of the Breadbasket in Newton at 301 North Main.


This is a great place to get fresh vegetables (changes with the season), home baked goods, beef, and other homemade and home grown items produced locally for sale. In cooler months, the vegetables will be cool season crops and as the summer progresses we eventually have tomato, pepper, sweetcorn, melons and so much more!


There are many great reasons to support the farmers market! Buying food locally at the Harvey County Farmers Market ensures that your money is pumping up the local economy as opposed to million-dollar corporations. When you invest your money in local businesses, such as farmers and producers, you’re cutting out the middleman that grocery store chains have to also pay. When you make a purchase at a chain, percentages of the money go to a lot of different places (and people), so your dollar is less impactful within your community.


Alternatively, when you make a purchase at a local farmers market, the farmer pockets more of the money, therefore reinvesting that money into the local business in the community. Local businesses are also more likely to pay their employees fair wages, use sustainable practices, practice social justice, and care more about people and peoples’ well-being than their bottom line.


Chances are, not many of the employees at a big-chain grocery store are giving you nutrition or cooking advice — but when you shop at farmers markets, it’s usually just the opposite. Four out of five farmers tend to talk about farming practices with their market consumers and three in five discuss nutrition and how to prepare the food they are selling.


Mark your calendar for May 18 and the start of the 2024 Harvey County Farmers Market!


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