Master Food Volunteer Program


By: Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Science

Start 2015 right by sharing your talents and register for the Master Food Volunteer Program. If you enjoy cooking, like to share healthy meal plans, and feel a need to give back to your community, this is an excellent program for you.

Why become a Master Food Volunteer?
Make new friends who enjoy cooking and learning about healthy foods and nutrition.
Feel good about helping your community become healthier.

Access to private tours at food production sites and the latest foodie hotspots,
Develop leadership abilities and improve your technology and administrative skills.
Know you’ve made someone else’s life better

The Master Food Volunteer program utilizes the expertise of nutritionists, registered dieticians, food scientists and culinary experts to train volunteers in the areas of nutrition, cooking, food safety and preservation.

Master Food Volunteers are all about food, promoting good health and giving back to the community, Trainees who complete the program requirements become a part of a special volunteering team and participate in activities of their choosing.  All activities are geared toward the single purpose of educating the public and enhancing health and well being.

To become a Master Food Volunteer, you must:
? Enjoy being a lifelong learner ? Live in Harvey County ? Have at least a high school diploma or the equivalent ? Enjoy working with others in a fun, educational environment ? Participate in the 40 hour training class ? Commit to volunteer at least 40 hours of approved service in the community during the first year as a Master Food Volunteer
If you would like to be considered for this volunteer organization or desire more information, please contact:

Susan Jackson  [email protected]   316-283-6930 at the K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County Office.

More information is available on our website    Family and Consumer Sciences on the left side and find Master Food Volunteer information on the right.  Applications are available at this link or at the Harvey County Extension Office.

Volunteers come from all walks of life and are all ages, male and female, new mothers and retirees, rural residents and suburbanites. But they all share a passion for continued learning and a love of nutrition and cooking. Our volunteers extend this passion throughout our community making Harvey County a better and healthier place to live.
Our volunteer opportunities are endless and with our continual training programs, your personal growth and contribution to the community can last a lifetime. Whatever your goals, there is a place for you in the Master Food Volunteer Program.

Classes begin on January 7th from 1 pm to 5 pm at the Sedgwick County Extension Office.
Classes continue each first Wednesday of the month throughout 2015. Registration fee is $75.00 for notebook, apron and classroom supplies. Please register by January 5th.

This is a continual training so you may join Master Food Volunteer trainings at any monthly training.  Then you may pick up trainings   you have missed.


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