The following is a special announcement for those who are interested in treating for Pine Tip Moth.

KSRE - Horticulture News


First Generation Nantucket Pine Tip Moth

Peak flight of the first generation of Nantucket Pine Tip Moth was on April 12 in the Wichita area. This coincides with full bloom of Snowdrift Crabapple. Peak catch of this insect usually coincides with full bloom on Snowdrift Crabapple, thus we recommend that Christmas tree growers plant a Snowdrift to help with monitoring purposes.

The best time for control of the first-generation larvae is a spray 7 to 10 days following peak flight of the insect. For those of you that treat for this insect, the OPTIMUM days for control will be from now until Saturday, April 22 for the Wichita area. Note that growers further north will spray later. Watch the Snowdrift crabs for timing. Let’s hope for a period of lower wind speeds.

This is a pest primarily of Scots, ponderosa and mugo pines. Thanks to Willy Goevert of 4C Tree Farm for monitoring this pest. (Ward Upham)


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