Roundup-Branded Herbicides: Active Ingredient Changes


For decades, herbicide products sold under the trade name Roundup contained the active ingredient glyphosate. Glyphosate-containing products are labeled for non-selective
control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in landscape situations. Now, many Roundup-branded herbicides available to consumers no longer contain the active ingredient glyphosate.

Glyphosate has been replaced with active ingredients, such as diquat, fluazifop, imazapic and triclopyr. Trade names for these products include: Roundup Extended Control, Roundup Weed and Grass Killer – Exclusive Formula, and Roundup Dual Action.

These active ingredient changes have created confusion for consumers regarding where and when these products can be applied. Undesirable injury may occur if these active ingredients are inadvertently applied to landscape beds or vegetable gardens, as they cannot be used in the same manner as products containing glyphosate. It is important to note that these products control different weed species and have different application rates than previous products. This illustrates why reading and reviewing the label of any purchased herbicide is extremely important.

Moving forward, consumers and applicators must be aware of the active ingredients in
the Roundup products they purchase, as they may change. Be sure to carefully read and follow the labels. For more information about this topic, consult the Extension publication “UPDATE ON ROUND-UP BRANDED HERBICIDES FOR CONSUMERS”


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