
Horticulture News


The definition of a succulent plant is: Having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems. Defined by theses thick leaves, these hardy plants handle being forgotten during a vacation perfectly. Even more-so, some are so adapted to low moisture that they do best if you leave them alone for months at a time. Our theme for the Harvey County Home and Garden Show this year is “The Art of Succulents” to be held at the Dyck Arboretum in Hesston March 25 and 26, 2023.
My favorite succulent is the Jade. These common South African plants are enjoyed for their ease of care, though they may be more intensive and less drought tolerant than many other succulents. They require a little more attention to their moisture level than their drought-hardy friends, so if you can’t stand seeing dry soil, the Jade Plant is a fun choice! While normally sold quite small, the Jade Plant can certainly grow into a small, indoor tree at 5 feet tall! In time, its stems can develop a darker, thicker skin that resembles a tree trunk. It makes an interesting tree with numerous fat leaves on its branches!

The following is basic care of Jade:
1. Indoor or Outdoor: Best grown indoors, though some gardeners have luck outdoors.
2. Recommended zone: Hardy to zones 10-11.
3. Care difficulty: Intermediate.
4. Light: Full sun, as much as possible without burning the leaves, at least four hours per day.
5. Soil: Well-draining potting mix.
6. Water: Keep moist during growing season, allow to dry slightly during dormant period.
7. Fertilizer: At 25-50% strength once every 3-4 months. Do not fertilize dry soil.


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