November Gardening Calendar – Ornamentals


·      Weeks 1-4: Continue watering evergreens until the ground freezes. Soils must not be dry when winter arrives.

·      Weeks 1-4: Now is the ideal time to plant trees and shrubs. Before digging the hole, prepare the site by loosening the soil well beyond the drip line of each plant. Plant trees and shrubs at the depth they grew in the nursery and not deeper. Remove all wires, ropes and non-biodegradable materials from roots before back filling. Apply a 2-3 inch mulch layer, but stay several inches away from the trunk. Keep the soil moist, not wet, to the depth of the roots.

·      Weeks 1-4: Remove the spent flowers and foliage of perennials after they are damaged by frost.

·      Weeks 1-3: Newly planted broad-leaf evergreens such as azaleas, boxwood and hollies benefit from a burlap screen for winter wind protection. Set screen stakes in place before the ground freezes.

·      Week 1: Now is a good time to observe and choose nursery stock based on fall foliage interest.

·      Week 1: Plant tulips now.

·      Weeks 3-4: Mums can be cut back to within several inches of the ground once flowering ends. After the ground freezes, apply a 2 to 3 inch layer of loose mulch such as pine needles, straw or leaves.

·      Weeks 3-4: Mulch flower and bulb beds after the ground freezes, to prevent injury to plants from frost heaving.

·      Weeks 3-4: Roses should be winterized after a heavy frost. Place a 6 to 10-inch deep layer of mulch over each plant. Top soil works best. Prune sparingly, just enough to shorten overly long canes. Climbers should not be pruned at this time.

·      Weeks 3-4: Take steps to prevent garden pools from freezing solid in winter. Covering pools with an insulating material or floating a stock tank water heater in the pond will lessen the chance of ice damage.


·      Weeks 3-4: Covering garden pools with bird netting will prevent leaves from fouling the water. Oxygen depletion from rotting organic matter can cause winter kill of pond fish.

Gardening Calendar supplied by the staff of the William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening located at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri.(


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