Medicare Open Enrollment Period: Oct 15-Dec 7 2024

Horticulture News


The Medicare Open Enrollment period (OEP) is just around the corner! Each year from October 15 to December 7, Medicare beneficiaries may compare plans and make changes in their drug plan (Part D) or Medicare Advantage plan during this OEP. Elected changes will take effect on January 1, 2025.


Medicare drug plans are allowed to change their cost and coverage rules annually so it is important to read the Annual Notice of Change or Evidence of Coverage received each year to see if the plan still meets your needs. You should be receiving this in the mail by Sep 30th of each year.


Plan changes may affect your monthly premium, deductible, drug co-pays, and your pharmacy, doctor or hospital choices. It is important that you review your plan options each year during open enrollment to make sure you are receiving the most affordable price and minimize out-of-pocket costs.


Upcoming changes for the 2025 year that apply to all beneficiaries regardless of plan type include the elimination of the coverage gap, leading to an annual out of pocket limit of $2000 for Part D prescription drugs. Additionally, the option of a voluntary payment plan to help manage medication costs is new. This program does not lower or reduce medication prices. By answering a few questions, you can find out if this would be a good option for you here: or by consulting with a counselor.


There are several trained senior health insurance counselors at the K-State Research & Extension Office in Newton and around Harvey County who are ready to help you free of charge and provide unbiased information. Please contact one of the offices below to schedule an appointment to review your Medicare Part D drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan. (some locations may not be ready to take appointments yet, but should be able to let you know when they will be able to). K-State Research and Extension – Harvey County Office


Harvey Co Dept on Aging


Grand Central Senior Center (Newton)


Sedgwick Senior Center


Hesston Senior Center


Kidron Bethel


Newton Presbyterian Manor


Halstead Senior Center


Trinity Heights UMC



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